Рrocess of adaptation of economic legislation of Ukraine: directions and prospects
In: Problemy zakonnosti: zbirnyk naukovych pracʹ = Problems of legality, Band 0, Heft 142, S. 99-108
ISSN: 2414-990X
7 Ergebnisse
In: Problemy zakonnosti: zbirnyk naukovych pracʹ = Problems of legality, Band 0, Heft 142, S. 99-108
ISSN: 2414-990X
The article explores the concept-trend of the modern legislative process – «adaptation». Particular attention is paid in the article to the process of adaptation of legislation to more developed standards of legal regulation of economic relations, and also modifications of the corresponding process are characterized. Global legislative changes have been established in the context of adaptation processes in economic legislation, important aspects in the reform of the economic and legal mechanism are underlined.The processes of adaptation of domestic economic legislation to more perfect standards of economic regulation of developed countries, in particular the West, must be correlated with the real state of development of economic relations inUkraine. In addition, he has to perform the regulatory-dynamic function of law, including economic, but at the same time can not be implemented designs that hang in the complete vacuum of social relations.Adaptation should become not only an element of the lawmaking process, but also an integral part of economic and legal policy, that is to lay the foundations of the process of institutionalization of mechanisms for the formation and implementation of algorithms for the application of legal means of state influence on the content, structure and dynamics of internal and external economic relations, macroeconomic properties of market equilibrium, appropriate correction of the content (achievement of consistency and compliance of the contents of the legal economic order of the country-adaptor. Therefore, all researches ting in commercial law should as part of goals include establishing feasibility of drawing certain foreign structures or mechanisms of their viability and prospects of the national legal system of coordinates. ; В статье исследуется понятие-тренд современного законотворческого процесса – «адаптация». Особое внимание в статье уделено процессу адаптации законодательства к более развитым стандартов правового регулирования хозяйственных отношений, а также охарактеризованы модификации соответствующего процесса. Установлены глобальные законодательные изменения в контексте процессов адаптации в хозяйственном законодательстве, подчеркиваются важные аспекты в реформировании хозяйственно-правового механизма. ; Досліджено поняття-тренд сучасного законотворчого процесу – «адаптація». Особливу увагу приділено адаптації господарського законодавства і приведення його у відповідність до стандартів правового регулювання господарських відносин більш розвинених країн. Доведено необхідність унесення кардинальних змін у вітчизняне господарське законодавство, а також охарактеризовано модифікації відповідного процесу. Встановлено важливі напрями реформування господарсько-правового механізму.
The article explores the concept-trend of the modern legislative process – «adaptation». Particular attention is paid in the article to the process of adaptation of legislation to more developed standards of legal regulation of economic relations, and also modifications of the corresponding process are characterized. Global legislative changes have been established in the context of adaptation processes in economic legislation, important aspects in the reform of the economic and legal mechanism are underlined.The processes of adaptation of domestic economic legislation to more perfect standards of economic regulation of developed countries, in particular the West, must be correlated with the real state of development of economic relations inUkraine. In addition, he has to perform the regulatory-dynamic function of law, including economic, but at the same time can not be implemented designs that hang in the complete vacuum of social relations.Adaptation should become not only an element of the lawmaking process, but also an integral part of economic and legal policy, that is to lay the foundations of the process of institutionalization of mechanisms for the formation and implementation of algorithms for the application of legal means of state influence on the content, structure and dynamics of internal and external economic relations, macroeconomic properties of market equilibrium, appropriate correction of the content (achievement of consistency and compliance of the contents of the legal economic order of the country-adaptor. Therefore, all researches ting in commercial law should as part of goals include establishing feasibility of drawing certain foreign structures or mechanisms of their viability and prospects of the national legal system of coordinates. ; В статье исследуется понятие-тренд современного законотворческого процесса – «адаптация». Особое внимание в статье уделено процессу адаптации законодательства к более развитым стандартов правового регулирования хозяйственных отношений, а также охарактеризованы модификации соответствующего процесса. Установлены глобальные законодательные изменения в контексте процессов адаптации в хозяйственном законодательстве, подчеркиваются важные аспекты в реформировании хозяйственно-правового механизма. ; Досліджено поняття-тренд сучасного законотворчого процесу – «адаптація». Особливу увагу приділено адаптації господарського законодавства і приведення його у відповідність до стандартів правового регулювання господарських відносин більш розвинених країн. Доведено необхідність унесення кардинальних змін у вітчизняне господарське законодавство, а також охарактеризовано модифікації відповідного процесу. Встановлено важливі напрями реформування господарсько-правового механізму.
