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12 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
Virtually undeveloped one hundred years ago, Israel, the promised "land of milk and honey," is in ecological disarray. In this gripping book, Alon Tal provides--for the first time ever--a history of environmentalism in Israel, interviewing hundreds of experts and activists who have made it their mission to keep the country's remarkable development sustainable amid a century of political and cultural turmoil.The modern Zionist vision began as a quest to redeem a land that bore the cumulative effects of two thousand years of foreign domination and neglect. Since then, Israel has suffered from its success. A tenfold increase in population and standard of living has polluted the air. The deserts have bloomed but groundwater has become contaminated. Urban sprawl threatens to pave over much of the country's breathtaking landscape. Yet there is hope. Tal's account considers the ecological and tactical lessons that emerge from dozens of cases of environmental mishaps, from habitat loss to river reclamation. Pollution in a Promised Land argues that the priorities and strategies of Israeli environmental advocates must address issues beyond traditional green agendas
In: The Israel journal of foreign affairs, Band 15, Heft 3, S. 409-414
ISSN: 2373-9789
World Affairs Online
In: The Israel journal of foreign affairs, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 21-51
ISSN: 1565-9631
World Affairs Online
In: The Israel journal of foreign affairs, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 59-73
ISSN: 1565-9631
Aus israelischer Sicht
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of developing societies, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 116-134
ISSN: 0169-796X
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: History of the urban environment
The environment in Palestine in the late Ottomas period, 1789-1918 -- The environmental legacy of the Fellaheen and the Bedouin -- Human impact on wildlife in Israel since the nineteenth-century -- Zionist and Israeli perspectives on population growth and environmental impact in Palestine and Israel -- Combating desertification : evolving perceptions and strategies -- The agricultural roots of Israel's water crisis -- Open space in an urban society -- The battle of the "True Believers" : environmentalism in Israeli party politics -- Environmental challenges facing the Arab Society in Israel -- A prolonged recessional : the continuing influence of British rule on Israeli environmental law -- Marin-pollution abatement along Israel's Mediterranean coast : a story of policy success -- Olive green : environment, militarism, and the Israel Defense Forces -- "Going beyond Israel" : epistemic communities, global interests, and international environmental agreements -- Toward sustainable development : mainstreaming environment in Israel -- Anthropogenic climate change in Israel -- Nature knows no boundaries? : notes toward a future history of regional environmentalism -- The future of the Israeli environmental movement : is a major paradigm shift under way?
Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Contents -- About the Authors -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Boxes -- 1 Introduction -- References -- 2 Overview of India, China and Israel -- 2.1 India -- 2.1.1 Backdrop of Indian Agriculture -- 2.1.2 Agricultural Growth and Transformation -- 2.1.3 Trends in Agricultural Diversification -- 2.1.4 Gradual Globalisation of Indian Agriculture -- 2.1.5 Innovations in Indian Agriculture -- 2.2 China -- 2.2.1 Background -- 2.2.2 Agricultural Growth and Transformation -- 2.2.3 Major Factors Driving Agricultural Growth and Transformation -- 2.3 Israel -- 2.3.1 Background -- 2.3.2 Agricultural Growth and Transformation -- 2.3.3 The Turning Point -- References -- 3 Innovations in Production Technologies in India -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Innovations and Revolutions in Indian Agriculture: A Chronological Account -- 3.2.1 The Green Revolution-Innovations in Seeds, Policies and Marketing Institutions (Wheat and Rice) -- 3.2.2 White Revolution-Innovations in Policies, Value Chain Development and Institutional Engineering (Milk) -- 3.2.3 Blue Revolution-Fisheries -- 3.2.4 Red Revolution-Poultry Meat and Egg -- 3.2.5 Golden Revolution-Fruits and Vegetables -- 3.2.6 Gene Revolution-Cotton -- 3.3 Total Factor Productivity (TFP) in Agriculture -- 3.4 Innovations in Irrigation Technologies -- 3.5 Innovations in the Fertiliser Sector and Soil Management -- 3.6 Innovations in Precision Agriculture: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Remote Sensing -- 3.7 Innovations in Sustainable and Protected Agriculture -- 3.7.1 Research and Development and Education in Indian Agriculture -- 3.8 Concluding Remarks -- Appendix -- References -- 4 Innovations in Agricultural Technologies in China -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 From Green Revolution to Gene Revolution in Grain Production.
In: Springer eBook Collection
Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Overview of India, China and Israel -- Chapter 3: Innovations in Production Technologies in India -- Chapter 4: Innovations in Agricultural Technologies in China -- Chapter 5: Innovations in Incentive Policies in Indian Agriculture -- Chapter 6: Reforms and Incentive Policies in China's Agriculture -- Chapter 7: Institutional Innovations in Accessing Land, Water, Farm Machinery and Extension Services in Indian Agriculture -- Chapter 8: Institutional Innovations in Accessing Land, Water, Farm Machinery and Extension Services in China's Agriculture -- Chapter 9: Israeli Agriculture – Innovation and Advancement -- Chapter 10: Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Innovations in India, China and Israel -- Chapter 11: Way Forward.