According to Granovetter, weak ties link individuals to other social circles that place them in strategic positions to gain access to job information and opportunities otherwise not available in their innate networks. This paper affirms that weak ties, as a form of social capital, matter and that they assist in explaining variations in status attainment between ethnic groups in Singapore. I show that access to weak ties affects status attainment differently across ethnic groups and that the Malay's weaker performance in the labour market is partly due to their lower access to weak ties. This paper would be of interest to scholars concerned with the intertwining of social stratification with social capital and ethnicity.
AbstractApplying Bourdieu's theoretical framework on the correspondence between mental structures and social structures, this paper examines the persistence of educational underachievement among working class Malay youths in Singapore. Accordingly, my first objective is to document the social structure, namely a largely working class neighbourhood where these Malay youths have grown up. My second aim is to analyse how everyday cultural practices and interactions among peers in the neighbourhood significantly reinforced these youths' levelled aspirations. I maintain that by believing in 'taking the gravel road', which is symbolically rough, uneven and uncertain, these youths justified the irrelevance of doing well in school. Succinctly, this essay demonstrates the close correspondence between the perceptions of the odds of success and the educational underperformance of the Malay youths. Hence, this paper would be of interest to scholars in the Malay Peninsula, as well as experts concerned with the intertwining of education with class and ethnicity.
Abstract: The Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) was declared in Syria in 2014 and then spread to Indonesia. ISIS in Indonesia then spread the understanding of violence and terrorism so then with that understanding ISIS in Indonesia committed many acts of terrorism against the government and the people of Indonesia. This research aims to find out the cause of the birth of terrorism groups, related to the terrorism movement in Indonesia and the movement of groups affiliated with ISIS in Indonesia from 2014-2018 since ISIS was declared in Syria in 2014, both those who committed acts of terrorism and only supported ISIS. This method of research is Kualitatif the method of providing more directed to descriptive. Qualitative research in this paper research takes two methods, namely document analysis taken from written material and the results of the discussion by making a conversation with various parties who know information related to the ISIS terrorism movement from 2014-2018. ISIS groups in Indonesia carried out acts of terror throughout 2014-2018 as many as 48 acts of terrorism. 22 acts of terror were committed against members and police stations because they were considered as enemies. In addition, the attack was aimed at houses of worship in the form of blasting churches and attacking public places and facilities with an explosion in Thamrin and the Malay bus station. This research serves as material for researchers who examine the terrorism movement of the ISIS group in Indonesia, researchers in the social field who study the ISIS social movement and its impact in Indonesia as well as researchers in the field of Islamic studies and Islamic thought which examines various kinds of Islamic thought. This research reveals new facts related to the ISIS organization in Indonesia, the ISIS organization movement in Indonesia and the acts of terrorism committed. changes in terrorist organizations and new patterns related to terrorist attacks and targets by ISIS Indonesia . Source: ...
The Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) was declared in Syria in 2014 and then spread to Indonesia. ISIS in Indonesia then spread the understanding of violence and terrorism so then with that understanding ISIS in Indonesia committed many acts of terrorism against the government and the people of Indonesia. This research aims to find out the cause of the birth of terrorism groups, related to the terrorism movement in Indonesia and the movement of groups affiliated with ISIS in Indonesia from 2014-2018 since ISIS was declared in Syria in 2014, both those who committed acts of terrorism and only supported ISIS. This method of research is Kualitatif the method of providing more directed to descriptive. Qualitative research in this paper research takes two methods, namely document analysis taken from written material and the results of the discussion by making a conversation with various parties who know information related to the ISIS terrorism movement from 2014-2018. ISIS groups in Indonesia carried out acts of terror throughout 2014-2018 as many as 48 acts of terrorism. 