In: Problemy zakonnosti: zbirnyk naukovych pracʹ = Problems of legality, Band 0, Heft 133, S. 52-67
ISSN: 2414-990X
In: Problemy zakonnosti: zbirnyk naukovych pracʹ = Problems of legality, Band 0, Heft 132, S. 91
ISSN: 2414-990X
The article analyzes the complex nature of the relationship of economic law, consisting of the subject, namely in the context of the development of the sphere of economic relations, therefore, in the context of law as such. Justify the idea of further development of the complex areas of law by modeling of new branches, sub-branches and institutes in the field of management of individual multi complexes formations. The examples and proved the idea that education is multi complexes create both functional complexes in the context of multi organization within the economic relations between industry complexes, as well as between economic rights and that economic rights.// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "plaw.nlu.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e ; У статті проаналізовано комплексну природу відносин господарського права, які складаються з приводу предмета в контексті розвитку самої сфери господарських відносин, а отже, і у контексті господарського законодавства як такого. Обґрунтовано ідею щодо необхідності подальшого розвитку комплексних галузей права шляхом моделювання нових галузей, підгалузей та інститутів у сфері господарювання як окремих мультикомплексних утворень. Наведено приклади на підтвердження думки, що саме на основі мультикомплексних утворень виникають функціональні комплекси в контексті мультиутворень у межах економічних відносин між галузевими комплексами, а також між господарськими та економічним правом.// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "plaw.nlu.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "plaw.nlu.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e
У статті розглянуто розвиток вітчизняного законодавства у сфері економічних відносин, що викликає змістовні та структурні трансформації в системі права, а отже, і право, і законодавство є органічно пов'язаними. Як наслідок, виникають структурні новоутворення в системі законодавства. Установлено, що саме з урахуванням системності у визначенні основних та другорядних аспектів нормативно-правового забезпечення функціонування економічної системи можна вести мову про високу ефективність правового регулювання світової економічної системи. Обґрунтовано, що незважаючи на складний ієрархічний характер відносин в економічній системі, що тяжіє до безперервної спеціалізації її складових, забезпечення взаємодії усіх елементів структури та вихід її функціонування на задані загальні параметри вимагає створення цілісної, взаємопов'язаної системи законодавчого та правового забезпечення в адекватному для такого масштабу проблеми форматі ; В статье проанализированы динамичное развитие законодательства в сфере экономических отношений, что вызывает содержательные и структурные трансформации в системе права, а, следовательно, и право, и законодательство являються органически связанными. Как следствие, возникают структурные новообразования в системе законодательства. Установлено, что именно с учетом системности в определении основных и второстепенных аспектов нормативно-правового обеспечения функционирования экономической системы можно говорить о высокой эффективности правового регулирования мировой экономической системы. Обосновано, что несмотря на сложный иерархический характер отношений в экономической системе, которая тяготеет к непрерывной специализации ее составляющих, обеспечение взаимодействия всех элементов структуры и выход ее функционирования на заданные параметры требует создания целостной, взаимосвязанной структурной системы законодательного и правового обеспечения в адекватном для нее масштабе.// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "plaw.nlu.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e ; The article analyzes the dynamic development of legislation in the field of economic relations is matched to structural transformation in the law, and therefore the law, and legislation is organically linked. Аs a consequence, become structurally tumors in the legal system as a key emerging trend of improving its evolyutsinuvannya. In this sense, the normative legal provision of economic relations – is a complete standalone system, it is appropriate to determine as the only legal complex object. It is established that it is considering systematic in identifying major and minor aspects of the legal functioning of the economic system we can talk about high efficiency of legal regulation of the global economic system. Proved that despite the complex hierarchical nature of relations in the economic system that tends to continuing specialization of its components, ensuring the interaction of all elements of the structure and output of its operation to set general parameters requires an integrative, holistic, coherent with the legal system and legal support in adequate to the problem of this magnitude format.Now the scientific legal literature began to explore some categorical concepts, some substantive mechanisms for the enhancement of the conceptual level that can be regarded as approval beliefs and understanding of the separation of such jurisprudence as Economic Law of Ukraine [1–11]. The rich have paid attention to this issue and scientists of Kharkiv Donetsk schools of law, namely:, D. V. Zadyhaylo, D. D. Zadyhaylo, V. S. Milash, V. A. Ustymenko and others. Also, this perspective was a range of scientific interests of Kiev and Odessa schools, namely A. M. Vinnik, O. P. Podtserkovnyy, V. S. Shcherbina and others. In the former Soviet Union it examined: A. Alpatov, G. Velyanovskyy, G. Balsevich, M. Odintsov, V. Tambovtsev and others. However, scientists have not paid sufficient attention, and the very conceptual analysis of the category of «economic rights» as a separate legal phenomenon, that conceptual device was left outside the research, also identified and place of the term «economic law» in the legal space as required result Sociodynamics the mechanism legislation. However, usually focuses on individual fragments relationship functioning economic system creating categorical apparatus required for each. It should be added that often because of certain circumstances their views do not correspond to modern realities, because the dynamics of economic relations for ten years - big time. In view of the above it can be stated that the question of integrative processes of legislation on economic issues, the impact of international standards on the process of modernization of national economic legislation and determine their role in it as a whole are not defined.Consideration of this issue is caused by lack of conceptual apparatus legislation Ukraine of terms such as «economic system» and «economic law». In addition, the domestic legislation is not developed a mechanism to ensure the development of the latter, which operates successfully operates a modern legal