Alternative work organisations
An introduction to theoretical issues / Maurizio Atzeni -- Factory occupation, worker cooperatives and alternative production : lessons from Britain in the 1970s / Alan Tuckman -- Going underground : worker ownership and control at Tower Colliery / Russell Smith, Len Arthur, Molly Scott Cato and Tom Keenoy -- Workers participation in a globalized market, reflections on and from Mondragon / Joseba Azkarraga, George Cheney, Ainara Udaondo -- Democracy and solidarity : a study of Venezuelan cooperatives / Camila Piñeiro Harnecker -- From managed employees to self-managed workers : the transformations of labour at Argentina's worker-recuperated enterprises / Marcelo Vieta -- Institutional analysis and collective mobilisation in a comparative assessment of two cooperatives in India / Anita Hammer -- Self-help groups in Nairobi : welfare strategies or alternative work organizations? / Martino Ghielmi