Аналіз управління ризиками як засобу реалізації державної політики щодо безпеки праці ; Management of risks analysis as a mean of realization of the state policies on labor safety
Проаналізовано базові положення норм чинного законодавства, що регламентують діяльність органів державної влади, місцевого самоврядування та роботодавців у сфері охорони праці; сучасний стан вітчизняного державного регулювання у цій сфері, досліджено його організаційно-правові механізми. Запропоновано пріоритетні напрями удосконалення управління у сфері безпеки праці шляхом застосування інструментів управління ризиками. У контексті безпеки праці поглиблено визначення змісту поняття "ризик". ; Problem setting. The influence of safety on the indicators of the society's quality of life determines the need to improve management in the field of occupational safety through the use of risk management tools.The Ukrainian Law "On Occupational Safety" describes the main provisions regarding the implementation of the constitutional right of workers to protect their life and health in the process of work, as proper, safe and healthy working conditions; regulates the relations between the employer and the employee on safety, hygiene of work and the working environment with the participation of the relevant state authorities, as well as establishes a unified procedure for the organization of occupational safety in Ukraine. In particular, Section VI of this Law defines the structure and the power of state management of occupational safety, which forms a system that is a complex branching vertical. Such a structure that envisaged the rigorous regulatory impact of these authorities on employers for the purpose of implementation of the main principles of state policy in the field of occupational safety was effective enough in the conditions of a planned administrative economy. Existing Ukrainian occupational safety system is built on the principle of corrective rather than preventive actions when the response occurs in dangerous situations and situations that have already happened, but not directed to prevent such situations.Recent research and publications analysis. A significant contribution to solving topical issues of effective development of comprehensive measures to improve working conditions, development of the methods for monitoring the state of domestic occupational safety in Ukraine at the present stage was made by the following domestic researchers: V. D. Afanasyev, G.G. Gogitashvili, A. M. Amosha, and others. Researchers E. A. Bondarenko, V. M. Lapin, and N. V. Lutanyuk have dedicated their work to the issue of assessment and risk management. The works of V. D. Bakumenko, A. B. Kachinsky, and A. P. Rachinsky, deserve attention, as they are supplementing some aspects of using international experience in risk management in the system of public administration on the territory of Ukraine.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problems. At the same time, it should be noted that the development of effective tools for the state risk management in the field of labor safety has been given inadequate attention. Also, there is no unified scientific vision formed concerning the use in Ukraine of modern achievements of world methodology and standardization in managing risks.The purpose of the article is to study theoretical and methodological approaches to the construction of risk assessment systems as part of the state security policy work in the context of European integration of Ukraine.Paper main body. Nowadays, in many countries of the world, particularly, the European Union, the solution of issues of life safety and the health of workers is achieved through the management system, based on assessment and risk management. Consequently, for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of public management by the labor protection, in particular by bringing the regulatory framework in this area in line with modern requirements and legislation of the European Union, there is a necessity to reform all levels of the existing management system of the occupational safety in Ukraine by introducing a risk-oriented approach (risks management).However, as of today, there is no single definition of the concept of "risk", particularly its specifics in the field of occupational safety. The scientific community also does not have a single vision concerning the risk assessment as a management tool for controlling it.While depending on the professional level and the competence of the performers of the carried out work, the results of risks assessment are quite subjective. However, the results provide an opportunity to identify risks factors associated with labor protection, their correlation, and therefore there are being developed measures to minimize them.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. On the basis of the information above, one can conclude that the introduction of risks management concept is an important tool in the implementation of state policy in the field of occupational safety. Identification of hazards and risks assessment as a part of the public safety management system should be a continuous process, given the dynamic changes in external and internal conditions of functioning of the authorities. Simultaneously, the definition of the concept of "risk" in the context of occupational safety and doctrinal construction, fixed in the normative acts of Ukraine and the European Union, is a little bit different, although they have certain common features. Therefore, in order to form the integrated preventive approach to the workplace safety/protection in Ukraine, taking into account the standards of the European Union, there should be identified one of the tools of the system of risks management that will facilitate the improvement of safety and working conditions, which should be identified and established as a uniform criteria of acceptable risks for all types of the working activity. Due to the complexity and the ambiguity of the concept of "risk" in the context of occupational safety, its content disclosure requires additional analysis of the relevant components, defining the nature and content of which necessitates further scientific developments.