22 acts of terror were committed against members and police stations because they were considered as enemies. In addition, the attack was aimed at houses of worship in the form of blasting churches and attacking public places and facilities with an explosion in Thamrin and the Malay bus station. This research serves as material for researchers who examine the terrorism movement of the ISIS group in Indonesia, researchers in the social field who study the ISIS social movement and its impact in Indonesia as well as researchers in the field of Islamic studies and Islamic thought which examines various kinds of Islamic thought. This research reveals new facts related to the ISIS organization in Indonesia, the ISIS organization movement in Indonesia and the acts of terrorism committed. changes in terrorist organizations and new patterns related to terrorist attacks and targets by ISIS Indonesia. DOI:
Malaysia diiktiraf dunia sebagai salah sebuah negara mega biodiversiti yang memiliki lebih kurang 449 spesies ikan air tawar dan 500 lebih spesies marin. Spesies marin yang bernilai tinggi ialah sirip ikan yu, bluefin tuna, arowana dan balat. Pencerobohan vessel nelayan asing merupakan salah satu ancaman terhadap hidupan laut yang bernilai tinggi. Gejala ini juga turut menjejaskan hasil perikanan dan pendapatan negara. Di Sabah, balat menjadi tarikan utama nelayan asing kerana harganya boleh mencecah USD3583/sekilo Negara juga mengalami kerugian dianggarkan sejumlah RM6 bilion setahun akibat pencerobohan vessel nelayan asing. Nelayan asing turut mengeksploitasi sumber laut seperti sotong dan mereka juga cenderung menggunakan peralatan penangkapan seperti pukat tunda yang menyebabkan kerosakan terumbu karang. Pencerobohan nelayan asing turut mengancam kelangsungan hidup nelayan tempatan dan keselamatan negara. Sehubungan dengan itu, antara objektif utama artikel ini adalah menjelaskan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh agensi penguat kuasa untuk menghalang pencerobohan vessel nelayan asing di perairan pantai barat Sabah. Objektif seterusnya adalah menilai keberkesanan penguatkuasaan maritim dalam usaha menghalang pencerobohan tersebut. Penilaian terhadap langkah penguatkuasaan difokuskan terhadap sistem pengawasan, pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan undang-undang. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menemu bual secara mendalam informan dari agensi penguat kuasa maritim, mengendalikan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) serta menjalankan pemerhatian dengan menyertai operasi penguat kuasa maritim semasa mereka melakukan rondaan mengekang aktiviti nelayan asing di perairan pantai barat Sabah. Dapatan kajian awal menunjukkan antara langkah penguatkuasaan ialah membuat pindaan terhadap Akta Perikanan (pindaan 2019) untuk mengekang kemasukan nelayan asing. Namun, kekurangan aset merupakan cabaran utama langkah penguatkuasaan kerana menjejaskan kecekapan rondaan dan pemantauan di perairan pantai barat Sabah yang mempunyai keluasan sehingga 200 batu nautika. Pertindihan tanggungjawab antara Agensi Penguatkuasa Maritim Malaysia dan Polis Marin (APMM) juga menyukarkan pembahagian aset dan turut memberi impak terhadap keberkesanan menyekat kemasukan vessel nelayan asing.
Invasion of foreign fishing vessels is one of the threats to national security, the survival of local fishermen, protected marine life and affecting fisheries and national income. The country is suffering an estimated loss of RM6 billion a year due to the invasion of foreign fishing vessels. Malaysia is globally recognized as a mega biodiversity country with about 449 freshwater fish species and over 500 marine species. Highvalue marine species are targeted by foreign fishermen such as shark fin,Bluefin tuna, arowana, and balat. In Sabah, balat is a major attraction for foreign fishermen as it can cost around USD3583/per kilogram. Foreign fishermen also exploit marine resources such as squid and the use of trawlers caused damage to coral reefs. In this regard, one of the main objectives of this study is to identify the challenges of preventing foreign fishing vessel intrusion in Sabah's West Coast waters and subsequently assessing the effectiveness of maritime enforcement against suchintrusions. The assessment is focused on logistics, asset allocation, law enforcement and technology use. This study used a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews with enforcement stakeholders, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and observations by joining maritime authorities to patrol foreign fishing activities in Sabah's West Coast waters. Preliminary findings show that one of the enforcement measures include amendment to the Fisheries Act (Amendment 2019) to curb the entry offoreign fishermen. However, the scarcity of assets is a major challenge as it affects patrolling and monitoring activities in the 200-nautical Sabah west coast waters. The overlapping of responsibilities between the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and the Marine Police made it difficult to allocate assets and it also had an impact on the effectiveness of restricting foreign fishing vessel entry.
