World trade in armaments and military equipment
In: World Economy and International Relations, Heft 4, S. 99-112
224793 Ergebnisse
In: World Economy and International Relations, Heft 4, S. 99-112
In: Vojno delo: interdisciplinarni naučni časopis : interdisciplinary science magazine, Band 68, Heft 3, S. 201-215
ISSN: 2683-5703
In: Vojnotehnički glasnik: naučni časopis Ministerstva Odbrane Republike Srbije = Military technical courier : scientific periodical of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia = Voenno-techničeskij vestnik : naučnyj žurnal Ministerstva Oborony Respubliki Serbija, Band 57, Heft 1, S. 32-53
ISSN: 2217-4753
In: Voennaja mysl': voenno-teoretičeskij žurnal ; organ Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federacii, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 109-112
ISSN: 0236-2058
In: Cuestiones Políticas, Band 39, Heft 71, S. 81-107
ISSN: 2542-3185
The aim of the study was to identify objectives and measures for expansion of the system of standards in Ukraine for the development of armaments and military equipment in the context of improving national defence capabilities. The following methods were used to achieve the aim set in the study: the method of direct observation, comparison, monitoring and analysis of the content of documents that provide standardisation of armaments and military equipment at the state and interstate levels. The key results of the study were: observation and comparison of the scope of regulations that ensure the standardisation of armaments and military equipment at the national level, as well as among NATO countries; comparison and distribution of powers of the competence of executive and supervisory bodies for the development and implementation of standards. Besides, the study provides a chart of the legal background for standardisation, and directly determines the sequential logical place of the stage of development of armaments and military equipment in the life cycle. Proposals are made at the end of the study on how to increase the effectiveness of legislative provision for the standardisation of armaments and military equipment.
В статье представлены результаты анализа необходимых качеств сотрудников (знаний и способностей), влияющих на про цесс военного снабжения. Анализ необходимых профессиональных качеств, навыков и способностей основыван на правилах защиты интересов покупателя и конечного потребителя приобретенных средств вооружения и военной техники. Квассификация способно стей распределена с учетом ключевых мероприятий процесса, включая такие пункты процесса снабжения, как: планировка, про граммирование, определение тактико-технических требований, заключение договоров, исследование, развитие, испытания и ана лиз, производство, снабжение, потребление, содержание и сервис, списывание изношенного оборудования. Професиональные спо собности описаны двумя способами: 1. Конкретное описание не обходимых способностей, и 2. Описание ожидаемых результатов профессиональной деятельности сотрудников системы военного снабжения. ; This paper presents the results of the research into necessary capabilities (knowledge and skills) in the process of equipping the army. The necessary professional capabilities have been analyzed from the viewpoint of protecting the interests of customers and end-users of armament and military equipment.The capabilities are grouped according to the key activities of the process and analyzed through the following activities: planning and programming, defining tactical and technical requirements, contract making, research, development, testing, production, procurement, operational use, support and end of service life of armament and military equipment. The capabilities have been described in two ways, through a detailed description of a necessary capability, or through a description of the effect required from qualified personnel engaged in the process of equipping the army.
In: Vojnotehnički glasnik: naučni časopis Ministerstva Odbrane Republike Srbije = Military technical courier : scientific periodical of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia = Voenno-techničeskij vestnik : naučnyj žurnal Ministerstva Oborony Respubliki Serbija, Band 63, Heft 3, S. 114-136
ISSN: 2217-4753
In: Social development and security: journal of scientific papers, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 143-155
ISSN: 2522-9842
The results of the research published in the article will be useful for logistics specialists who are engaged in the organization of the provision of resources (material and technical means) for the processes of operation and renewal of armament and military equipment (AME). The article discusses existing approaches to logistic support of operations (combat actions) and methodological approaches to assess the effectiveness of its operation. The influence of factors and problematic issues on the creation of a modern logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is analyzed. The scientific substantiation of determination of indicators of efficiency of delivery of resources in the system of logistic support is offered with the purpose of improvement of functioning of the system of delivery of resources for further consideration during planning of activity. According to the results of the analysis, the urgency of making a quick and correct decision in managing the provision of necessary resources was determined. The dependence of resource efficiency on the type of resources, the intensity of applications for their use, and the capabilities of the system to create and replenish resources have been established. The basic concepts and typical structures of the resource delivery system for working out of the research materials are clarified.
Based on the analysis, it was found that the evaluation of the efficiency of the system of maintenance of the processes of operation and restoration of AME resources should be carried out by the results of the evaluation of the efficiency of providing the resources of each type individually and further determination of the system performance indicators as a whole, taking into account the corresponding total costs for providing the resources, which allowed to offer methodological an approach to assessing the effectiveness of operating processes and the renewal of AME resources themselves, which allows to take into account the implemented strategy of replenishment of resources and rationality of the selected transport network in the conditions of both peacetime and fighting.On the basis of the proposed methodological approach, the directions of further researches were determined concerning: determination of the list of initial data for determining the characteristics of the routes of resource delivery; determining the number of characteristics that are being optimized; forming a methodological approach for determining a rational transport network in the logistics system.
