Regional Cooperation In South Asia: Challenges Ahead
In: World affairs: the journal of international issues, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 62-82
ISSN: 0971-8052
547 Ergebnisse
In: World affairs: the journal of international issues, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 62-82
ISSN: 0971-8052
In: Campus digitale Bibliothek
In: Sozialwissenschaften 2016
Seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts setzen sich Menschen für 'Décroissance ', 'Degrowth' oder 'Postwachstum ' ein, und seit der Krise 2008 wird diskutiert, ob die kapitalistische Weltwirtschaft in eine 'säkulare' Stagnation geraten ist. Die Debatte um die Grenzen des Wachstums ist als Kritik des globalen Kapitalismus wieder aufgeflammt. Dieser Band bietet neue Perspektiven: Er diskutiert, ob der Kapitalismus weltweit an seine Wachstumsgrenzen geraten ist; er stellt Alternativen neben- und gegeneinander; schließlich fragt er, wie der Weg in eine nicht mehr von Wachstum abhängige Gesellschaft demokratisch gestaltbar wäre. Der Arbeitskreis entstand aus einer Initiative von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern im Kontext des Jenaer DFG-Forschungskollegs Postwachstumsgesellschaften.
In: The Journal of academic social science studies: JASSS, Band Year: 17 - Number: 101, Heft Year: 17 - Number: 101, S. 301-314
ISSN: 2147-2971
In: The Journal of academic social science studies: JASSS, Band Year: 17 - Number:102, Heft Year: 17 - Number:102, S. 305-328
ISSN: 2147-2971
In: The commentaries, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 107-122
ISSN: 2754-8805
Since March 2018 Turkey and allied Syrian actors have controlled the Afrin region of northern Syria. The subsequent five years have been marked by acts of criminality and infighting incidents between the dozens of Turkish-backed militias in the region, an insurgency campaign, acts of terrorism, and dramatic demographic changes to the detriment of the region's indigenous Kurdish population. This paper examines and outlines the Turkish-installed local governance structure, highlighting the relationships between Syrian civil and military actors and the various Turkish institutions present, what effects this regime has had on the region's security situation, and it relates to broader Turkish policy within Syria.
In: CLAWS Journal, Band 16, Heft 2
Predicting 'Futures' is a hazardous business, especially where it concerns the "Future of Land Warfare". Militaries have mostly not been able to predict the future correctly. Yet, despite this dismal record, most militaries are seriously in the business of outlining the future as it would unfold a couple of decades hence. This is necessary because there is a lead time that is required to build what will be needed one to two decades later. This is certainly true of developing next-generation weapons and equipment, but equally applies to the development of doctrine, strategies and organisations that will be relevant in the future. The future we see is not "Black & White", but many shades of Grey, as this article will explore.
In: Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi
ISSN: 1309-9302
In: Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Forthcoming
In: Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü dergisi: Journal of Balkan Research Institute, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 307-312
ISSN: 2147-1371
KİTAP DEĞERLENDİRME: H. Baha Öztunç, Tanzimat Döneminde Bir Rumeli Şehri Manastır Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapı (1839-1876), Kitabevi Yayınları, İstanbul 2020, 297 sayfa, ISBN: 978-605-7819-32-1.
In: International Journal of Biological Innovations
In: International Journal of Zoological Investigations 2021
In: Lateral: journal of the Cultural Studies Association (CSA), Band 9, Heft 2
ISSN: 2469-4053