Agricultue of corruption
In: The American interest: policy, politics & culture, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 70-78
ISSN: 1556-5777
15 Ergebnisse
In: The American interest: policy, politics & culture, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 70-78
ISSN: 1556-5777
World Affairs Online
In: African sociological review: bi-annual publication of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) = Revue africaine de sociologie, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 89-97
Les régions du centre et du sud du Malawi suivent principalement la succession et l'héritage matrilinéaires et pratiquent les mariages uxorilocaux. Les femmes, plutôt que les hommes, détiennent les principaux droits fonciers. Les responsables du gouvernement colonial et certains universitaires eurocentriques ont fait valoir que le système des mariages uxorilocaux et la propriété féminine des droits fonciers sont contraires au développement agricole, principalement parce que les hommes perdent la motivation d'investir à long terme dans des terres qui ne leur appartiennent pas. Cette étude d'immigrants mariés visait à déterminer si l'emplacement des droits fonciers chez quelqu'un d'autre qu'eux-mêmes affectait la façon dont ils percevaient l'agriculture et faisaient de la ferme. les décisions. il a constaté que si les décisions à court terme ne sont pas affectées, les investissements à long terme sont influencés par la perception de la sécurité, comprise en termes de stabilité conjugale.
In: 19. Rencontres Recherches Ruminants. 19 , 2012; 19. Rencontres Recherches et Ruminants (3R), Paris, FRA, 2012-12-05-2012-12-06, 369-372
Cette communication porte sur la dépendance aux engrais des exploitations françaises et européennes orientées vers les productions d'herbivores. Dans un premier temps, les principaux facteurs explicatifs de la forte volatilité du prix des engrais sont présentés, tout en insistant sur la position d'importateur net de l'Union européenne (UE) pour les matières premières mobilisées dans ce secteur (gaz naturel, minerais de phosphate et potasse). L'analyse des données du Réseau d'Information Comptable Agricole (RICA) sur la période 2000-2010, met en évidence l'évolution des charges en engrais (par hectare et au prorata de la valeur de la production) pour différentes catégories d'exploitations et bassins de production. Il en ressort que, contrairement aux exploitations de grandes cultures, les exploitations d'élevage d'herbivores ont adopté des stratégies visant à limiter l'impact de la hausse récente du prix des engrais par une moindre utilisation d'engrais minéraux (grâce notamment à une meilleure valorisation des engrais organiques). Si les engrais minéraux représentent une faible part du coût de production total des exploitations d'herbivores, notamment pour les plus intensives d'entre elles, la hausse des prix justifie néanmoins une réflexion approfondie sur les techniques agricoles à adopter et sur le degré de spécialisation à privilégier, tant au niveau des exploitations que des territoires. ; This paper discusses the dependence of European and French farms oriented towards herbivorous productions on mineral fertilizers. Initially, it presents the main factors explaining the high volatility of fertilizer prices, while insisting on the net import position of the European Union (EU) for raw materials used in this sector (natural gas, ores of phosphate and potash). This paper highlights the evolution of fertilizer costs (per hectare and in proportion to the agricultural output) for different types of farming and regions using data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) for the period 2000-2010. It shows that on the contrary to crop farms, herbivorous livestock farms have adopted strategies to limit the impact of the recent rise in fertilizer prices by using less mineral fertilizers (including through a better utilization of organic fertilizers). If mineral fertilizers represent a small share of total production cost for herbivorous farms, particularly for the most intensive ones, a reflection is nevertheless needed on agricultural technology and specialization degree of farms and territories.
National audience ; This paper discusses the dependence of European and French farms oriented towards herbivorous productions on mineral fertilizers. Initially, it presents the main factors explaining the high volatility of fertilizer prices, while insisting on the net import position of the European Union (EU) for raw materials used in this sector (natural gas, ores of phosphate and potash). This paper highlights the evolution of fertilizer costs (per hectare and in proportion to the agricultural output) for different types of farming and regions using data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) for the period 2000-2010. It shows that on the contrary to crop farms, herbivorous livestock farms have adopted strategies to limit the impact of the recent rise in fertilizer prices by using less mineral fertilizers (including through a better utilization of organic fertilizers). If mineral fertilizers represent a small share of total production cost for herbivorous farms, particularly for the most intensive ones, a reflection is nevertheless needed on agricultural technology and specialization degree of farms and territories. ; Cette communication porte sur la dépendance aux engrais des exploitations françaises et européennes orientées vers les productions d'herbivores. Dans un premier temps, les principaux facteurs explicatifs de la forte volatilité du prix des engrais sont présentés, tout en insistant sur la position d'importateur net de l'Union européenne (UE) pour les matières premières mobilisées dans ce secteur (gaz naturel, minerais de phosphate et potasse). L'analyse des données du Réseau d'Information Comptable Agricole (RICA) sur la période 2000-2010, met en évidence l'évolution des charges en engrais (par hectare et au prorata de la valeur de la production) pour différentes catégories d'exploitations et bassins de production. Il en ressort que, contrairement aux exploitations de grandes cultures, les exploitations d'élevage d'herbivores ont adopté des stratégies visant à limiter l'impact de la hausse ...
