Newsworkers: a comparative European perspective
In: Comparative media, communication and culture
16 Ergebnisse
In: Comparative media, communication and culture
In: Journalism & mass communication quarterly: JMCQ, Band 100, Heft 3, S. 696-697
ISSN: 2161-430X
In: Central European Journal of Communication, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 5-19
This article maps the practice of paid news in Central and Eastern Europe using a review of previous research and a set of exploratory semi-structured interviews with journalists and PR practitioners across 10 post-communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe N = 164. Paid news refers to the practice of journalists and/or news organizations taking money often offered through the intermediary of a PR professional or PR company to write puff pieces for businesses or political interests without indicating that the content is in fact paid for, i.e. a form of corruption of both journalism and PR. This presentation suggests that the existence of the practice is to a great extent systemic, as both journalists and PR professionals are part of a common "culture of corruption" and thus the continued existence of the practice is also a de-professionalizing influence on both occupations, where representatives of both spheres have strong incentives to keep utilizing paid news.
In: Sociology compass, Band 6, Heft 10, S. 769-780
ISSN: 1751-9020
AbstractThis overview focuses on the most common type of comparative journalism research, which is cross‐national comparative research. The overview presents a typology for different types of comparative journalism research, based on whether the research interest is in journalism as an activity or as a product; and, in the case of journalism as an activity, whether the interest is in the system level, the organizational level, or the individual level of journalism. The overview finds that the analysis of journalism on the individual level and of journalism as a product are the most common types of comparative research, whereas comparative analysis of journalism on the organizational level is much under‐studied.
In: The international journal of press, politics, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 497-515
ISSN: 1940-1620
This article argues that the traditional political science definition of clientelism is insufficient for explaining how the media fit in with clientelistic systems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It is suggested that a broader understanding of clientelism, looking in particular at how media are used as elite-to-elite communication tools as well as elite-to-mass communication tools, better explains the place of the media in the clientelistic systems of the CEE nations. Empirically, it is based on a set of 272 elite and expert interviews conducted across ten CEE countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) in 2010 and 2011. The article presents some general findings on the nature and character of the linkages between political elites and the media, and the extent to which such linkages can be considered clientelistic. Then follows a discussion of specific practices of media instrumentalization, charting the many ways in which the media can function as a resource in conflicts and negotiations between clientelistic elite networks, directly as well as indirectly. Particular attention is given to the phenomena of advertorials and kompromat.
In: Celebrity studies, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 235-237
ISSN: 1939-2400
The Open University Press series Issues in Cultural and Media Studies has so far produced some very detailed and useful overview books. I am happy to report that Jane Arthurs' Television and Sexuality upholds the general high quality of this series: this is an important, well-written book.
In: European journal of communication, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 501-527
ISSN: 1460-3705
This article presents the results of a study of the history of the genre of current affairs debate programmes on Swedish television, 1956-96. Several different aspects of changes in the genre have been studied: subjects debated, participating actors, the forms of debate and the role of programme host(s). Aspects of the production processes have also been studied. Theoretically, the aim of the article is twofold: (1) to provide a contribution to existing theories about genre change and genre history, and (2) to relate changes in the genre to macro-level societal changes and phenomena, mainly changes in the mediated public sphere (based on the theories and arguments of Habermas), and changes in the practices and forms of journalism over the last 40 years.