In: Vojnotehnički glasnik: naučni časopis Ministerstva Odbrane Republike Srbije = Military technical courier : scientific periodical of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia = Voenno-techničeskij vestnik : naučnyj žurnal Ministerstva Oborony Respubliki Serbija, Band 43, Heft 6, S. 587-594
ISSN: 2217-4753
In: Social development and security: journal of scientific papers, Band 9, Heft 5
ISSN: 2522-9842
It is suggested to manage the development of weapons and military equipment in a single network environment of the relevant information and analytical system by coordinating the mechanisms of interaction of information resources, which reflect different descriptions of the armament and military equipment. Such interaction should be built on the basis of transdisciplinary integration procedures, which will ensure synchronization of activities of all participants of the process and semantic and temporal synchronization of all categories and concepts of information resources and digital assets. Formation of many concepts, as the structure of semantic units-concepts and formal model of subject knowledge is ensured by the use of ontological methods. The management of information processing processes is built on the use of taxonomies that reflect the properties of information processes. As a corporate high-performance information-analytical search platform, the core of which is a two-tier system of indexing information resources, the use of semantic control and ontological interface IT-TODOS is proposed. The main linguistic functions, tasks, word processing, data preparation to preserve the database structure, function monitoring and administration implemented in the linguistic subsystem.
The formation of the model of the problem of choice and its solution on the basis of ontology is carried out in the information-analytical system, which includes: ontological interface, modules of basic program integration, module of creation of digital document collection, indexing tools, polymic synonymic zone, module of interactive interaction multicriteria benchmarking and forecasting module.
The approach presented in the article will allow for a powerful monitoring of the processes of development, operation and modernization of armament and military equipment by analyzing the content, aggregating and rating huge amounts of information contained in file electronic collections of text documents.
Honak I.M. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NATIONAL EXPORTS OF ARMAMENTS AND MILITARY EQUIPMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON THE COUNTRY'S GDP AS AN ELEMENT OF ECONOMIC RIVALRY OF COUNTRIESPurpose. The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of the mutual influence of national security and national exports of armaments and military equipment and the national economy of the countries in the conditions of intensifying economic competition in the global economy.Methodology of research. During the research, various modern scientific methods of research are used. The research used methods for summarizing information and literature sources to study the mutual influence of national security and national exports of armaments and military equipment and national economies of countries. The linear econometric model was used to analyze the mutual influence of GDP and exports of armaments and military equipment.Findings. It is established that the development of the military and industrial complex by Ukraine and the growth of its military potential and the export of armaments and military equipment make Ukraine attractive to European countries regarding the possibility of integrating our country into the North Atlantic Alliance, and the confirmation of this is conducting permanent joint exercises of Ukraine and NATO countries and studying the experience of Ukraine regarding resistance (in particular, the capabilities of the "hybrid resistance") in the context of "hybrid wars" in various regions around and in the territory of Europe and North America.Interest in Ukraine from NATO countries can contribute to rapid accession to the Alliance as a result of joining the European Union and the intensive development of the Ukrainian economy – in the intensive development of relations between Ukraine and the European Union and NATO and enhance investment (particularly in the development of the military industrial complex and Export IWT) Ukrainian economy had the potential GDP growth 2,689-6,947 times (in 2017 – to 319 – 826.7 billion US dollars). This will synergistic positive effect on national security and defense and national economies and international trade, NATO and Ukraine and make these countries economically richer and more powerful military.Originality. The article deals with the possibilities of interdependence of national security, national armed exports and economic potential of countries. The volume of gross domestic product and export of armaments and military equipment in some countries are considered. The econometric connection of indicators of the national economy and national exports of armaments and military equipment is analyzed.Practical value. The practical significance of the results obtained is the possibility of studying the mutual influence of the arms exports and military equipment of the country on its economic growth.Key words: economic competition; national security; gross domestic product; arms export and military equipment.
Based on the disclosed ambiguity in the definitions of types of requirements for armaments and military equipment presented in the current legal framework of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, an approach to define the requirements with the use of the level of functional purpose of the type of armaments and military equipment is proposed. ; На основі розкриття неоднозначності у визначеннях видів вимог до озброєння та військової техніки в чинній нормативно-правовій базі Міністерства оборони України пропонується підхід до їх визначення за ознакою рівня функціонального призначення типу озброєння та військової техніки.
Based on the disclosed ambiguity in the definitions of types of requirements for armaments and military equipment presented in the current legal framework of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, an approach to define the requirements with the use of the level of functional purpose of the type of armaments and military equipment is proposed. ; На основі розкриття неоднозначності у визначеннях видів вимог до озброєння та військової техніки в чинній нормативно-правовій базі Міністерства оборони України пропонується підхід до їх визначення за ознакою рівня функціонального призначення типу озброєння та військової техніки.
The issue of realization of the main tendencies of development of armaments and military equipment common to all types of armed forces, which are realized at the world level, first of all, in the militarily advanced countries, is considered. ; Рассмотрен вопрос реализации общих для всех видов вооруженных сил основных тенденций развития вооружения и военной техники, которые реализуются на мировом уровне, в первую очередь, в передо-вых в военном отношении странах. ; Розглянуто питання реалізації загальних для всіх видів збройних сил основних тенденцій розвитку озброєння та військової техніки, що реалізуються на світовому рівні, в першу чергу, в передових у військовому відношенні країнах.
In: Vojnotehnički glasnik: naučni časopis Ministerstva Odbrane Republike Srbije = Military technical courier : scientific periodical of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia = Voenno-techničeskij vestnik : naučnyj žurnal Ministerstva Oborony Respubliki Serbija, Band 46, Heft 6, S. 397-411
ISSN: 2217-4753