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2662 Ergebnisse
In: Current anthropology, Band 42, Heft 5, S. 651
ISSN: 1537-5382
In: Concise hornbook series
Introduction -- Distributions to shareholders : § 301 distributions -- Distributions in redemption of stock -- Complete liquidation of a corporation -- Taxable purchase and sale of a corporate business -- Distribution of stock and section 306 stock -- Organization of a corporation -- Corporate divisions -- Reorganizations -- Acquisition or retention of tax attributes -- S corporations.
In: The Tax Lawyer (Forthcoming)
In: 24 Florida Tax Review __ (2021)
In: Florida Tax Review, Forthcoming
In: Michigan Law Review First Impressions, 2011
In: IPA psychoanalytic ideas and applications
"What Nazism Did to Psychoanalysis explores the impact Nazism had on the evolution of psychoanalysis and tackles the enigma of the transformation of individual hate into mass psychosis and of the autocratic creation of a neo-reality. Addressing the effects of the Holocaust on the psychoanalytic world, this book does not focus on the suffering of the survivors but the analysis of the concrete mechanisms of destruction that affected language and thought, their impact on the practice of psychoanalysis and the defences that psychoanalysts tried to find against the linguistic, legal, and symbolic chaos that struck the foundations of reality. Laurence Kahn discusses the struggle against the appropriation, by the Nazi language, of key terms such as demonic nature, drives, ideals and, above all, the Selbsterhaltungstrieb (the self-preservation drive) which became, with Hitler, the axis of the living space policy, the "Lebensraum". Covering key topics such as trauma, transgenerational issues, silence and secrecy, and the depredation of culture, this is an essential work for psychoanalysts and anyone wishing to understand how strongly the development of psychoanalysis was affected by Nazism"--
"The untold history of the people who helped spark America's most important social movements from the Revolutionary War to today: teenage girls Nine months before Rosa Parks, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. In 1912, women's rights activists organized a massive march in support of women's suffrage, led up Fifth Ave in Manhattan, not by Susan B. Anthony, but by a teenage Chinese immigrant named Mabel Ping-Hua Lee. Half a century before the better known movements for workers' rights began, over 1,500 girls-some as young as ten-walked out of factories in Lowell, Massachusetts, demanding safer working conditions and higher wages in one of the nation's first-ever labor strikes. Young women have been disenfranchised and discounted, but the true history of major social movements in America reveals their might: They have kicked off almost every single one. Young and Restless tells the story of one of the most foundational and underappreciated forces in moments of American revolution: teenage girls. From the Averican Revolution itself to the civil rights movement to nuclear disarmament protests and the women's liberation movement, through Black Lives Matter and school strikes for climate, Mattie Kahn uncovers how teen girls have leveraged their unique strengths, from fandom to intimate friendships, to organize and lay serious political groundwork for movements that often sidelined them. Their stories illuminate how much we owe to teen girls throughout the generations, what skills young women use to mobilize and find their voices, and, crucially, what we can all stand to learn from them"--
In: Politics and culture in modern America
"This book examines feminist divorce reformers, their relationship with the broader feminist movement, and their lasting effects on the American social welfare regime. It shows how the two distinctive qualities of the American welfare state-its gendered nature and its public/private nature-combined to encourage the breadwinner-homemaker model of marriage's use as policy tool. The linking of access to economic benefits to marriage, begun early in the development of the American social insurance system, shaped political identity and activism in the 1970s and has continued to do so into our current political moment. The result has not only affected policy questions directly relating to marriage but also limited the possibilities for expanding America's social welfare provisions. As a gateway to full economic citizenship, marriage has always served as an institution that protects and perpetuates class privilege"--
"Shamanic healer Langston Kahn offers Deep Liberation Process, a body-based, step-by-step approach that encourages us to dive deeply into past trauma and heartbreak and address it at the root to reclaim our power. Kahn shares a practice to radically transform the range of fear-based stories we each hold in ourselves: from traumatic experiences, oppression, and habitual emotional patterns to the outmoded beliefs that hold us back from healing, transforming, and freeing our authenticity and unique genius"--
World Affairs Online
In: Cambridge elements
In: Elements in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant
The main body of this Element, about Kant's theory of conscience, is divided into two sections. The first focuses on exegesis of Kant's ethics. One of the overarching theses of this section of the Element is that, although many of Kant's claims about conscience are prima facie inconsistent, a close examination of context generally can dissolve apparent contradictions. The second section of the Element focuses on philosophical issues in Kantian ethics. One of the overarching theses of this section of the Element is that many positions traditionally associated with Kantian ethics, including the denial of moral luck, the nonaccidental rightness condition, and the guise of the objectively good, are at variance with Kant's ethics.