Alien nation: a celebration of immigration from the stage to the page
The inheritance of bone / Cleyvis Natera -- The scream / Danusia Trevino -- My family WhatsApp group / Mazin Sidahmed -- What it takes to make a dream come true / Hass Agili -- Is this thing on? / Aparna Nancherla -- The nostalgia bug / André Aciman -- True identity / Tatenda Ngwaru -- On modesty / Abeer Hoque -- 1993-2018 / Khalid Warsame -- Good dogs, good humans / Noël Duan -- Don't they have irons in America? / Magogodi Oamphela Makhene -- The table of the kings / Xavier Trevino -- The limpia / Xochitl Gonzalez -- A little tattle-tale around the nannying gig / Christine Yvette Lewis -- My heart's journey home / Hisla Bates -- Birth / Sofija Stefanovic -- The heart attack uncle / Alexander Chee -- Three decades of unsolicited fashion advice from a migrant mother / Alice Pung -- An island unto herself / Roxanne Fequiere -- Second language / Maria Tumarkin -- Ungrateful / Mashuq Mushtaq Deen -- Mortar, porcelain / Brick Kay Iguh -- Crisis (Christian rappers influenced by scripture infiltrating Satan) / Rufat Agayev -- My china / Agustinus Wibowo -- Don't follow your dreams (especially, the American dream) / Emma Ramos -- Sweet stinking elevators / Zuzanna Szadkowski -- Jaikisan Heights / Suketu Mehta -- The great divide : on a trip upstate, learning to listen / Laura Gómez -- The river / Rojo Perez -- Go back to your country / Maysoon Zayid -- The foreign girl / Siri Hustvedt -- Puerto Rico of my dreams / Sonia Manzano -- Friendly enemy aliens / Paul Holdengräber -- Field notes from my youth / Tanaïs -- Where did we go? / DJ Tikka Masala -- Leaving Cabramatta / Matt Huynh.