This p aper explores the interaction between a credit crunch and the maturity of government debt, focusing on its impacts on an economy with heterogeneous house holds. We find that an increase in debt maturity helps softening the economicslump that follows a credit crisis. We show that, immediately after the credit shock,there is an output drop of nearly 1% when the asset available has on average onequarter of maturity, while a contraction of only 0.6% follows when debt durationhas three quarters. The rise of asset duration indirectly enhances the income e-ectsunleashed by general equilibrium price dynamics, which benefits bondholders andthus softens the recession. On the other hand, an increase on debt duration impairsthe improvement of wealth distribution on the long run. The main contributionthis paper paper is to show that debt maturity is a key element to understand themagnitude of a recession driven by credit and its welfare consequences.
Objetivo: detectar a presença de agrupamentos espaço-temporais dos casos de dengue em Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brasil, utilizando informações da localização e do tempo de cada ocorrência e a série histórica da precipitação pluviométrica do período de estudo. Métodos: o método Kernel foi utilizado para estimar a intensidade dos casos, enquanto a função K espaço-temporal e o método de varredura foram utilizados para detectar o padrão e identificar agrupamentos, respectivamente. Resultados: a partir dos 2.818 casos observados, verificou-se que a maior parte desses ocorreu no final dos períodos chuvosos. Também foi detectada a presença de agrupamentos de casos, principalmente na Região Central da cidade. Uma razão para a formação de agrupamentos pode ser devido à maior densidade populacional das regiões afetadas. Conclusão: os resultados mostram que indivíduos que moram em regiões densamente povoadas são mais propensos a contrair dengue. Os métodos estatísticos utilizados permitiram caracterizar a distribuição espaço-temporal dos casos de dengue e também podem ser utilizados para analisar outras doenças endêmicas ou pandêmicas, o que pode contribuir para as políticas de prevenção e combate à proliferação dessas doenças.
To evaluate the effect of organic chromium (Cr) and selenium (Se) supplementation on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing pigs, 300 castrated males were distributed in a randomized block design with three treatments and five replications of 20 pigs each. Treatments consisted of different diets, formulated to reach or exceed Rostagno et al. (2011) nutritional requirements, as follows: 1) control - basal diet without organic Cr and Se supplementation from 70 to 130 kg of body weight; 2) CrSe70 - basal diet supplemented with 0.8 mg kg-1 of Cr- and 0.6 mg kg-1 of Se-enriched yeast from 70 to 130 kg of body weight; 3) CrSe100 - basal diet without organic Cr and Se supplementation from 70 to 100 kg of body weight followed by basal diet supplemented with 0.8 mg kg-1 of Cr- and 0.6 mg kg-1 of Se-enriched yeast from 100 to 130 kg of body weight. Performance was evaluated by measuring body weight, daily weight gain, daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio. At the end of experimental period, pigs were sacrificed and lean meat percentage, longissimus dorsi muscle depth, back fat thickness, and carcass bonus index were determined using prediction equations generated by the software Hennessy System GP4 after carcass scanning with an electronic probe. Data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and in case of significant differences (P ? 0.05), means were compared by SNK multiple-range test. Daily feed intake (P = 0.008) and feed conversion ratio (P = 0.004) decreased for pigs supplemented with Cr- and Se-enriched yeast from 70 to 100 kg of body weight. Otherwise, pigs supplemented between 100 and 130 kg of body weight increased (P = 0.032) daily feed intake in comparison to the control group. Regarding carcass characteristics, Cr- and Se-enriched yeast supplementation increased (P = 0.019) longissimus dorsi muscle depth in both CrSe70 and CrSe100 treatments. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of Cr- and Se-enriched yeast for castrated male pigs between 70 and 130 kg of body weight increases longissimus dorsi muscle depth in carcass without affecting final body weight or daily weight gain of the animals.