Прямые иностранные инвестиции в странах СНГ: современные проблемы
The progress of mutual investments in CIS countries assumes ever greater importance as a perspective direction of their investment cooperation development either with each other or with other countries. But there are a number of specific problems which negatively influence the investment cooperation of CIS countries: political and economic instability; impossibility to forecast the political processes; weak legal infrastructure and inadequate legislative ground for foreign investments; incompleteness of economic reforming i.e. ; The progress of mutual investments in CIS countries assumes ever greater importance as a perspective direction of their investment cooperation development either with each other or with other countries. But there are a number of specific problems which negatively influence the investment cooperation of CIS countries: political and economic instability; impossibility to forecast the political processes; weak legal infrastructure and inadequate legislative ground for foreign investments; incompleteness of economic reforming i.e.