<p align="justify">В статье рассматриваются первоочередные меры по преодолению искусственно созданного дефицита водных ресурсов в Крыму. Анализируются программы развития региона, предусматривающие мероприятия по решению водохозяйственных проблем. Показываются условия водообеспечения социально-экономического развития в новой реальности, а также возможности увеличения водных ресурсов. Дается характеристика экологических проблем, связанных как с водным фактором, так и новым строительством, в рамках программ регионального развития. </font>
У статті піднімаються проблеми лінгвоправової комунікативної компетентності в професійній освіті. Розглядаються професійні якості, якими повинен володіти правник. Аналізуються інноваційні освітні технології, направлені на розвиток і формування лінгвоправової комунікативної компетентності майбутніх юристів. Надаються компоненти комунікативної компетентності, а також визначаються умови формування лінгвоправової комунікативної компетентності майбутніх правоохоронців у системі сучасних освітніх стандартів. ; The article raises the problem of the linguistic and legal communicative competence in the vocational education as a multi-functional and hierarchicaly built system, which is formed in the process of future lawyers' training. The issue of training future lawyers who need to know not only the current legislation and acts of law enforcement, but also morality, religion, culture, language are of great importance in the sphere of social transformations. The specificity of legal education is the need to develop professional skills, which should have a lawyer. Legal education must provide: a thorough assimilation theory of social development, basic general and specialized legal knowledge while mastering the current legislation; formation of legal thinking, deep understanding of the law; the desire for constant updating of their knowledge. The professional qualities that the lawyer should have are considered by the author. In determining the professional characteristics of the future law enforcement officers it is figured out that the major factor of success is highly developed mental processes (concentration, a high level of short-term and long-term memory, empathy, intuition, etc.), as well as special quality (verbal ability, communicative competence). The innovative educational technologies directed to the development and formation of the linguistic and legal communicative competence of the future lawyers in the connection with the implementation of the law students' professional training, that provide not only the language skills as a means of communication, learning, self-education, but also allow them to fulfill all stipulated functions in a professional, labor and socio-cultural spheres of communication are analyzed in the article. The components of the communicative competence, the conditions of the linguistic and legal communicative competence of the future law enforcement officers in the context of the developed technologies that allow to display some fragments of the legal practice and relations in the field of its realization are given. The author introduces a developed and tested technology of lingvotraining communicative competence in the process of training future law officers based on the integration of elements of design-oriented, interactive, game technology within the context of training system transition from academic to professional activities, sequentially continuous approximation Law Students to practice, the transformation of teaching and learning activities to educational, vocational activities are given.