PurposePrevious studies on scanning behaviour focused mainly on the performance of the private sector, leaving the public sector, especially local authorities (LAs), largely understudied. Primarily, this paper aims to examine the element of strategic management tools associated with the impact of environmental scanning (ES) on organisational performance in the LAs. It explores the above relationship in the context of public sector organisations in Malaysia.Design/methodology/approachA quantitative approach has been used for this study where the data were collected through a mail survey (n=75) of local authorities in Malaysia, which consists of four categories – City Council/City Hall, Municipal Council, District Council and organisations that exercise the functions of local authorities.FindingsOverall, the results show that the scope of general environmental scanning is seen as a prerequisite to the successful alignment of competitive strategies as a result of changing the needs and demands of the larger society, and the diverse nature of businesses. In the context of Malaysian LAs, there is a significant relationship between the environmental scanning (operation) and the overall achievement of the organisation's performance.Research limitations/implicationsThis paper is limited to the Malaysian context, and, hence, the findings cannot be applied generally.Practical implicationsThis study could be used effectively as a road map to assist the council members, senior staff and stakeholders in evaluating their success and steering the organisation's performance and sustainability.Originality/valueThis paper provides important insights into the performance of local governments in Malaysia. To the authors' knowledge, this study is the first attempt to look at a more holistic perspective in exploring environmental scanning of LAs in the country. Increased understanding in this area is of critical importance in relation to implementing effectively the current and future modernisation and reform initiatives. It is of interest to both researchers and practitioners.
Background and Purpose: Efforts to improve the teaching of the Arabic language as a subject have the potential to strengthen the Integrated Dini Curriculum (KBD) in Malaysia. Thus, it is appropriate and necessary to examine the relevance of textbook technical presentation in terms of text readability. Therefore, this study aims to identify the relationship between the technical presentation of the Arabic textbook (al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah al-Mu'asirah) in the Form Four Integrated Dini Curriculum in Government-Aided Religious Schools (SABK) and the readability of textbooks. Methodology: This study was designed as survey research. 694 respondents Form Four SABK were recruited in this study, selected using a proportionate stratified random sampling method. The questionnaire items were administrated to the respondents after they were tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. This included frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation tests. Findings: Results showed that the technical presentation of KBD Form Four Arabic textbooks is of a high level. However, the readability of the textbook overall was unsatisfactory. It was also shown that there was a weak significant positive relationship between the textbook technical presentation and the readability of Arabic textbooks for SABK students. Contributions: The findings of this study have implications on textbook writers to improve textbook readability, especially for language learners. The findings also may contribute to the Ministry of education, course designers, as well school administrators to be vigilant before making any decisions on textbooks used for educational purposes. Keywords: al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah al-Mu'asirah, government-aided religious school students, Integrated Dini Curriculum, readability, textbook technical presentation. Cite as: Ismail, M. F., & Nik Yusoff, N. M. R. (2022). Textbook technical presentation vs. Readability: An analysis of KBD form four Arabic textbooks ...
There have been efforts to empower the Arabic language as a subject with the potential to strengthen the Early Integrated Curriculum (KBD) in Malaysia. The importance of mastering this subject is also emphasized in the Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013-2025). Thus, the need to examine language learning strategies with students' text readability is relevant. However, studies related to the readability of Arabic texts have been found to be limited and there are still weaknesses of students in using language learning strategies. Thus, this study aims to identify the relationship between language learning strategies and the readability of form four KBD Arabic textbooks among Government Aided Religious Schools (SABK) students. The Schema theory and the Interactive Reading Model by Rumelhart (1977) were used as the basis of this study. Meanwhile, quantitative design by survey was implemented on 694 students in five zones of SABK using the proportional strata random sampling technique. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially covering frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation tests, and Kuder Richardson 20. The results of the study showed that the language learning strategies were at a moderate level. On the other hand, the level of readability of the Arabic textbooks of the students was disappointing. There was a weak significant positive relationship between language learning strategies and readability of form four KBD Arabic textbooks among SABK students. The implications of the study contributed to the applicability of the theories and models underpinned in the context of this study. The results of the study can also be used by teachers to help students improve their language learning strategies as well as to increase the readability achievement.
At present, there are currently strategic challenges facing the Malaysian government, including debt, deficit pressures, technology, innovation and globalization. Hence, Malaysian public service agencies recognize that they need to be resilient. In other words, they need to respond to people's demand (adaptation), provide efficient and effective services (competitiveness) and make themselves reputable (value). This study aims to answer this question: What are the factors that predict innovation in Malaysian public sector? The results reveal that both innovative climate and participative leadership are associated with the implementation of innovation in public organizations. In conclusion, implications on management practices and research are further discussed.