Student government. European experience ; Gouvernement étudiant. Expérience européenne ; Студенческое самоуправление. Европейский опыт ; Cтуденське самоврядування. Європейській досвід
In higher educational institutions and their structural divisions, there is student self-government, which is an integral part of the public self-government of the respective educational institutions. Student self-government allows students to be a direct participant management of a higher educational institution and solve issues of education and life, protection of the rights and interests of students. Student self-government unites all students and ensures the protection of the rights and interests of students and their participation in the management of a higher educational institution. Main part. In their activities, student bodies self-governments are guided by the legislation, the charter of the university and the regulation on student self-government of the university. Student self-government bodies operate on the principles of: voluntariness, collegiality, openness; 2) election and accountability of student self-government bodies; 3) equality of the right of students (cadets) to participate in student government; 4) independence from the influence of political parties and religious organizations (to Roma higher spiritual educational institutions). Student government starts at the student group level,flow, course, hostel, at the level of all departments where student life is seething. Student bodies self-government may have different forms (parliament, senate, starost, student administration, student deans, student councils, etc.). The experience of European colleagues and the construction of a European student community are interesting. self-government. Findings. Student self-government is based on the principles of equal rights for students, open election. And these principles are the same for all institutions of higher education. But interesting experience foreign universities, which must be studied and implemented partially within the walls of our university. ; Dans les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et leurs divisions structurelles, il existe l'autonomie étudiante, qui fait partie intégrante ...