The impact of the latest public administration concepts in eu countries on the development of the social work system ; Вплив новітніх концепцій державного управління в країнах ЄС на розвиток системи соціальної роботи
Problem setting. The development of modern professional public administration in the EU began with simple but strategic tasks, such as ensuring the stability of public authority and regulating basic social processes. Further differentiation has led to tasks of the social service provision of public concern to clients, prevention and assistance to people in social and other risks (poverty, unemployment, illness, etc.), that is, creating an effective social work system.Recent research and publications analysis. Problems of public administration reform were investigated by foreign scientists: I. Banks, M. Buser, T. Berzel, P. Birkinshaw, G. Bouckaert, R. Foster, L. Fuller, T. Gabler, J. Ziller, M. Clark, J. Clayton, H. Margets, O. Mayers, S. Montin, M. Porter, F. Holger, K. Hood, W. Weiss, F. Schnapp, J. Schumpeter and others. Among domestic scientists should be distinguished G. Androshchuk, O. Bandurka, Y. Bytiak, B. Beschasnyi, M. Hnydiuk, O. Vlasenko, V. Yevdokimenko, L. Melnichuk, Y. Mykhailuk, I. Kolosovska, E. Legeza, M. Pukhtynskyi, G. Pisarenko, V. Tymoshchuk, H. Khachaturian and others.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite the considerable number of scientific works, the study of the of the European countries' experience on the outlined issues, as well as the aspects of theoretical and practical instruments of public administration of the social work system, is of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to analyze and identify the results of the impact of the latest of public administration concepts in EU countries on the development of social work system and identify positive practices for further implementation in the national reform of public administration in the social sphere.Paper main body. The European model of deinstitutionalization (DI) of the system of social work and support for vulnerable groups is considered to be the most balanced and effective today, especially in the first place, with orphaned children and children deprived of parental care. The development of public administration and the improvement of its mechanisms: legal, socio-economic, organizational, informational and others contributed to the development of this model. It is public administration that has played a dominant role in reforming the social work system with families with children.At the same time, social policy measures, based on the theory of the state welfare, that is, creating favorable, equal living conditions, ensuring social justice for all segments of the population were implemented at the state, regional and local levels.Simultaneously application of innovative management practices and standard procedures in public administration challenges the value of social work, transferring social services it into more regulatory practices.Therefore, modern European society wants to reduce its influence in the social sphere under the pretext of guaranteeing more individuality and self-determination to citizens. In addition, the modern state promises to keep state responsibility as the lowest, as well as to develop new forms of distribution of social services in the context of NPM – New Public Management philosophy.The author analyzes the dissemination of neoliberal political beliefs and principles of the New Public Management (NPM) in European countries from the early 1980s and up to the present day, which has significantly influenced the institutional and operational environment in the provision of social services.For social work, a new political strategy may be a growing danger. Namely, the term "social work" can be replaced by the term "social services". The European trend in this direction is clearly traced and leads to many formulations of "Service Principles" and "Service Standards" (for example, in the UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc.). This can cause social work to lose its political and critical function and get positive focus in return.Thus, public and social service institutions, stimulated by the liberalization of the EU market, have been radically restructured through the corporatization, outsourcing and privatization of service provision.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Therefore, New Public Management (NPM) concept implies decentralization of public administration, in order to modernize public administration of the social work system in Ukraine, it would be positive to use certain elements: modern information technologies, social partnership principles, methods and tools of the NPM concepts. The blind copying of European public administration reforms in the field of social services should be avoided now.Thus, the organic introduction of market-based methods and principles of appropriate management has led to the definition of the main directions of adaptation to the current conditions of the existing public administration systems in the leading EU countries. It is about informatization, debureaucratization, decentralization, deconcentration (outsourcing), privatization and introduction of economic mechanisms of regulation of administrative processes and service administration, which can be introduced in the reform of the public administration of the social work system in Ukrainian society. ; Розглянуто досвід та інноваційні методи управління і стандартні процедури вдержавному управлінні країн Європейського Союзу та їх вплив на ефективність надання соціальних послуг. Зроблено аналіз розповсюдження неоліберальних політичних переконань та принципів нового державного управління (далі – NPM) у європейських країнах із початку 80-х рр. ХХ ст. і до сьогодні, що суттєво вплинуло на існуючу систему соціальної роботи. Виокремлено дієві інструменти: інформатизація, дебюрократизація, децентралізація, деінституціалізація, деконцентрація (аутсорсинг), приватизація та запровадження економічних механізмів регулювання управлінських процесів і сервісне адміністрування, які можна впровадити у реформування державного управління системою соціальної роботи в українському суспільстві.