Financial Transaction Tax
This paper deals with the financial transaction tax in the European Union. While it is currently a matter of enhanced cooperation between several Member States regulated only at the national level, it is considered to be a potentially good source of the EU's own resources. The negotiations about its implementation on the EU recently begun again as there is need to search for funds for the economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. The author works with the hypothesis that if the taxation of financial transactions and the financial sector as such is beneficial, harmonization within the free market of the European Union is necessary. From scientific methods, it will mainly use the analysis of proposals for a new system of taxation of financial transactions to confirm or refute it. In order to be able to put the issue into a suitable context, the method of interpretation will also be used, especially in the first chapter dealing with the issue of sectoral taxation. With regard to the problematic nature of the examined type of tax, a comparison will be made in several parts - while examining the current state and possible developments in the future. The professional literature does not yet deal with this topic, so it will be used rather in support of other sources, such as legislative documents of national and community institutions, and press releases. In addition to processing the above hypothesis by the proposed methods, the aim of this work is also to provide an overview of the current state of affairs both at the level of the European Union and within the Czech Republic. Sectoral taxation is by its nature a political issue, so there is room for controversy about its suitability, effectiveness, and impact on society. ; Tento příspěvek se zabývá daní z finančních transakcí v Evropské unii. I když v současné době jde o posílenou spolupráci mezi několika členskými státy regulovanou pouze na vnitrostátní úrovni, považuje se to za potenciálně dobrý zdroj vlastních zdrojů EU. Jednání o jeho provádění v EU nedávno znovu začala, protože je třeba hledat finanční prostředky na hospodářské oživení po pandemii koronavirů. Autor pracuje s hypotézou, že pokud je zdanění finančních transakcí a finančního sektoru jako takového výhodné, je nutná harmonizace v rámci volného trhu Evropské unie. Z vědeckých metod použije k potvrzení nebo vyvrácení zejména analýzu návrhů nového systému zdanění finančních transakcí. Aby bylo možné tuto problematiku uvést do vhodného kontextu, bude rovněž použita metoda výkladu, zejména v první kapitole zabývající se problematikou odvětvového zdanění. S ohledem na problematičnost zkoumaného typu daně bude provedeno srovnání v několika částech - při zkoumání současného stavu a možného vývoje do budoucna. Odborná literatura se tímto tématem ještě nezabývá, bude proto spíše použita na podporu dalších zdrojů, jako jsou legislativní dokumenty národních a komunitních institucí a tiskové zprávy. Kromě zpracování výše uvedené hypotézy navrhovanými metodami je cílem této práce také poskytnout přehled o aktuálním stavu věcí na úrovni Evropské unie i v rámci České republiky. Odvětvové zdanění je ze své podstaty politickou otázkou, takže existuje prostor pro polemiku o jeho vhodnosti, účinnosti a dopadu na společnost. ; This paper deals with the financial transaction tax in the European Union. While it is currently a matter of enhanced cooperation between several Member States regulated only at the national level, it is considered to be a potentially good source of the EU's own resources. The negotiations about its implementation on the EU recently begun again as there is need to search for funds for the economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. The author works with the hypothesis that if the taxation of financial transactions and the financial sector as such is beneficial, harmonization within the free market of the European Union is necessary. From scientific methods, it will mainly use the analysis of proposals for a new system of taxation of financial transactions to confirm or refute it. In order to be able to put the issue into a suitable context, the method of interpretation will also be used, especially in the first chapter dealing with the issue of sectoral taxation. With regard to the problematic nature of the examined type of tax, a comparison will be made in several parts - while examining the current state and possible developments in the future. The professional literature does not yet deal with this topic, so it will be used rather in support of other sources, such as legislative documents of national and community institutions, and press releases. In addition to processing the above hypothesis by the proposed methods, the aim of this work is also to provide an overview of the current state of affairs both at the level of the European Union and within the Czech Republic. Sectoral taxation is by its nature a political issue, so there is room for controversy about its suitability, effectiveness, and impact on society.