An Endocrine Perspective on Lynch Syndrome
In: Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, Band 126, S. 42-50
ISSN: 2501-2312
"Background: A germline mutation of the MisMatch Repairgene that causes a malfunctioning DNA system is the defining feature of the hereditary illness known as Lynch syndrome. This review will discuss the endocrine aspects of LS and highlight current advancements in the area. Methods: We searched the available literature of the last 10 years for terms such as endocrine tumors and LS. Our goal is to provide a summary of the most recent information available on the endocrine perspective in Lynch syndrome. Results: The hormonal chemoprevention methods cited are the use of combined oral contraceptives, the use of progestogen-releasing intrauterine devices, and the use of progesterone-only drugs. In addition, after surgical exclusion of the uterus and ovaries, a method frequently adopted for LS patients, it is necessary to start hormonal menopausal therapy, taking into account certain age-specific features. In addition, numerous LS-associated endocrine tumor types have been described. Conclusions: Many hormonal variants are available that are useful in the chemoprevention involved in the treatment of LS. Menopausal hormone therapy is imperative for LS patients who need it. Clinicians need to be aware of the possible association of certain types of aggressive endocrine cancers associated with LS."