Статья посвящена описанию процесса влияния Русской православной церкви на формирование предпосылок и содержания социокультурной модернизации в России. С использованием методологии системного анализа выявляются те направления церковного служения, которые направлены на помощь государству в деле достижения социального мира и благополучия граждан. Рассматривается положительный опыт церковно-государственного сотрудничества, выделяется динамика благотворительной, здравоохранительной и культурно-просветительной деятельности церкви. ; In post-Soviet time modernization po1icy in the Russian Federation was directed at incorporating into genera1 g1oba1 order re1ying on state deve1opment strategy. In the context of the present crisis situations the re1igious organization ro1e in socia1 transformations is being reconsidered. The Orthodox Church assists the Russian state in fu1fi11ing socia1 reorganizations guided by spiritua1 and cu1tura1 traditions of peop1e. The artic1e describes the process of influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on the formation of socio-cu1tura1 modernization preconditions and content in Russia. Church service in charitab1e, hea1th care, cu1tura1 and educationa1 spheres aimed at he1ping the government in achieving socia1 peace and we11-being of citizens is considered. The positive experience and the dynamics of church-state cooperation are examined in the socia1 sphere. Due to the re1uctance of the Mass Media to cover the church themes, there arises a prob1em of monitoring the positive resu1ts of the joint activities of the church and government institutions to support the troub1ed and disadvantaged groups of peop1e. The author has come to the fo11owing conc1usions: the coincidence of state and church interests in the socia1 activity a11ows the Russian Orthodox Church to active1y participate in the process of pub1ic 1ife modernization; the decision of the government to expand the sphere of church influence is due to the socia1 motivation of church institutions activity, to the spiritua1 needs of society, and to the support of church initiatives in the socia1 sphere by the majority of Russians; the most important aspect of the socia1 activity of the Church is to broadcast spiritua1 and mora1 patterns and an appea1 to the state and society to be modernized on the basis of the Christian doctrine of mercy and charity; through rendering financia1 and spiritua1 assistance to the needy the Church seeks to contribute to the achievement of socia1 justice and overcoming the crisis in the sphere of cu1ture, education and hea1th care. The methodo1ogica1 basis of the study is a systematic ana1ysis of the main trends in socia1 work of the Russian Orthodox Church and different assessments of the church impact on pub1ic 1ife. When considering socia1 projects with the participation of re1igious institutions, an institutiona! approach was used. The empirical base includes the analysis of documents and the secondary data analysis of several sociological studies concerning the methods of realizing the Church policy.