systems of the world. Given this, we can state that the need to adapt Ukrainian legal doctrine to the European legal system is in the legal functioning of the economic system of our country, because the design of economic law as a science and discipline will solve the problem of mismatch economic and legal point of view, a holistic concept relations state of law and Economics. Emphasize that while this gap is not eliminated, that remain unsettled some legal aspects of the existing conceptual mechanism of legal support economic system is inadequate. In addition, should agree on the basic provisions of legislation on regulation of relevant relations with foreign countries, to achieve the level of economic indicators sought legal opinion and national general our country.The article is the rationale for the legislative and legal consolidation of the concept of «economic law» as a structural system neoplasms legislation and establishing a comprehensive nature of the institution as a whole legal complex object in the legal system and functional state's influence on him.Axiomatic is provision for a close dialectical relationship between economic and legal systems. Even in the XVIII century, Adam Smith (author of «The Wealth of Nations» and the phrase «life, liberty and property») pondered the economic consequences of the establishment «of mercantile laws». Along with Smith and other philosophers saw the relationship between economics and law. On this occasion expressed their thoughts and «father of communism» – Karl Marx. However, in today's issue of legal compliance to ensure economic relations existing forms of their implementation is complex and multifaceted and has a corresponding character. First of all, this is due to globalization of economic processes, the growing role and importance of public international economic law and private international law in the establishment and regulation of foreign economic relations, which play a large share in the global and national GDP. Thus, the emerging global economic right, which may be partly represented the concept LEX mercantoria. However, in internal legislation of the update is kompleknyh a number of industries that are designed to overcome industry barriers to legal provision of economic relations.The fact is of course that the relationships that are part of the category of «economic system» extremely ambitious and go beyond their own business, tax, natural resource and other sectors zakonodastva. An important factor marker while solving the problem of inter-sectoral barriers is the need for clear and understandable state of economic, including industrial or agricultural policy. Clearly, implementation of this policy occurs within the array of relations in the economic system, and therefore includes a comprehensive, systemic use of state-legal means of influencing the behavior of economic relations, in particular economic entities, local communities, employees, investors, consumers etc.Thus it is necessary a certain legal unification of the whole arsenal of different-legal instruments. Yes, this formulation of questions, answers attempt to form such a category as an economic right - the integrative result of independent development of its industry components.1. The economic system is a complex set of social relations of production that ensure economic activities on certain principles of coordination between the participants and subjects of economy in the dominant way to distribute the results of its operations, determining the degree of efficiency of the national economy. Thus, the economic system as a whole set of economic relations should be represented as a single object of legal regulation, because it is a sign of «whole nature» of the latter, which is inherent in any system, its operation logically implies the interaction of all elements by « self-regulation «of all systemically important ties between these elements and therefore obligatory to talk about the development of a single legal model for organizing economic relations in general.2. In modern terms of structuring the legal system and legislation are distributed between the individual sectors. Some of them are homogeneous by private law or public-legal nature, such as the civil law or the finance law, the while law others are complex the hospodarske law, the agricultural law, the environmental (natural resource) law. However, the structure of the said areas of the economic law as a separate category is not saying.3. The need for the formation of just such regulatory structural macro grounded weight increasing economic sphere as integral object of social management-for: 1) implementation of a unified economic policy; 2) the macroeconomic state regulation; 3) external influences on the national economy due to the implementation of the economic policy of other states, international economic organizations, the impact kon'yuktury foreign markets; 4) the need to implement (incentives) universal properties of the national economy as such. For example – providing innovative character of economic development, the introduction of alternative energy as the dominant source of energy, the implementation of restructuring the national economy, overcoming depression and economic degradation regions and so on.4. The possibility and feasibility of forming such superkompleksu the right to an economic right may also grounded bute legal and technical aspects of constitutional and legal support: 1) although fragmented, but overall the nature of the constitutional and legal regulation of economic relations; 2) fixation general legal economic values - objects of constitutional and legal regulation (economic security, constitutional economic order, economic diversity, etc.); 3) if the text of the Basic Law and the common values of the components overall, defining of competence load state authorities, in particular: a) the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on objects of legal regulation referred to in Article 92 of the Constitution of Ukraine, namely the use of natural resources, the exclusive ( maritime) economic zone and the continental shelf, the space exploration organization and operation of energy, transportation and communications, the legal regime of property rights, legal principles and guarantees of entrepreneurship, rules of competition and antitrust rules, principles of foreign relations, foreign trade, customs, etc. ; b) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - the functions of the Government to ensure the functioning of the economic system listed in Article 116 of the Constitution of Ukraine, for example, develops and implements national programs of economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural development of Ukraine, ensures equal conditions of development of all forms of ownership; carries out management of state property in accordance with law; c) general economic content and nature of the competence of certain public authorities such as the NBU, AMC and others.