7 Ergebnisse
Principio De Celeridad En El Proceso Penal Colombiano En Comparación Con El Proceso Penal Estadunidense
El proceso Penal Colombiano está regido por la Ley 906 de 2004. Con este nuevo Código se dio origen al sistema penal acusatorio el cual incorporó nuevos modelos de gestión respecto a la administración de justicia, donde factores como el trabajo en equipo, la planeación, la organización y demás, (Consejo superior de la Judicatura, 2004) se unen en pro de dar cabal cumplimiento al principio de celeridad, lo que permite que el sistema judicial sea más rápido y efectivo. La Celeridad procesal es uno de los principios que rigen este sistema acusatorio y se aplica de manera obligatoria dentro del proceso penal Colombiano como también en el proceso penal Estadunidense, que a pesar de su forma de Gobierno federal, aun así existen mandamientos constitucionales que obliga a que en cada proceso penal sin importar el Estado, se apliquen los principios que rigen de manera general. Dicho lo anterior, surge para el investigador el siguiente interrogante: ¿El Principio de Celeridad aplicado en el proceso penal colombiano guarda relación con el sistema penal estadounidense?, para dar respuesta al mismo, se empleara como metodología el método cualitativo con el instrumento de recolección de información documental empleando artículos indexados, doctrina, y normatividad. ; Facultad de Derecho - Centro De Investigaciones Sociojurídicas ; The Colombian Criminal Procedure is governed by Law 906 of 2004, with this new Code gave rise to the accusatory criminal system which incorporates new management models regarding the administration of justice, where factors such as teamwork, planning, Organization and others, (Superior Council of the Judiciary, 2004) join in order to fully comply with the principle of speed, which allows the judicial system to be faster and more effective. The procedural speed is one of the principles that govern this accusatory system and is applied in a mandatory way within the Colombian criminal process as well as in the criminal process of the United States, which despite its form of federal government, even there are constitutional orders that oblige that in every criminal proceeding, regardless of the State, the principles that govern in a general way apply. Having said the above, the following question arises for the researcher: Does the Celerity Principle applied in the Colombian criminal process relate to the American criminal system? To answer it, the qualitative method with the collection instrument will be used as a methodology of documentary information using indexed articles, doctrine, and normativity.
Gender, culture, and dietary diversity among livestock keepers in Karamoja, Uganda
In: Social sciences & humanities open, Band 9, S. 100836
ISSN: 2590-2911
Participación ciudadana, gobernanza democrática y derecho al desarrollo: una revisión sistemática
In: Telos: revista de estudios interdisciplinarios en ciencias sociales, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 198-214
ISSN: 2343-5763
En el contexto de la gobernanza democrática y el derecho al desarrollo, este artículo aborda la relevancia de la participación ciudadana. Se ha explorado la interacción entre participación ciudadana, gobernanza democrática y derecho al desarrollo, un tema relevante, pero poco estudiado. El objetivo es identificar conceptos clave y relaciones mediante una revisión sistemática de literatura en bases de datos académicas indexadas, discerniendo buenas prácticas para fomentar la participación ciudadana. Utilizando el método PRISMA, se formularon preguntas de investigación y se buscaron artículos sobre la relación entre estos tres elementos. De los 45 documentos identificados inicialmente, se seleccionó un total de 21 artículos, los cuales presentaron incidencia directa con el tema de estudio. Los resultados muestran una relación compleja, destacando la importancia de la legitimidad, disposiciones constitucionales y condiciones contextuales. A su vez, se identifican hallazgos sobre dimensiones legales, económicas y sociales del derecho al desarrollo vinculadas a la participación ciudadana. La principal conclusión subraya la complejidad de esta relación, enfatizando la necesidad de enfoques adaptativos y contextuales para fortalecer la participación ciudadana como medio para una gobernanza democrática efectiva en el marco del derecho al desarrollo, por lo que este estudio ofrece una base para futuras investigaciones, políticas y prácticas que busquen profundizar la comprensión y promover un desarrollo integral y sostenible a través de la participación ciudadana.
