11 Ergebnisse
Déterminants du développement de systèmes de culture à base d'association avec Acacia sp. dans les plantations d'Eucalyptus de la région de Kouilou, Congo
Depuis les années 80, dans le Kouilou la terre est divisée entre les agriculteurs qui exploitent les forêts galeries et l'industriel qui exploite les savanes. Néanmoins, aucun des deux n'arrive à développer ses activités économiques de façon durable, à cause des conditions particulières relevées au niveau des techniques culturales, mais aussi au niveau environnemental et social. Ces conditions particulières sont-elles des problèmes qu'il faut résoudre ou nécessitent-elles une adaptation ? Et peut-on en profiter pour aboutir à un projet en commun ? Le projet ANR Intens&Fix souhaite développer des systèmes d'intensification écologique des plantations forestières à base d'association avec des arbres fixateurs d'azote (EFN), et qui soient productifs, durables et rentables. Dans le cadre du groupe de travail n°4 au Congo, cette étude vise à identifier : - les pratiques économiques en forêt des agriculteurs dans les zones interstitielles du massif forestier d'EFC ; - les motivations des acteurs pour expérimenter des systèmes agroforestiers durables avec l'inclusion de l'espèce arbustive Acacia. En adoptant une approche territoriale, nous avons réalisé un diagnostic agraire pour comprendre de façon systémique les déterminants socioéconomiques des systèmes de production des agriculteurs. Puis, nous utilisons une approche sociologique pour comprendre les leviers et freins qui font obstacle à l'incorporation de systèmes de cultures innovants, appelés prototypes, capables d'améliorer leurs pratiques productives. Enfin, pour la suite du projet nous proposons des dispositifs de négociation à tester auprès des acteurs, dans un milieu rural avec prédominance de cultures vivrières, où la population vit dans la pauvreté et où il existe un conflit foncier latent entre EFC et villageois d'une part, et entre habitants autochtones et allochtones d'autre part. Ces dispositifs sont conçus comme des outils pour diminuer les tensions foncières en profitant des capacités des acteurs et en utilisant cette hétérogénéité d'intérêts comme un moteur d'innovation.
Illicit Wildlife Trade, Wet Markets, and COVID‐19: Preventing Future Pandemics
In: World medical & health policy, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 256-265
ISSN: 1948-4682
Although the exact origin of SARS‐CoV‐2, the etiologic agent of COVID‐19, is currently unknown, there is substantial evidence to suggest the source of transmission of the virus occurred within the Wuhan wet market. In these markets, bats and wild animals are frequently sold and stored in close contact. During several of the world's past pandemics, bats were essential to the spread of zoonotic diseases from bat to another animal or to humans directly. Live animal markets create the perfect conditions for novel viruses such as COVID‐19 to emerge. This paper suggests that to prevent future pandemics, the sale of exotic animals be banned at wet markets. It also advocates for the integration of the analysis of illicit trade with the study of zoonotic disease transmission and pandemics.
Distribution of copper in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using green turtles (Chelonia mydas) as a bioindicator
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 31, Heft 22, S. 31967-31977
ISSN: 1614-7499
Pantropical distribution of zinc in green turtles (Chelonia mydas): marine vertebrates as sentiel species
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 30, Heft 17, S. 50509-50519
ISSN: 1614-7499
Conservation and health policy implications linked to the human consumption of sea turtles in northwestern Mexico
In: World medical & health policy, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 57-69
ISSN: 1948-4682
AbstractHuman consumption of sea turtles remains prevalent throughout Mexico even though laws restricting trade and take of threatened and endangered species have been in place for several decades. The illegal consumption of sea turtles represents a risk to animal conservation, and the pathogens in the meat can adversely affect human health. In 2017, we surveyed 201 adult residents of 22 coastal communities about their diets, health, and attitudes about the environment, and we collected hair samples that were tested for heavy metals. A large percentage of the samples had high levels of mercury (87%), arsenic (81%), lead (65%), aluminum (57%), and cadmium (31%). Odds ratios suggested that the 28% of participants who reported recent sea turtle consumption had an increased likelihood of high metal levels even after adjusting for sex, age, and consumption of fish that bioaccumulate heavy metals. Conservation efforts may be more successful when they appeal to people's self‐interest rather than merely focusing on ecological benefits. Concerns about toxins in sharks, tuna, and other types of deep‐sea fish have reduced human consumption of some species. Both sea turtle conservation and human health may benefit from awareness campaigns that emphasize the adverse outcomes associated with eating sea turtles while continuing to affirm the economic benefits of healthy ecosystems. Transdisciplinary research that draws on ecology, epidemiology, toxicology, law, and public policy provides a valuable foundation for solving complex health issues. Creative reframing of biodiversity concerns will be necessary for promoting planetary health in a time of accelerating environmental change.
