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4287 Ergebnisse
Revisiting the nexus between economic growth and environment health: an empirical study on 180 nations
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 30, Heft 58, S. 122550-122579
ISSN: 1614-7499
Integrated Framework of Antecedents and Effects of Market Orientation: A Qualitative Review
In: Management and labour studies: a quarterly journal of responsible management, Band 38, Heft 4, S. 425-445
ISSN: 2321-0710
Earlier research concerning market orientation-related issues focuses on conceptualization of market orientation and its ingredients; various antecedents of market orientation; and impact of market orientation on firm's entrepreneurial orientation, strategies, innovativeness and performance. This article is a descriptive and qualitative review of earlier research concerning all these issues. It also discusses the mediators and moderators that affect relationship between market orientation and firm's performance. This article provides the holistic picture of what it means to be market oriented, what needs to be done to be better in market orientation and how market orientation affects firm's performance. The article summarizes the propositions that emerged from the extensive review of literature, followed by the presentation of a proposed integrated framework of antecedents and effects of market orientation with its likely implications. These propositions and the proposed integrated framework provide a concrete base for carrying out future research studies. Thus, this article is significant value addition to the body of knowledge. Review of earlier research established that there exists a positive, significant and robust link between market orientation and firm performance. The review also indicates that market orientation has positive associations with an organization's innovativeness and orientation mediated by innovation creates superior performance of a firm. The review also states that in earlier research, it has been found that there exists a close association between market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation as well as between market orientation and marketing planning/operational marketing strategies. Developing and improving on a firm's market orientation may make a firm's capabilities become more distinctive over the long run, resulting in sustainable competitive advantage.
A New Composite Index to Measure National-Level Quality of Family Planning Programs
In: International perspectives on sexual & reproductive health, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 63
ISSN: 1944-0405
Examining Progress and Equity in Information Received by Women Using a Modern Method in 25 Developing Countries
In: International perspectives on sexual & reproductive health, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 131
ISSN: 1944-0405
Globalisation, Liberalisation and Human Security in India: Challenges for Governance
In: Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 111-128
ISSN: 1569-1497
The Railway Men: Revisiting the Government Response to an Environmental Disaster
In: Worldviews: global religions, culture and ecology, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 71-80
ISSN: 1568-5357
The Bhopal Disaster, also known as the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, is recognized as the world's worst industrial disaster. The Bhopal Disaster is the only industrial disaster affecting half a million people in the last few decades. Because of the sheer magnitude of this disaster, this topic remains relevant, especially to learn what preventive measures could have been taken to ensure such a tragedy never occurred. The disaster occurred from a mixture of chemicals that produced a toxic gas, a lack of employee reporting when issues arose in the plant and weak safety systems. In December 1984, a poison gas blanketed the city of Bhopal. Due to the mistakes mentioned above, over two thousand people and many more livestock died overnight and were discovered the next morning. The effects of the disaster still linger in the same location to this day.
Chronic Absenteeism and Its Impact on the Learning Outcomes of Primary Grade Students in India
In: Margin: the journal of applied economic research, Band 17, Heft 1-2, S. 124-162
ISSN: 0973-8029
This article addresses one of the most critical yet overlooked problems of the excessive absence of students in primary grades in India. Considering the intuitive link between students' attendance and achievements, this article empirically investigates the incidences and causes of chronic absenteeism while examining the variations in the attainment of foundational skills of primary students. Using data from the India Human Development Survey, round II, the authors find a continuous decline in the attainment of foundational skills among students as the absenteeism rate increases from 'normal' to 'chronic', clearly indicating that attendance works! Further, the logistic regression model shows that poor health conditions of a child, larger school distance, extra school working hours, teaching factors and harsh punishments are among the major contributing factors leading to chronic absence among students. Early attention and strict policy interventions are required due to their direct implications on the cognitive growth of young minds and the quality and productivity of the overall school education. JEL Codes: I21, I24, I28
Revolutionizing Business Management: An Exploration of Emerging Technologies
In: International Research Conference on Emerging Technologies in Business Management (Forthcoming)
Effective Marketing and Corporate Governance Contribute to Entrepreneurial Success: Case Study of India's Most Trusted Diagnostics—Healthians
In: Indian journal of corporate governance, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 321-344
ISSN: 2454-2482
The increased awareness surrounding health is a significant factor contributing to the trend of health awareness. People are showing extra care with changing lifestylesleading to more proactive care toward their health. There was an immense need to fill this gap. The founders of Healthians, India's most trusted diagnostics, sensed this need and converted that into a successful business model. This article analyses Healthians governance and brand strategy making it one of the largest players in the Indian market. The article begins by describing the initial journey of Healthians and its founder. The article also highlights the financial strategy of the company along with the funding details. The industry analysis had also been done along with an analysis of major players in the diagnostic industry, followed by a discussion on the expansion strategy of the company. The business model, corporate governance, and marketing strategy of the company have been discussed in detail, followed by the brand strategy, in order to derive useful learning from the journey of this company. Adequate discussion on the products of the company had been done, along with the mentioning opportunities waiting to be explored by the company. With the highest competitive and volatile market of the healthcare industry, this company ensures that the highest standards in corporate governance and business ethics are being followed in the company. The article concludes with some dilemmas being faced by the company which may decide its future course of action and the various alternatives available to the company.
The merger of banks in India: Boon or bane for the Indian economy?
Abstract A merger of banks is not a new phenomenon but lately, it has received significant attention in the banking sector. A successful merger of various banks in India, and elsewhere, has attracted the attention of the scholars in the field. The rationale behind such mergers has been hotly debated, and the moot point question remains whether bank merging is good for the economy as a whole. Against this backdrop, this paper attempts to analyze the 'for' & 'against' views on the issue and concludes that the mergers of banks in India positively affects the health of the banking sector & ultimately is helpful to the Indian economy. We argue that the merger of banks brought synergy in the operations of the banking sector primarily in terms of customer reach. In addition, it also provides economies of scale, even though the management change remains a challenge. Similarly, amalgamations also bring relief for the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). RBI can better concentrate its efforts on the supervision of niche banks and assist the government in greater economic and policy issues.
Hidden Liquidity on the U.S. Stock Exchanges
In: The journal of trading: JOT, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 30-36
ISSN: 1559-3967
Impact of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) on Socio-Economic Status and Savings Pattern: A Review of Literature
In: Asian journal of research in social sciences and humanities: AJRSH, Band 7, Heft 6, S. 217
ISSN: 2249-7315
Employee Creativity: A Conceptual Framework
In: Management and labour studies: a quarterly journal of responsible management, Band 41, Heft 4, S. 294-313
ISSN: 2321-0710
The literature relevant to creativity is diverse in approach. As a result, there has been a lack of cohesive theoretical understanding of how employee creativity operates and gets affected in organizations. In the existing literature, we found a number of theoretical approaches of creativity that appear as supplementary and complementary to provide a better understanding of the creativity. However, employee creativity continues to appear as an elusive and complex phenomenon. Such observations trigger the authors' interest to synthesize prior research and present the same in the form of a conceptual framework of employee creativity. On the basis of the results of extensive review of vast and varied literature, it is suggested that three individual characteristics, namely, personality traits & self-concepts, cognitive characteristics and motivational aspects, and four contextual characteristics, namely, super- visory and leadership behaviour, co-workers' behaviour, job context and social network, have independent as well as combined or mediated effect on employee creativity.
Population and development: impacts on environmental performance
In: Chinese journal of population, resources and environment, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 208-214
ISSN: 2325-4262