A Struggle of Sixty-Two Days: A Play Based on the 1936-37 Strikes for 25% Wage Rise and an Eight-Hour Working Day in Kenya
Front cover -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Table of contents -- Introduction -- Cast of characters -- Act One - The First Victory -- Scene 1: Workers are not buying food -- Nchi Yetu ni Kenya - Play Within a Play -- Scene 1 The Classroom -- Scene 2 Home -- Scene 3 The Enemy Arrives -- Scene 2: But resist we must -- Nchi Yetu ni Kenya -- Scene 3: Battles … And More Battles -- Never Let Go the Weapon -- Askaris Pay for Uji -- Workers Meet -- We Who Labour in Farms and Factories -- Peoples School -- What Can We Not Achieve -- Act Two - The Taking of Positions -- Scene 1: Abdi, the Eyes and Ears -- Scene 2: Onyango 'Dies' -- Act Three - The General Strike -- Scene 1: A Personal Affair -- Scene 2: The Picket Line -- Song of the Long Strike -- Daddy, Did You Mind the Picket Line? -- Scene 3: The Employers Despair -- Scene 4: Nchi Yetu Ni Kenya -- Nchi Yetu ni Kenya -- Back cover.