Рассмотрены ключевые историографические направления в изучении предреволюционного Британского парламента. Проанализированы основные школы, научные направления (критическое, «вигское» или либеральное, марксистское, «ревизионистское», постревизионистское). Выявлены ряд тенденций в изучении предреволюционного парламента в Англии, существовавших на протяжении XX в. в англоязычной историографии, их трансформация, проанализированы новейшие тренды. Обозначен круг наиболее значимых авторов и их трудов. Рассмотрены особенности направлений, акценты, которые были актуальны для каждого хронологического периода, подходы к источникам. Отмечены общие и отличительные черты течений, выявлено отношение к данному вопросу в последние десятилетия. ; The paper is devoted to the study of English-language historiography pre-revolutionary British parliament. Chronological framework XX century. Problems associated with the study of the formation of the legal community in Europe, and in England in particular, most clearly traced by the example of the English-speaking historians debate on the nature of pre-revolutionary parliamentary debate sessions. Throughout the 20th century representation of the pre-revolutionary England and the role of Parliament in the opposition movement is constantly changing. From critical areas to the "Whig" position Neale J.E., from discussions liberals ("Whigs") and Marxist to the "revisionism" 1960-70s. headed by Geoffrey Elton and Conrad Russell and appearance postrevizionizm in which there is still no consensus about the origins of the English Revolution and the role of Parliament in Crisis 1640s. A thorough study of sources, many of which have been systematized and published it throughout the century XX, has put the scientific community to rethink its predecessors. Began to appear studies comparing model representation in Europe and America. For example, in 2007 a conference was held under the auspices of the Yale Center for Parliamentary History "Peoples, Powers and parliaments", dedicated to the comparative analysis of models of representation in Europe and America in the early modern times. In addition, an important role in such discussions plays the emergence of new methodological approaches in the historical science that can be applied successfully to the emerging new material. Bearing in mind the lack of translation into Russian language of the sources, a review of research in the original language is of utmost importance.