Printed prospectus of the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy in Norwich, Vermont, approximately 1820. ; A manuscript draft filed with this prospectus is dated 1820 and in the hand of Alden Partridge.
Circular describing the general plan for the Virginia Literary, Scientific, & Military Academy at Portsmouth, Virginia in February 1845, signed by members of the board of trustees. Also includes information about lectures, uniform, and tuition. ; VIRGINIA LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY ACADEMY. PORTSMOUTH, V A . FEBRUARY, 1845 The Trustees would respectfully inform the public that this Institution is in successful operation, under the superintendance of the former able and popular professors, Maj. S. WHEELER, and Mr. N. B. WEBSTER, assisted in the Junior Department by Mr. D. D. STORY, and Mons. PASCAL SCHISANO Professor of French. GENERAL PLAN. The analytical method of instruction, leading to a thorough investigation of the reasons for every rule learned, and every scientific operation, performed, is strictly adhered to. The student is thus enabled, not only to acquire a knowledge of facts, but also to understand the "why and wherefore;" without which their ready application to the practical business of life cannot be attained. That knowledge of Military science, which, while human nature remains as it. now is, is ever liable to be called into requisition, may be here acquired without the sacrifice of either time or money ; as the Military exercises do not interfere with the usual hours of study, but are attended to at times too often devoted by students to trifling amusement. For this, regular and ennobling exercise is substituted ; which the Trustees feel the most perfect assurance, based upon their own observation and experience, not only tends to expedite the advancement o-f the student, but in a very great degree to secure his health. Particular attention is given to the correct development of the moral and intellectual powers ; while all interference with the peculiar religious or political views of the student is carefully avoided. The discipline of the Institution is strict and uniform, in principle-military, in practice-parental. Energy and promptitude are required, in the discharge of every duty, and correct and gentle-manly deportment, at all times, and places. In fine it is the constant aim of the professors, to prepare those who may be committed to their charge, for the successful prosecution of business, either in a public or private, a civil or military capacity, and for the proper understanding and discharge of the duties incumbent on them, as individuals, as members of community, and as rational and accountable beings. Students are allowed to progress as rapidly as they may be able, consistent with the thorough understanding of the branches to which they at-tend. In addition to the usual Academic course of study, particular attention is paid to the practical sciences, especially the Mathematical. Instruction is also given in the principles of Law. which the Trustees consider an important part of the Education of American youth, inasmuch as every citizen of (Mir Republic, is both amenable to the laws, and either directly or indirectly has an agency in en-acting them. Major S. Wheeler, a graduate of the school of Law at the University of Virginia, and member of the Virginia Bar, instructs in this department. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT. Students are correctly and thoroughly instructed in the Latin and Greek languages, and fitted for any college, or class in college, or if desired, carried through the entire collegiate course of studies. THE SENIOR ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, Includes the entire course of Mathematics, as taught at the United Slates Military Academy at West Point. The various branches of Natural Science, History, Book-Keeping, Metaphysics, Ethics, See. &c. IN THE JUNIOR DEPARTMENT, The following branches are taught, viz; Reading, Spelling, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography History of the United States, and English Grammar, Particular attention being given to these elementary branches. Exercises in Declamation and Composition, are attended to by all the Cadets. In all the departments, the most approved Text Books are used. LECTURES. An annual series of daily Lectures, before the Classical arid Senior English departments, is included in the course of instruction, on which the Cadets are critically examined, from the notes which they are required to take. The Lectures embrace the following, among other subjects viz: Civil, Physical, and Descriptive, (including Ancient and Modern.) Geography; Ancient and Modern History; Military Science, including Ancient and Modern Fortification, Castrame-tion, and Tactics; Chemistry; Mechanics; Hydrostatics and Hydraulics; Pneumatics; Op-tics; Electricity; Galvanism and Electro-Magnetism; Meteorology; Geology; Mineralogy; Botany; Astronomy; and Natural, National, Constitutional and Municipal Law. APPARATUS. The Academy is furnished with a well selected Library ; a valuable Cabinet of Minerals ; an excellent Philosophical, Chemical, and Electrical Apparatus; Mathematical Instruments, &c. Al-so many valuable Maps, Drawings, &c. MILITARY DEPARTMENT. Military Exercises are attended to daily, by all the Cadets, unless specially excused. The Military department includes full and correct practical instruction in Infantry, Artillery and Rifle Tactics, Fencing and Broad Sword exercise. UNIFORM. The Uniform consists of a blue coat, with standing collar, one row of State (gilt) buttons in front-blue pantaloons for winter and white for summer-and a blue cloth cap, with a small gilt eagle in front. Those of sufficient age to handle the musket are required to have a uniform for parades, and all are required to wear some part of the uniform. The Academy has just been supplied, by the State, with a new set of muskets, and equipments. Parents and Guardians of Cadets, are informed that a record hook is kept, of every recitation and roll call, and a report of the same sent them, at the end of every month-which the Cadet is required to return signed by the Parent or Guardian. TERMS. The Terms have been reduced to the following rates: Classical Department, including the English course, per year, - - $40 00 Senior English Department, - 30 00 Junior Department, - 20 00 The same rates are charged for any period. There is no charge for Lectures-use of Library or any of the Military Exercises. Board can be obtained in good families at from 8 to 12 dollars per month. Gen. JOHN HODGES, President. HOLT WILSON, Esq., Secretary. Dr. R. B. BUTT, Dr. J. N. SCHOOLFIELD, Dr. A.R.SMITH, Col. M. COOKE, Capt. JOHN THOMPSON, Major W. GWYNN, Capt. JOHN ACCINELLY, JOHN A. CHANDLER, Esq.
Printed sketch of Fairfield Academy featuring multiple academy buildings including chapel and formal medical college. Figures outside engage in daily business. A horse drawn carriage pass by the front of the site.
Account of Cadet Henry Foster with Horace Hatch for board, washing, medical attention and medicine and freight during his time at the Academy. ; Cadet's name may be William Henry Foster or William Henry Forster.
Inspection report of the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy by the officer of the day. ; The document is undated and no locations are given.
In: Armed forces & society: official journal of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society : an interdisciplinary journal, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 164-173
Manuscript prospectus of the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy in Norwich, Vermont, in the hand of Alden Partridge. ; A printed version of the prospectus is also available and filed with the manuscript.
Inspection report of the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy by the officer of the day. ; The document is undated and no locations are given.