Ubiquitous conformable systems for imperceptible computing
In: Foresight: the journal of future studies, strategic thinking and policy, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 75-98
ISSN: 1465-9832
PurposeAlthough conformable devices are commonly designed to couple with the human body for personalized and localized medicine, their applications are expanding rapidly. This paper aims to delineate this expansion and predict greater implications in diverse fields.Design/methodology/approachToday's device technologies continue to face fundamental obstacles preventing their seamless integration with target objects to effectively access, evaluate and alter self-specific physical patterns, while still providing physical comfort and enabling continuous data collection. Due to their extreme mechanical compliance, conformable devices permit the query of signals occurring at interfaces so as to decode and encode biological, chemical and mechanical patterns with high resolution, precision and accuracy. These unique and versatile capabilities allow for a marked change in the approach to tackling scientific questions, with the ability to address societal challenges at large.FindingsHere, this study highlights the current state of these devices in a wide range of fields, such as interactive teaching, textiles, robotics, buildings and infrastructure, agriculture, climate and space, and further forecasts essential features of these devices in the near future.Originality/valueThis study justifies conformable devices' growing utility through a novel quantitative analysis methodology that indexes peer-reviewed journal articles based on specific keywords, whereby this study tracks keyword frequency over time across specific fields in conjunction with conformability-like topics. The resulting trends' trajectories provide the foundation for this study's future projections. This study concludes with a perspective on the possible challenges concomitant with a ubiquitous presence of these technologies, including manufacturing, wireless communication, storage, compression, privacy and sharing of data, environmental sustainability, avoidance of inequality and bias and collaboration between stakeholders at all levels of impact.
A cancer-associated point mutation disables the steric gate of human PrimPol
PrimPol is a human primase/polymerase specialized in re-starting stalled forks by repriming beyond lesions such as pyrimidine dimers, and replication-perturbing structures including G-quadruplexes and R-loops. Unlike most conventional primases, PrimPol proficiently discriminates against ribonucleotides (NTPs), being able to start synthesis using deoxynucleotides (dNTPs), yet the structural basis and physiological implications for this discrimination are not understood. In silico analyses based on the three-dimensional structure of human PrimPol and related enzymes enabled us to predict a single residue, Tyr100, as the main effector of sugar discrimination in human PrimPol and a change of Tyr100 to histidine to boost the efficiency of NTP incorporation. We show here that the Y100H mutation profoundly stimulates NTP incorporation by human PrimPol, with an efficiency similar to that for dNTP incorporation during both primase and polymerase reactions in vitro. As expected from the higher cellular concentration of NTPs relative to dNTPs, Y100H expression in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and U2OS osteosarcoma cells caused enhanced resistance to hydroxyurea, which decreases the dNTP pool levels in S-phase. Remarkably, the Y100H PrimPol mutation has been identified in cancer, suggesting that this mutation could be selected to promote survival at early stages of tumorigenesis, which is characterized by depleted dNTP pools. ; We are thankful to Professor Ian J. Holt (BioDonostia, San Sebastian, Spain), for critical reading of the manuscript. We thank Sara Rodriguez-Acebes (CNIO) for advice regarding the assays with stretched DNA fibers. This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; BFU2012–3769, BFU2014– 51672-REDC and BFU2015–65880-P (co-funded with European Union FEDER funds) to L.B.; BFU2013– 49153-P and BFU2016–80402-R (co-funded with European Union FEDER funds) to J.M.). A.D.T., P.A.C. and D.G.A. are recipients of MINECO FPI-predoctoral fellowships. M.D. was the recipient of a FPI-predoctoral fellowship from Programa de Excelencia "Severo Ochoa" (CNIO-MINECO). G.S.M was the recipient of a JAE Predoctoral Fellowship from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). Funding for open access charge: Spanish MINECO [BFU2015–65880-P] ; Sí
A cancer-associated point mutation disables the steric gate of human PrimPol
PrimPol is a human primase/polymerase specialized in re-starting stalled forks by repriming beyond lesions such as pyrimidine dimers, and replication-perturbing structures including G-quadruplexes and R-loops. Unlike most conventional primases, PrimPol proficiently discriminates against ribonucleotides (NTPs), being able to start synthesis using deoxynucleotides (dNTPs), yet the structural basis and physiological implications for this discrimination are not understood. In silico analyses based on the three-dimensional structure of human PrimPol and related enzymes enabled us to predict a single residue, Tyr, as the main effector of sugar discrimination in human PrimPol and a change of Tyr to histidine to boost the efficiency of NTP incorporation. We show here that the Y100H mutation profoundly stimulates NTP incorporation by human PrimPol, with an efficiency similar to that for dNTP incorporation during both primase and polymerase reactions in vitro. As expected from the higher cellular concentration of NTPs relative to dNTPs, Y100H expression in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and U2OS osteosarcoma cells caused enhanced resistance to hydroxyurea, which decreases the dNTP pool levels in S-phase. Remarkably, the Y100H PrimPol mutation has been identified in cancer, suggesting that this mutation could be selected to promote survival at early stages of tumorigenesis, which is characterized by depleted dNTP pools. ; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; BFU2012–3769, BFU2014–51672-REDC and BFU2015–65880-P (co-funded with European Union FEDER funds) to L.B.; BFU2013–49153-P and BFU2016–80402-R (co-funded with European Union FEDER funds) to J.M.). A.D.T., P.A.C. and D.G.A. are recipients of MINECO FPI-predoctoral fellowships. M.D. was the recipient of a FPI-predoctoral fellowship from Programa de Excelencia "Severo Ochoa" (CNIO-MINECO)