Land-use change and rodent-borne diseases: hazards on the shared socioeconomic pathways
Land-use change has a direct impact on species survival and reproduction, altering their spatio-temporal distributions. It acts as a selective force that favours the abundance and diversity of reservoir hosts and affects host–pathogen dynamics and prevalence. This has led to land-use change being a significant driver of infectious diseases emergence. Here, we predict the presence of rodent taxa and map the zoonotic hazard (potential sources of harm) from rodent-borne diseases in the short and long term (2025 and 2050). The study considers three different land-use scenarios based on the shared socioeconomic pathways narratives (SSPs): sustainable (SSP1-Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 2.6), fossil-fuelled development (SSP5-RCP 8.5) and deepening inequality (SSP4-RCP 6.0).We found that cropland expansion into forest and pasture may increase zoonotic hazards in areas with high rodent-species diversity. Nevertheless, a future sustainable scenario may not always reduce hazards. All scenarios presented high heterogeneity in zoonotic hazard, with high-income countries having the lowest hazard range. The SSPs narratives suggest that opening borders and reducing cropland expansion are critical to mitigate current and future zoonotic hazards globally, particularly in middle- and low-income economies. Our study advances previous efforts to anticipate the emergence of zoonotic diseases by integrating past, present and future information to guide surveillance and mitigation of zoonotic hazards at the regional and local scale. This article is part of the theme issue 'Infectious disease macroecology: parasite diversity and dynamics across the globe'. ; Ford Foundation The David & Lucile Packard Foundation Aparece en contenido como:David and Lucile Packard Foundation ANID-Chile Fund PAI77180009 CONACyT PhD scholarship from the Government of Mexico ; Versión publicada - versión final del editor
Associations between trace elements and clinical health parameters in the North Pacific loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) from Baja California Sur, Mexico
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 24, Heft 10, S. 9530-9537
ISSN: 1614-7499
The One Health Approach to Toxoplasmosis: Epidemiology, Control, and Prevention Strategies
One Health is a collaborative, interdisciplinary effort that seeks optimal health for people, animals, plants, and the environment. Toxoplasmosis, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is an intracellular protozoan infection distributed worldwide, with a heteroxenous life cycle that practically affects all homeotherms and in which felines act as definitive reservoirs. Herein, we review the natural history of T. gondii, its transmission and impacts in humans, domestic animals, wildlife both terrestrial and aquatic, and ecosystems. The epidemiology, prevention, and control strategies are reviewed, with the objective of facilitating awareness of this disease and promoting transdisciplinary collaborations, integrative research, and capacity building among universities, government agencies, NGOs, policy makers, practicing physicians, veterinarians, and the general public.
Essential and trace metals in a post-nesting olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) in Ceuta beach, Sinaloa, Mexico
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 28, Heft 23, S. 29998-30006
ISSN: 1614-7499
Seventy-One Important Questions for the Conservation of Marine Biodiversity
The ocean provides food, economic activity, and cultural value for a large proportion of humanity. Our knowledge of marine ecosystems lags behind that of terrestrial ecosystems, limiting effective protection of marine resources. We describe the outcome of 2 workshops in 2011 and 2012 to establish a list of important questions, which, if answered, would substantially improve our ability to conserve and manage the world's marine resources. Participants included individuals from academia, government, and nongovernment organizations with broad experience across disciplines, marine ecosystems, and countries that vary in levels of development. Contributors from the fields of science, conservation, industry, and government submitted questions to our workshops, which we distilled into a list of priority research questions. Through this process, we identified 71 key questions. We grouped these into 8 subject categories, each pertaining to a broad component of marine conservation: fisheries, climate change, other anthropogenic threats, ecosystems, marine citizenship, policy, societal and cultural considerations, and scientific enterprise. Our questions address many issues that are specific to marine conservation, and will serve as a road map to funders and researchers to develop programs that can greatly benefit marine conservation.