In: European journal of communication, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 501-527
ISSN: 0267-3231
Der Beitrag präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Genres aktueller politischer Diskussionsprogramme im schwedischen Fernsehen im Zeitraum von 1956 bis 1996. Es wurden verschiedene Aspekte des Wandels, den dieses Genre durchlaufen hat, untersucht: die diskutierten Themen, die Teilnehmer, die Form der Debatten und die Rolle der Programmmoderatoren. Auch Aspekte des Produktionsprozesses wurden untersucht. In theoretischer Hinsicht verfolgt der Beitrag ein zweifaches Ziel: (1) einen Beitrag zu bestehenden theoretischen Ansätzen zur Erforschung des Wandels und der Geschichte von Fernsehgenres zu leisten und (2) den Wandel innerhalb des Genres mit gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen und Phänomenen auf der Makro-Ebene in Beziehung zu setzen. Dazu zählen in erster Linie Veränderungen in der durch Medien vermittelten Öffentlichkeit (auf der Basis Habermasscher Theorien und Thesen) und Veränderungen der journalistischen Praktiken und Formen in den letzten 40 Jahren." (UNübers.)
In: Göteborgsstudier i journalistik och masskommunikation 24
In: Journalism in perspective : continuities and disruptions
In: The international journal of press, politics, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 413-435
ISSN: 1940-1620
This article presents a comparative study of investigative journalism in nine countries in the Central and Eastern European region (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia). The purpose is descriptive and analytical. Descriptively, the article charts the presence and provision of investigative journalism across the region and inventories and assesses the various funding forms that exist against the background of the recent (2008–2009) financial crisis. Analytically, the article focuses on assessing the relative autonomy (defined as autonomy from external actors) and effects (defined as the removal from office and sentencing of political actors revealed to be engaged in legal and moral transgressions, commonly various forms of corruption). The article finds investigative journalism across the region in general to be weak in terms of autonomy and effects, but stronger in countries that have had more stable and richer media markets (notably Estonia, Poland, and the Czech Republic). The article further finds that in some countries (notably Romania and Bulgaria), alternative news online sources play an increasingly important role as providers of investigative journalism.
This paper presents a theoretical reframing of journalism as a fundamentally mobile practice and outlines a research agenda for studying the politics of mobility in journalism that is centered on the everyday work of journalists. Our reframing draws on geographer Tim Cresswell's work on the six components of a politics of mobility, which are motive force, speed, rhythm, route, experience, and friction (Cresswell, T. 2010. "Towards a Politics of Mobility." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28 (1): 17-31). Cresswell poses six key questions about mobility, and rephrasing them to to fit journalists, we get why do journalists move?; how fast do journalists move?; according to what rhythm do journalists move?; what route(s) do journalists take?; how do journalists feel when they move?; and what stops/impedes the movement of journalists? These questions entail a research framework concerned with the different conditions of movement for different bodies, thus drawing attention to previously under-studied areas of journalism studies.
In: Media, Culture & Society, Band 38, Heft 7, S. 963-978
ISSN: 1460-3675
Over the last decade, free labor has emerged as a key analytical tool for understanding new or semi-new forms of labor in the contemporary digital economy. This article critiques and develops this concept, with specific reference to work in the media industries, by presenting a historically grounded typology of free labor that also highlights some of the analytical problems with the current use of the concept. Our typology presents seven metaphors of free labor based on historical instances of roles people have taken on when performing unpaid labor: those of The Slave, The Carer, The Apprentice, The Prospector, The Hobbyist, The Volunteer, and The Patsy. A key conclusion is that free labor is performed by different actors at either end of increasingly complex and temporally stretched out value chains. This necessitates a more fine-grained and historicized use of the concept of free labor.
In: New technology, work and employment
ISSN: 1468-005X
ABSTRACTThis paper explores the limitations of using algorithmic management on gig platforms in the Swedish basic service sector. We critically examine how the behaviour of all three actors in the triangular relationship between worker, platform and client deviated from the logic of app‐based competitive bidding over the allocation of work; each being agential in bypassing the algorithmic management to engage in out‐of‐app activity. Our findings suggest the utility and limitations of algorithms differ between sectors of the gig economy. Crucially, the paper contributes to debates on gig worker agency by introducing the concept of opportunistic agency in the analysis of worker non‐compliance. In focusing on more instrumental motivations for out‐of‐app activity our analysis offers a critical perspective on the pervasiveness, omnipotence and universality of algorithmic management.