Анализируется степень влияния событий после распада СССР на официальный Вашингтон; рассмотрены, в связи с этим, как основные вызовы национальной безопасности США, так и новые для них возможности в проведении внешнеполитического курса в отношении постсоветских государств, в частности, Центрально-Азиатского региона. На базе изучения материалов Конгресса США и Государственного департамента определено значение Казахстана с учетом имеющихся на его территории ядерных арсеналов, показаны особенности и динамика развития двусторонних отношений в начале 1990-х гг. ; In this article range of problems of US foreign policy determination is considered that emerged from the geostrategic changes in the post-Soviet territory in the early 1990s. On the one hand, breakup of the Soviet Union endangered US national security by threat of nuclear proliferation, violent regional conflicts, ethnic tension in many countries. On the other hand, with independence of former Soviet states there was opportunity for the USA to promote national interests and value in the rest of the world. Nevertheless, the USA could rapidly respond to geopolitical upheaval of the late 20th century and establish itself as a leader in the world community. According to content of US Congress and Department of State documents, the foreign policy of US administration towards the New Independent States was based on its national interests. Members of Congress took a strong stand in favor of democratic and economic assistance to former Soviet republics because of necessity of countering to Russia's imperial ambitions and threat of restoring of totalitarian regimes on the post-Soviet territory. Also US national interests were promoted by representatives of the Department of State that intended to establish diplomatic relations and open embassies in republics of Central Asia. Among New Independent States the USA placed emphasis on cooperation with Kazakhstan that possessed magnificent nuclear resources, successful economic indicators and beneficial geographic location between China and Russia. For Kazakhstan, with its aim for the status of a regional leader, great prospects were opened for growth of national economy and development of congenial investment climate thanks to partnership with the USA. The author of this article points to the fact that the first stage of US-Kazakhstan relations was characterized by mutual overestimated expectations. The republic relied on American significant financial assistance, when the USA expected that N. Nazarbaev would pay serious consideration to the democratic reforms. There were differences of foreign US and Kazakhstan policy priorities in Central Asia and their opposite approaches to the solution of national security problems. Arms control and proliferation security were high-priority problems of American regional policy. However, for Kazakhstan the military component of bilateral relations was inferior to questions of financial, economic and investment cooperation with the USA. Nevertheless, the far-reaching decision about nuclear disarmament made by Kazakhstan played an important role in strengthening of dynamic development of bilateral partnership and allowed the republic to take place of a full international actor.