Social Theorists of Morality: Essays on Moral Agency
In: Palgrave Studies in Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity
1. Introduction -- 2. W. E. B. Du Bois's Forgotten Sociology of Morality: Contesting the Foundations and Informing the Future of the Sociology of Morality -- 3. George Herbert Mead: Morality from the Perspective of the Act, Self, and Experience -- 4. Jane Addams's Sociology of Moral Practice and Practice of Moral Sociology -- 5. Alisdair MacIntyre: Virtue, Practices, Identity and Traditions -- 6. Carol Gilligan's Different Moral Voice: Gender, Ethics of Care, and the Reconstitution of the Moral Domain -- 7. Seyla Benhabib: Interactive Universalism, the Concrete Other, and Discourse Ethics -- 8. Kwame Anthony Appiah: Ethics, Identity, and Idealization -- 9. Jonathan Haidt: Social Intuitionism and Moral Foundations Theory -- 10. Conclusion: A Social Perspective on Moral Agency.