A Research of Medical Ethics and Bioethics Topics and Keywords in Major Databases in Two Period Time: 1918-1919 Spanish Flu Pandemic and 2020 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic – Main Values and Social Needs
In: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Bioethica, Band 66, Heft Special Issue, S. 56-56
ISSN: 2065-9504
"The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, has declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic. But in the last 130 years mankind overpassed 5 major pandemic times. We noticed that bioethics has been born at the twilight of the Tuskagee experiment in 1972-1979 the period, needed for the federal research and Belmont report issue. Therefore, Spanish flu pandemic did not benefit from bioethics insights but medical ethics and Hippocrates Oath however influenced doctor's professional ethics. We compare 1918-1919 topics of medical ethics for Spanish flu with 2020 for Coronavirus. We found out that PubMed (nih.gov) recognize some 8 issues for "medical ethics" and "Spanish flu" v. 792 for "medical ethics" and "coronavirus", this is 100 times more. Most frequent key words are researched. Also, there are researched major moral values and bioethical principles that are at stack in pandemic time in order to improve our reactivity and adaptability to such global health problems. The question is that in Spanish flu pandemic when bioethics was not yet an important approach for diversity of values as it is now in 2020 coronavirus pandemic, society and medical system during the First World War was less prepared for ethical solutions of treatment and prevention of a pandemics disease than today. Responsibility, equity and justice must prevail for the treatment and for prevention. Ethics of scarce resources allocation brings the most complicate questions and require for a holistic approach and equity. "