The Last Mongol prince: the life and times of Demchugdongrob, 1902 - 1966
In: Studies on East Asia 21
16 Ergebnisse
In: Studies on East Asia 21
In: Mirovaja ėkonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija: MĖMO, Band 65, Heft 10, S. 33-44
The article contributes to the literature in three main areas. First, new tendencies and challenges of development of world economy and energy caused by the crisis induced by the COVID‑19 pandemic are revealed, including: the regionalization of markets that creates additional basis for development of multipolar world; the aggravating instability of the alternative energy; the rising risks of disruption of long-term stability of oil supplies due to the underinvestment and risks of sharp oil and gas shortage; the tendency to the consolidation and enlargement of producers in oil and gas sectors, what is also increasingly possible in the Russian oil and gas industry. Second, perspectives of "green" energy to become a basis for development of world economy are analyzed. Obstacles to continuing development of "green" energy are stressed, including: the necessity of extraordinary large investments in development of economically feasible technologies; the expected acute deficit of materials for energy transition, including lithium, nickel, cobalt and other metals as well as low economic efficiency of low carbon solutions placing additional burden on consumers. The thesis of urgent importance of balanced energy development and inadmissibility of relying exclusively on alternative electricity generation is advanced. Third, shifts in strategies of global investors who presently pay the increasing attention to ecological programs, investing into carbon neutrality, green rebranding and shares buyback schemes at the expense of the fundamental financial and operational indicators. Combined with cases of court interventions in corporate decision making that exerts pressure on public companies who are forced to abandon oil and gas projects. The article argues that such an optimization doesn't solve the task of global reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. A tendency for issuing of new instruments and emergence of new models of investment behavior which distort the share prices is discovered. Meantime companies with state participation and private companies are less dependent on the volatile expectations in the stock market. The article also considers the issue of ecological purity of oil and concludes that introduction of transparent system of evaluation and certification of goods and services, recognized by the whole world community is expedient.
In: Meždunarodnoe pravosudie, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 164-182
ISSN: 2541-8548
The article is devoted to internal content of the Martens clause, which is an important social relations regulator. The practical relevance of this research is justified by existing armed conflicts, as well as by the fact that it fills the legal vacuum arising in situations that are unresolved with international treaties and customs. Moreover, the Martens clause is one of the links between international humanitarian law and international human rights law, which provides the necessary level of legal protection for all parties in armed conflicts. Accordingly, the regulatory role of the Martens clause is increasing which can be found in judicial practice. However, there was no examination of the relationship between morality and the Martens' clause content. The main aim of this study is to identify the moral meaning and content of the principle of humanity and public consciousness, because the potential discrepancy of this provision may cause risks in the protection of rights of armed conflicts participants. Unclear content of the clause necessitates the application of externalist approaches to legal concepts. Application of ethical and philosophical methods makes it possible to disclose the correlation of moral laws and armed conflicts, understand the moral content of the requirements of public consciousness and the principles of humanity. Moral relativism and absolutism in relation to armed conflict are analyzed. Based on their correlation, the risks of moral self-elimination and leveling of morality are described as the problem of contradiction of absolute moral laws and the essence of armed conflict. To solve this problem an attempt is made to formulate a moral law which will combine the requirements of public consciousness and the principles of humanity. The conclusion of the study is that moral content of the requirements of public consciousness is in active actions dictated by the aim of getting long and just peace. The principles of humanity are reflected in the principle of limited universalization of the actions of participants in armed conflicts. This moral law contains a moral justification for the actions of a combatant, as well as a restriction of actions based on limited universalization.
In: The current digest of the post-Soviet press, Band 69, Heft 26, S. 11-12
Résumé: Les Hunger Games, grand succès de la littérature jeunesse, est une trilogie dans laquelle abondent les occurrences de tortures de toutes sortes. L'examen de ce thème nous permettra d'élucider ses corollaires directs, à savoir l'éthique, la philosophie politique (dans la mesure où la torture peut se justifier par le bien général), mais nous amènera également à nous pencher sur nos valeurs modernes quant à la corporéité et sur les menaces de réification qui pèsent sur le corps et sur le sujet. Tous ces aspects convergent naturellement vers des questionnements sur le totalitarisme, mais aussi et surtout sur les outils de résistance les plus efficaces: contre la torture et contre le totalitarisme, les sujets maintiennent un statut de sujet grâce à une lucidité, une recherche authentique de la vérité et à une spontanéité qui leur permet de contrer la manipulation du réel. Mots-clés: Hunger Games; Torture; Littérature jeunesse; Totalitarisme Abstract:The Hunger Games, a very successful trilogy in popular culture aiming to reach young adult audiences, is surprisingly rich in occurrences of various kinds of tortures. Examining this pervasive theme will cast an interesting light in the matters of ethics, of political theory insofar as torture can be used as a tool to justify the greater good, but will also teach us a lot about our modern society and especially the implications torture has on our notions of corporeality and the potential reification of the body and the subject. All these aspects converge naturally towards the matter of totalitarianism, beautifully exemplified by the Capitol in the Hunger Games, but also, most notably, on the most efficient tools for resistance: against torture as well as against totalitarianism, subjects remain subjects and overcome the reign of manipulated things through lucidity, truth, authenticity and spontaneity. Key-words: Hunger Games; Torture; Young adult literature; Totalitarianism
