Reactor designs and configurations for biological and bioelectrochemical C1 gas conversion: a review
Microbial C1 gas conversion technologies have developed into a potentially promising technology for converting waste gases (CO2, CO) into chemicals, fuels, and other materials. However, the mass transfer constraint of these poorly soluble substrates to microorganisms is an important challenge to maximize the efficiencies of the processes. These technologies have attracted significant scientific interest in recent years, and many reactor designs have been explored. Syngas fermentation and hydrogenotrophic methanation use molecular hydrogen as an electron donor. Furthermore, the sequestration of CO2 and the generation of valuable chemicals through the application of a biocathode in bioelectrochemical cells have been evaluated for their great potential to contribute to sustainability. Through a process termed microbial chain elongation, the product portfolio from C1 gas conversion may be expanded further by carefully driving microorganisms to perform acetogenesis, solventogenesis, and reverse -oxidation. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the various kinds of bioreactors that are employed in these microbial C1 conversion processes. ; This study was conducted in collaboration with researchers from four different institu tions (Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey; University of Minho, Portugal; Izmir Democracy University, Turkey, and University of A Coruña, Spain), who were supported by the following funding bodies: A.A. [Dokuz Eylul University, Scientific Research Foundation (DEU-BAP) (#2011.KB.FEN.046) and TUBİTAK (#119R029)]; L.P. [Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (UIDB/04469/2020), and FCT and European Social Fund (POPH-QREN) (POCI-01-0145-FEDER 031377)]; T.K. [TUBİTAK-CAYDAG (118Y305)]; and H.N.A. [Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2021/55)]. ; A.A. acknowledges the support by Dokuz Eylul University, Scientific Research Foundation (DEU-BAP), Turkey, for the award on (#2011.KB.FEN.046) "Direct Electricity Generation from Treatment Plant Sludges by using MFCs" research project. A.A. ...