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101 Ergebnisse
In: Politics from Blackstaff
In: A Blackstaff paperback original
In: Making contemporary Britain series
This second edition of Northern Ireland since 1968 provides a concise, thematic overview of the Northern Ireland conflict and its proposed solutions from the beginnings of the 'Troubles' up to the present day. Updated and expanded to include coverage of recent developments such as the publication of the Joint Declaration of 1993 and the Framework Documents of 1995, the book offers a clear analysis of the latest initiatives in the peace process and the local and international contexts within which these have evolved. The new edition includes an updated chronology of events and guide to further reading as well as an expanded list of dramatis personae making it the ideal introduction to the history of this most troubled region. It will be essential reading for students of contemporary history, politics and international relations
In: Springer eBook Collection
1:Technology for CADCAM -- The present state of computer-aided engineering industry and education -- CADCAM technology — five years ahead -- CAE — a longer view -- 2:Education for CADCAM -- A computer-aided engineering strategy for a university department of engineering -- Computer-aided design (CAD) in an electrical and electronic engineering degree course -- 3:Training for CADCAM -- Education and training initiatives -- Impact of new technology in the role of the engineering designer -- 4A: Experience in Education -- CAM-CAD education — the Paisley experience -- CAD in the context of engineering business — a necessary educational perspective -- Software engineering in mechanical and production engineering degree courses -- 4B: Experience in Training -- User training for CAE/CAD/CAM — a vendor view -- The management of system change -- 5: Workshop Reviews -- Approaches to teaching CADCAM: Chairman's summary -- The integration of CAD and CAM — the educational implications: Chairman's summary -- Integration of CAD and CAM (training implications): Chairman's summary -- Systems requirement for education: Chairman's summary -- Retraining of industrial personnel in CAD/CAM — users' experiences: Chairman's summary -- Management implications of CADCAM implementation: Chairman's summary -- CAM and the education of production engineers: Chairman's summary.
In: Springer eBook Collection
1 -- 1. Welcoming address -- 2. Integration and implementation of computer-aided engineering (CAE) — the strategy for innovative product design in the 1980s -- 3. Getting the CADCAM tool working -- 4. Encouraging new technology links between industrial and teaching institutions: Aston Science Park -- 2: Ergonomics -- 5. Education for human-centred systems -- 6. CAD and the human operator -- 3: Training — general -- 7. The training needs of CADCAM -- 8. New directions in training -- 9. Skills and knowledge requirements for CADCAM -- 10. The teaching of CAD — a review of the proceedings of a conference held at Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, April 1982 -- 11. The integration of a commercial CAD package in the teaching of CAE on an undergraduate course -- 4: Training — curriculum and training equipment -- 12. The development of micro-based procedure for the teaching of three-dimensional geometric design -- 13. A comprehensive approach for CAD ED curriculum elaboration -- 14. New technology-based training and its role in CADCAM -- 15. A review of computer graphics equipment for engineering applications -- 16. Educational software for CAD teaching -- 17. Implementing graphics in design, process and manufacturing industries -- 18. PELICAM: An interactive educational software for training students to the finite element method -- 19. Computer-aided design for design and craft students -- 5: Training — the introduction of CADCAM into particular disciplines -- 20. Training requirements for architects: a view from an experienced user -- 21. Education and training in computer-aided building design -- 22. Introducing CAD into the design office -- 23. Training and learning during the introduction of an interactive computer-aided building design system into government design offices -- 24. Implications of CADCAM for training in the engineering industry -- 25. A practical approach to the training of engineers -- 26. Educating engineering designers: the introduction of desktop computers and software to the design environment -- 27. Computer-aided design for chemical engineers -- 28. A practical approach to training in the use of an integrated plant modelling system -- 29. Computer-aided design and development planning -- 30. A case history of introducing CAD into a large aerospace company -- 6: Training course experience -- 31. Teaching CAD for electronics at the Norwegian Institute of Technology — present status and future trends -- 32. Post-professional education in computers in architecture at the University of Sydney -- 33. CAD in the Cambridge Engineering Tripos 1977–82 -- 34. CAD in structural engineering at UMIST -- 35. CAD — the first year -- 36. Six years of teaching computer-aided design at the University of Stellenbosch -- 37. CADCAM education at Cranfield Institute of Technology -- 38. Teaching computer graphics to mechanical engineers in Britain and the United States -- 39. The teaching of CAE in a polytechnic engineering department — Huddersfield experience -- 40. Teaching CAD and CAM -- 41. A practical approach to CADCAM training -- 42. Promoting industrial awareness of CADCAM -- 7: International experience -- 43. International implementation of a CAAD project in schools of architecture -- 44. A cost-effective two-way computer-aided tertiary education network for industrially developing countries -- 45. Education and training for CAD — a comparative study of requirements for developing and developed nations -- 46. Chairman's concluding remarks.
In: Irish studies in international affairs, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 37-101
ISSN: 2009-0072
In: Peace and Conflict Studies, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 176-204
In: Peace and conflict studies
ISSN: 1082-7307
The United Kingdom and Ireland joined the European Economic Community in 1973 at a time when bitter communal conflict engulfed Northern Ireland. It appeared to be a deviant case in a modernising Europe anxious to unleash the shackles of the first half of the twentieth century. In fact the unusual conjunction of conflict within a disputed region of the British/Irish archipelago and joint membership of the European Community offered an opportunity to move beyond the excessive intimacy of an ancient quarrel through different temporal and spatial lenses. This article addresses the issue of dealing with minority grievances in an inter- and intra-state dispute by analysing the role of functional regimes and the deliverance of "peace in parts" through the changing context of statehood within Europe where sovereignty may be divisible and borders more permeable. It will conclude that the EU has made an essential contribution to the changing relations between Britain and Ireland and to conflict management within Northern Ireland.
In: Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, S. 369-382
In: Nations and nationalism: journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 708-710
ISSN: 1469-8129
In: The political quarterly: PQ, Band 75, Heft 4, S. 429-431
ISSN: 0032-3179
In: The political quarterly: PQ, Band 75, Heft 4, S. 429-431
ISSN: 0032-3179
In: The political quarterly: PQ, Band 75, Heft 4, S. 429-431
ISSN: 0032-3179