Выделяются основные стратегии самоидентификации североирландцев в текстах региональных аналитических блогов и новостных сайтов, в частности, стратегия самопрезентации, стратегия дискредитации и стратегия аргументации. Анализируются противоречия и сложности самоидентификации североирландцев. Выявляется историческая обусловленность указанных стратегий и отображается их связь с актуальными общемировыми политическими тенденциями. ; The article touches upon one of the typical contemporary world problems, namely the problem of ethnic, cultural, and political self-identification. The problem in question results from two current tendencies on the one hand, a tendency towards globalization and unification, and on the other hand, a tendency towards autonomy and separation. The issue is vital for multi-cultural and multi-ethnic states, such as Spain, Belgium, Canada, and the United Kingdom. A trigger which brought the problem to the forefront was the Scottish Referendum of 2014, since when a lot of cultural and political movements in the aforementioned states have become more active than they used to be. In the United Kingdom alone, the referendum influenced not only life in Scotland, but in the other home nations, among which is Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland has traditionally been a part of the United Kingdom which has to regulate its policies according to what's happening in the rest of Great Britain and in the Irish Republic. Cultural and political trends have always been well reflected in the language of media and, for more than two decades now, in that of the Internet. Reading thoroughly through such texts reveal some typical strategies of communication. The main strategies of self-identification of the Northern Irish are the strategy of self-presentation, the strategy of discreditation, and the strategy of argumentation. They all depend on the aforementioned contradictions and difficulties of Northern Ireland being a border nation between the Irish Republic and the rest of Great Britain, which means that the strategies in question are historically conditioned.