El derecho producto de la asociación humana y su evolución: La sabia legislación hebrea
In: Revista de las Fuerzas Armadas, Heft 125, S. 508-513
ISSN: 2981-3018
45 Ergebnisse
In: Revista de las Fuerzas Armadas, Heft 125, S. 508-513
ISSN: 2981-3018
Esta investigación desarrolla el análisis de sostenibilidad de la deuda pública de los países de América Latina, a partir de información histórica disponible sobre la base contable de la acumulación de la deuda derivada de la restricción presupuestaria intertemporal del gobierno, para el periodo 2000-2017. Los objetivos específicos son dos: primero, analizar la dinámica de la deuda pública que se expresa a partir del saldo primario, el pago de interés, la tasa de crecimiento y una variable de ajuste. Segundo, analizar la sostenibilidad de la deuda de estos países. Los resultados sugieren que la política de endeudamiento de los países seleccionados es permanente. La mayoría de los países seleccionados para el estudio han mantenido un periodo de nueve años de sostenibilidad, dado que los resultados macroeconómicos se tornaron favorables por efecto de los precios de las materias primas, sin embargo, todavía debe trabajar en mejorar sus políticas fiscales de mediano plazo, que le permitan afrontar volatilidad fiscal y choques internos o externos, para que sus capacidades institucionales no se vean limitadas en salir de los eventos de contracción económica. ; This research develops the sustainability analysis of the public debt of Latin American countries, based on historical information available on the accounting basis of the accumulation of debt derived from the government's intertemporal budget constraint, for the period 2000-2017. There are two specific objectives: first, to analyze the dynamics of the public debt, that is expressed from the primary balance, the payment of interest, the growth rate, and an adjustment variable. Second, to analyze the sustainability of the debt of these countries. The results suggest that the indebtedness policy of the selected countries is permanent. Most of the countries selected for the study have maintained a nine-year period of sustainability, given that the macroeconomic results became favorable due to the effect of raw material prices, however, they must still work to improve their medium-term fiscal policies. Term which allows it to face fiscal volatility and internal or external shocks, so that its institutional capacities are not limited in emerging from events of economic contraction.
En esta iniciativa investigativa se delineó una problemática centrada en que a los servidores de la Fuerza Pública en Colombia se les daba un tratamiento disonante ante la necesidad de contar con defensores técnicos especializados ante la eventual comisión de conductas descritas en la ley como delito. Al finalizar el trabajo se constató que esa situación emanaba de la misma arquitectura normativa desde la cual el legislador no solo otorgó plenas facultades al Ministerio de Defensa Nacional para decidir a quién le prestaba el servicio, sino que condicionó el mismo a la disponibilidad presupuestal haciéndolo casi que nugatorio. Para ello se hizo un análisis de la doctrina en punto del derecho de defensa, también se revisaron algunos ordenamientos penales militares de la región, todo complementado con la jurisprudencia. Se concluye que la solución a la problemática radica en la derogación o modificación de las normas actuales sobre la materia ; This investigative initiative outlined a problem centered on the fact that the Public Force's employees in Colombia were given a dissonant treatment in view of the need to have specialized technical defenders before the eventual commission of behaviors described in the law as a crime. At the end of the work it was found that this situation emanated from the same normative architecture from which the legislator not only granted full powers to the Ministry of National Defense to decide who was providing the service, but conditioned it to budget availability making it almost what a nugatory To this end, an analysis of the defense doctrine was made, as well as some military criminal ordinances in the region, all complemented by jurisprudence. It is concluded that the solution to the problem lies in the repeal or modification of the current rules on the subject
In: LEX, Band 10, Heft 9, S. 447
ISSN: 2313-1861
Este trabajo de Investigación tiene por objeto conocer y analizar los factores que influyen en la publicidad registral que en la práctica no otorga seguridad jurídica en la contratación inmobiliaria, específicamente en las transferencias de bienes inmuebles de la sociedad conyugal cuando uno de los cónyuges realiza un acto de disposición del patrimonio conyugal sin la intervención del otro cónyuge y el tercero adquirente del bien actúa de acuerdo a la publicidad registral y a la buena fe. Este problema da origen a demandas de nulidad de acto jurídico y se ha generado incertidumbre jurídica por el tratamiento diferente del tema en las ejecutorias casatorias.Palabras clave: publicidad registral, seguridad jurídica, nulidad judicial, patrimonio conyugal.
In: Air quality, atmosphere and health: an international journal, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 155-175
ISSN: 1873-9326
AbstractThis study aims to conduct a spatiotemporal analysis of the long-range transportation of volcanic ashes that originates from the eruption of the Sangay volcano and reached Guayaquil during the months of June 2020; September 2020; and April 2021. The particulate matter data (PM2.5) was obtained using a low-cost air quality sensor. During the wet season of 2020 (Jan–May), PM2.5 average concentrations were 6 ± 2 μg m−3 while during the dry season of 2020 (July–Nov), PM2.5 average concentrations were 16 ± 3 μg m−3 in Guayaquil. The most prominent plumes occurred on September 20th of 2020, a month with no rain but high wind speeds created by the Andes Mountain topography to the coast. During this event, PM2.5 concentrations started at 12:00 UTC-5 in a volcanic plume event that lasted 4 h with a maximum peak of 133 + 40 μg m−3. Electron microscopy of selected samples showed that the ashes of the three eruptions may differ in size and morphology. EDX analysis reveals that the ash contains certain elements—C, Si, Na, Mg, Al, Ca, S, and Fe—in similar proportions. In summary, this study remarks on the meteorological role and the long-range transport of Sangay volcanic ashes.