In: Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta: naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal = MGIMO review of international relations : scientific peer-reviewed journal, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 7-40
ISSN: 2541-9099
This article explores the challenges facing the modern energy market in the context of the accelerated energy transition. It concludes that neither the objectives nor the preparation for the energy transition have been aligned with the actual needs and demands of humanity. The current goals of the energy transition are ideologically driven and unrealistic, prompting countries and companies to reconsider their previously established timelines for achieving carbon neutrality, while investors are growing increasingly disillusioned with the «green» transition. Despite trillions of dollars in investments, alternative energy sources have failed to replace traditional fuels or ensure reliable energy supply. Concurrently, the demand for electricity will continue to rise with the advancement of artificial intelligence and the expansion of data processing centers.The article highlights that in Europe, the emphasis on the «green» energy transition has led to economic downturns, while in developing countries, the implementation of the energy transition has manifested as «green» neocolonialism, characterized by resource extraction. Lobbying for an accelerated energy transition represents one form of market share competition. Another form includes unlawful sanctions and technological restrictions imposed by the United States on several countries, and the use of the dollar as an economic weapon, which has compelled developing nations to embark on dedollarization processes.The article concludes that energy development must be linked to ensuring energy security, combating poverty, and addressing the interests of the majority. Therefore, hydrocarbons will continue to be a critical component of the energy sector.
In: Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta: naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal = MGIMO review of international relations : scientific peer-reviewed journal, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 7-30
ISSN: 2541-9099
This article expands upon the author's previous work regarding the Vostok Oil project, initially discussed in the Gubkin University journal. It focuses on the establishment and development of the Zvezda Shipyard project, arguing its critical role in the potential development of the Vostok Oil and Gas province. The paper posits that without the Zvezda Shipyard, it would not be feasible to exploit the Vostok Oil and Gas province or significantly enhance the transportation and logistics capabilities of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The development of Zvezda's new production facilities is presented as essential for the advancement of the Russian Arctic, facilitating a pivotal eastward shift in the Russian economy. The significance of the Zvezda project and the strategic decisions leading up to it are discussed in detail, demonstrating how they integrate the development of the NSR, the exploitation of Vostok Oil fields, and the establishment of investment and technological foundations for Russia's long-term strategy. This strategy addresses both socio-economic goals and defense and security challenges. Additionally, the paper provides quantitative analyses of the multiplicative effects generated by the Zvezda Shipyard project's realization.
World Affairs Online
In: Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta: naučno-teoretičeskij žurnal. Serija 5, Ėkonomika, Band 40, Heft 4, S. 607-629
ISSN: 2542-226X
The article examines the stages of geopolitical transformation of the world system from the end of the 19th century to the present and analyzes the factors that determined the development and crisis of American-centric globalization. The work shows that in the context of weakening US hegemony, a geopolitical shift and the formation of a multipolar world are taking place and, as a consequence, the fragmentation of the global economy and energy, and also substantiates the thesis that the United States, using illegal sanctions as the main instrument of the struggle for the energy market, is currently the main beneficiary of increasing global instability. The successful redirection of Russian energy exports to fast-growing Asian markets played a crucial role in ensuring the stability of both the domestic economy, which was subjected to unprecedented sanctions pressure from the West, and the global energy market. The article presents a forecast of global demand and production of liquid hydrocarbons, as well as a forecast of oil exports from Russia by geographic directions. The author concludes that Russia, which has a resource base, the necessary technologies for production, transportation and processing, as well as a developed transport infrastructure, is capable of expanding its presence in the oil markets of developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Africa and Latin America in the future, confirming its status as a guarantor of global energy security.
In: Naučno-analitičeskij vestnik Instituta Evropy RAN, Band 34, Heft 4, S. 7-17
ISSN: 2618-7914
The article identifies new trends and challenges in the development of the world economy and energy in an era of global instability, including the economic problems of the United States of America, the trend towards dedollarization of the global economy and the transition to alternative payment systems, the deindustrialization of Europe, role of the Government in economy, risks undermining the long-term stability of oil supplies due to underinvestment and limited opportunities to increase new production capacities. The issues of the development of «green» energy are analyzed, while it is shown that hat reducing the causes of global warming solely to CO2 emissions resulting from human activities is not sufficiently substantiated. The possibilities and problems of the fuel and energy sector of Russia in the era of the transformation of the world energy markets and restructuring of Russian's economy are revealed.
Contributors to this book argue that everyday struggles for dignity and equality in the states of East Asia provide much of the impetus driving East Asian nationalism. They examine China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, which occupy one of the most volatile regions in the world today
In: Pacific affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific, Band 53, Heft 3, S. 552
ISSN: 1715-3379
In: International migration review: IMR, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 969
ISSN: 1747-7379, 0197-9183
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 34, Heft 8, S. 1520-1528
ISSN: 1879-2456