A role for direct payments? The Doha Round, EU enlargement and prospects for CAP reform.
In: A bond scheme for common agricultural policy reform, S. 149-167
4069 Ergebnisse
In: A bond scheme for common agricultural policy reform, S. 149-167
In: Theœ Portuguese-speaking world: its history, politics and culture
In: The Portuguese-Speaking World Ser.
Cover -- Title page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Series Editors' Preface -- Introduction: Portuguese Economic Development and External Funding in the Modern Era -- Nuno Cunha Rodrigues and Alice Cunha -- 1. Portugal and the Marshall Plan -- Maria Fernanda Rollo -- 2. Financing the Portuguese Democracy: The International Monetary Fund and Other Creditors (1975-1979) -- Luciano Amaral -- 3. The IMF Intervention Process in Portugal between 1983 and 1985 -- João Zorrinho -- 4. The European Communities Pre-accession Aid to Portugal: A Dynamic Process -- Paulo Alves Pardal -- 5. The IMF in Portugal, 2011-2014: An Economic and Political Analysis -- Joaquim Ramos Silva -- 6. The Impact of the 2011 Troika Intervention in Portugal on the National Legal Framework -- Nuno Cunha Rodrigues -- 7. EU Funds and Taxation: Lessons from Portugal in Times of Covid -- Guilherme Waldemar d'Oliveira Martins and Joana Graça Moura -- 8. The International Monetary and Financial System and the Right to Assistance from the International Monetary Fund -- José Renato Gonçalves -- Conclusion: External Funding and Portugal's Unstable Development -- Ricardo Paes Mamede -- The Editors and Contributors -- Index -- Back Cover.
In: Série identidades e interculturalidades 3