In: Impact assessment and project appraisal, Band 38, Heft 4, S. 299-307
ISSN: 1471-5465
BRAIN-TRAINS is a project supported by the Belgian Federal Government that deals with the possible development of rail freight intermodality in Belgium, analysing the current situation of the intermodal freight transport from an interdisciplinary perspective. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology has been chosen to analyse the environmental impact of freight transport in Belgium. In a first stage we have carried out the LCA of rail freight transport, inland waterways transport and road freight transport independently. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the first results obtained from the study of the environmental impacts of inland freight transport using the LCA methodology. ; Peer reviewed
BRAIN-TRAINS is a project supported by the Belgian Federal Government that deals with the possible development of rail freight intermodality in Belgium, approaching this transport issue from an interdisciplinary perspective. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is used to analyse the sustainability impact of rail freight intermodality. The rail freight system has been divided in three sub-systems: rail transport operation, rail infrastructure and rail transport equipment (locomotives and wagons). First, a SWOT analysis of the intermodal rail freight transport has been performed to identify internal characteristics and possible external trends of the intermodal rail freight transport. The most important elements identified in the SWOT analysis have been selected through a Delphi-technique with the collaboration of a panel of expert. Thirdly, the selected elements have been translated into clear and measurable parameters, defining for every parameter an input value to quantify the scenarios. The parameters are measured in "tonne-kilometre". Finally, three divergent Belgian scenarios with a time horizon set in 2030 have been built for further analysis. These scenarios are directly linked to the third strategic goal of the European Commission's White Paper on transport (2011), which aims to shift the 30% of road freight over 300 km to other modes such as rail transport by 2030. As a result, a best, worst and medium case scenarios have been developed, depending on whether the 30% shift has been successfully accomplished, the status quo has been maintained or the goal has not been completely reached by 2030, respectively. The direct transport emissions and energy consumption during the rail transport activity have been determined using the LCA methodology. These LCA results have been used to improve the accuracy of existing commercial databases as Ecoinvent for the Belgian situation. ; Peer reviewed
In: International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science: IJRBS, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 479-484
ISSN: 2147-4478
Food Codex requires safe products and packaging is an important factor to comply with this consumer right, so developing packaging with antimicrobial properties that protect the product by eliminating or inhibiting bacteria or pathogens that cause damage to health is important in the food industry. The objective of this work was to perform a bibliographic analysis of some additives that generate antimicrobial properties in packaging by reviewing some studies that have developed antimicrobial films or also called smart films. Microbial agents have become an important factor in maintaining food quality over time. Biopolymers are an excellent alternative due to their availability, low cost, biodegradability and their origin are from renewable sources.
In: International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science: IJRBS, Band 9, Heft 5, S. 341-350
ISSN: 2147-4478
Municipal markets began to be built more than 90 years ago in Ecuador, some have already been remodeled and there are also new buildings with modern designs but within them, the process of selling rice in bulk remains in this XXI century. The object of study of this work is the market "Las Manuelas" located in the province of Guayas in the canton of Duran. The method of selling bulk rice exposes this product to some types of food hazards, so the aim of this research is to determine the index of the criticality of the activities related to this long-lasting process that is currently being promoted as a process that does not pollute the environment. The observation technique was applied to make the food circulation diagram and the AMEF methodology was used to obtain the criticality index (CI) and according to the decision tree of the World Health Organization, the critical control points were established. Results obtained showed that the activity of storage and dispatch of bulk rice within the municipal market presented the highest ICs, under these parameters the importance of establishing preventive actions that could give a turn to this type of business.
In: International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science: IJRBS, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 253-261
ISSN: 2147-4478
The market "Las Manuelas" located in the canton Duran, Guayas province is the subject of this research, this market is new in its location, has a modern infrastructure design, but there is a paradigm about the municipal markets maintain poor hygiene, lower than supermarkets and this condition affects the experience of customers and consumers. This research aims to determine the association between the cleanliness of the "Las Manuelas" market and the experience of its consumers. Survey technique was applied for data collection and the Somers coefficient was used for statistical analysis through the SPSS 22.00 program. The results indicated that there is an association between the two study variables. Through the analysis of the contingency table, 37.5 % of the consumers motivated their purchase by the observed cleanliness; they qualified the experience of their purchase as regular. The market "Las Manuelas" could take awareness measures to promote an optimal hygiene culture to improve the experience of its consumers, 48.1% of them choose to buy in the market for the convenience in prices and 19.4% for the variety of products. In view of the growth of supermarkets in the country, isolating the cleaning factor as a purchasing decision could put this supply centre identified as a cultural symbol at risk.
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 21, Heft 8, S. 5419-5426
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: The International trade journal, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 266-289
ISSN: 1521-0545
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 103, S. 105301
ISSN: 0264-8377