The aim of this research was to identify the potential for cooperation and association among organic farmers. We measured the level of trust of organic farmers towards different social groups, their collaboration experience and their willingness to associate. We conducted the survey in six counties of North-Western Croatia on a sample of 77 organic farms, using the structured and personal interview survey method. The results showed that organic farmers generally have no formal agricultural education and that they gain most of their specialised knowledge through informal training. Although most of them cooperate with other organic farmers, their cooperation is based only on the exchange of experience in production. They show a low level of trust in key agricultural services and institutions as well as towards people in general, but nevertheless, they want to cooperate with other organic farmers. Furthermore, the results show that the desire for mutual cooperation of organic farmers is related to good cooperation and a higher level of trust in local government and other organic farmers. The survey also highlights the many obstacles faced by organic farmers that can be overcome by coordinating institutional logistic support, which would increase the prospects for their association and business networking, and thus facilitate a more prosperous development of organic production.
The pervasive problem of academic cheating is an important issue for teachers and other educational stakeholders. Since teachers are one of the most important role models to students, their approach to academic (dis)honesty will likely have a strong influence on them. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify teachers' perceptions of the frequency and acceptability of different kinds of cheating acts, as well as their perception of the reasons for cheating and their reactions to cheating. Additionally, this study attempted to investigate whether teachers from different levels of education differ in their perceptions of cheating and/or in strategies that they use to deal with this problem. Data was obtained from 400 teachers from Croatian universities, secondary schools and elementary schools using an on-line survey. The results show that teachers from all levels of education perceive cheating as very frequent, but unacceptable behaviour. They recognize the great importance of their role in the prevention of cheating, but their actual reactions are a cause of concern. Teachers' reactions were usually reduced to warnings and did not lead to any serious consequences. Teachers from different levels of education reacted similarly to all acts of cheating. ; Sveprisutan problem varanja u školama i na fakultetima važna je tema za nastavnike i kreatore obrazovne politike. Budući da su nastavnici jedan od najvažnijih uzora svojim učenicima i studentima, njihov pristup akademskom (ne)poštenju zasigurno ima velik utjecaj na akademsko poštenje učenika/studenta. Zbog toga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati nastavničku percepciju učestalosti i prihvatljivosti različitih oblika varanja, njihovu percepciju razloga varanja i načine na koje reagiraju na pojavu varanja. Prema navedenom su uspoređeni nastavnici zaposleni na različitim razinama obrazovanja, a u svrhu utvrđivanja mogućih razlika među njima u odnosu na taj problem. Podaci su prikupljeni on-line anketom u kojoj je sudjelovalo 400 nastavnika zaposlenih u osnovnim i srednjim školama, i na fakultetima. Rezultati su pokazali da nastavnici svih triju razina obrazovanja percipiraju varanje kao vrlo često, ali neprihvatljivo ponašanje. Prepoznaju važnost vlastite uloge u prevenciji varanja, ali njihove su stvarne reakcije na pojavu varanja razlog za zabrinutost; obično su svedene na upozorenja i nemaju ozbiljne posljedice za učenike i studente. Nastavnici na različitim razinama obrazovanja, neovisno o obliku varanja, uglavnom reagiraju na sličan način.
In: Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; the journal of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 397-405
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people can become parents using various methods, but actual possibilities differ between countries depending on the legislation and social norms. The main goal of this study was to explore parenting desire and family formation methods among LGBTIQ people in Croatia. Differences in parenting desire based on sociodemographic characteristics, the frequency and use of family formation methods, as well as the importance of different sources of support for parenthood were analysed. 486 childless LGBTIQ people (aged 18 to 54) and 24 LGBTIQ people who were parents (aged 24 to 54) participated in an online survey. Childless participants who did not want children were on average older in comparison to those who wanted to have children. There were no significant differences in desire for parenthood based on education, income and relationship status, as well as between cis-females and cis-males and lesbians and gays. Most of the participants who were already parents had a child in a previous heterosexual relationship, while most of those who tried to become parents used an assisted reproductive technology. Among all the participants, the most preferred family formation methods were adoption and foster care, and partners were considered as the most important source of support for parenthood. Childless participants who wanted to have children perceived significantly more support from family, friends, and a significant other in comparison to those who did not want children. These results provide novel insights into the decision-making processes LGBTIQ people go through before family formation and indicate associations between the life context (e.g. age, social support) and parenting desire. ; LGBTIQ osobe mogu postati roditeljima na različite načine, ali stvarne se mogućnosti razlikuju među zemljama, ovisno o zakonodavstvu i društvenim normama. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti želju za roditeljstvom i metode formiranja obitelji među LGBTIQ osobama u Hrvatskoj. Ispitane su razlike u roditeljskoj želji s obzirom na sociodemografske karakteristike sudionika/ca, učestalost korištenja i preferiranje načina na koje LGBTIQ osobe mogu postati roditeljima te važnost različitih izvora podrške za roditeljstvo. U internetskom anketnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 486 LGBTIQ osoba bez djece (dobi od 18 do 54 godine) i 24 LGBTIQ osobe koje su roditelji (dobi od 24 do 54 godine). Rezultati su pokazali da su među sudionicima/cama koji nemaju djecu oni koji ne žele djecu u prosjeku stariji u odnosu na one koji žele imati djecu. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u želji za roditeljstvom s obzirom na obrazovanje, prihode i status veze, kao ni između cis-žena i cis-muškaraca te lezbijki i gej muškaraca. Većina sudionika/ica koji su već bili roditelji postali su roditeljima u prijašnjim heteroseksualnim vezama, dok je među onima koji su pokušavali postati roditeljima najčešće korištena metoda potpomognute oplodnje. Rezultati na cijelom uzorku pokazali su da su usvajanje i udomiteljstvo najpoželjnije metode formiranja obitelji te da su partneri najvažniji izvori podrške za roditeljstvo. Među sudionicima/ama bez djece, oni koji su željeli imati djecu, izvijestili su o značajno više percipirane podrške obitelji, prijatelja i značajne osobe u usporedbi s onima koji nisu željeli imati djecu. Ti rezultati daju nove uvide u procese donošenja odluka kroz koje prolaze LGBTIQ osobe prije nego što krenu u zasnivanje obitelji te odnose između životnog konteksta (npr. dob, društvena podrška) i želje za roditeljstvom.