In: Revista Estudos Políticos, Band 10, Heft 20, S. 63-73
ISSN: 2177-2851
[FORA DO AR, ATUALIZAÇÕES EM BREVE]Luiz Eduardo Greenhalgh Luiz Eduardo Greenhalgh tem extensas biografias política e jurídica, imbricadas entre si. Foi advogado de presos políticos e, em 1975, esteve entre os fundadores do Comitê Brasileiro de Anistia de São Paulo. Trabalhou com Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns em diferentes frentes de resistência à ditadura. Entre elas, o Brasil Nunca Mais e o Clamor, equipe enxuta que oferecia acolhimento a refugiados de países vizinhas também imersos no autoritarismo. Foi advogado de Lula e de diversos sindicalistas no Partido dos Trabalhadores, lançou sua carreira nas vias formais da política. Foi vice-prefeito do governo Luiza Erundina na cidade de São Paulo (1989-1993) e deputado federal
Sustainable Economic Development: Resources, Environment, and Institutions presents 25 articles that lay the foundations of sustainable development in a way that facilitates effective policy design. The editors mix broad thematic papers with focused micro-papers, balancing theories with policy designs. The book begins with two sections on sustainable development principles and practice and on specific settings where sustainable development is practiced. Two more sections illuminate institutions, governance, and political economy. Additional sections cover sustainable development and agricultu
In: Earthscan climate
This is a well researched, thorough and impressive work on climate change and agriculture in Africa. I recommend it to students, researchers and practitioners working on climate change issues'. Jabavu Clifford Nkomo, senior programme specialist, IDRC. This landmark book encompasses a comprehensive assessment of the potential economic impacts of future climate change, and the value of adaptation measures in Africa for different zones, regions, countries and farm types. Researchers developed and applied multiple analytical procedures to assess quantitatively how climate affects current agricultu
In: Earthscan climate
This is a well researched, thorough and impressive work on climate change and agriculture in Africa. I recommend it to students, researchers and practitioners working on climate change issues'. Jabavu Clifford Nkomo, senior programme specialist, IDRC. This landmark book encompasses a comprehensive assessment of the potential economic impacts of future climate change, and the value of adaptation measures in Africa for different zones, regions, countries and farm types. Researchers developed and applied multiple analytical procedures to assess quantitatively how climate affects current agricultu.
In: World Bank Studies
In: World Bank Study
This book takes both a global as well as a local perspective in assessing the impacts of climate change on the economy, agricultural sector, and households in three of the MENA countries; Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. The major channels of impact for global climate change are through changing world food (and energy) prices, especially since all the countries under analysis are or have become net importers of oil and petroleum products and many food commodities in recent years. The impacts of local climate change decrease crop yields in the longer run and through them, productivity in the agricultu
Correspondence between Mr. Ismael Flores Paz and Gen. Alvaro Obregón, in which the former introduced himself as founding member of the Contitutionalist Liberal Party and requested Gen. Obregón to wite a prologue for his book on the National Agricultue problem as well as financial assistance to print it. Gen. Obregón's reply regretting not to be able to help with his petition due to his busy schedule. / Correspondencia entre el Sr. Ismael Flores Paz y el Gral. Alvaro Obregón, en la cual el primero se da a conocer como miembro fundador del Partido Liberal Constitucionalista y le pide al Gral. Alvaro Obregón escriba un prólogo a su obra sobre el problema agrario nacional y además pide ayuda económica para imprimirlo. Respuesta lamentando no poder atender su petición por falta de tiempo.
This research explored the feasibility of transforming the island of Samothraki. Greece, into a UNESCO biosphere reserve. The goal was to assess whether this would help to foster a sustainable socio-economic development and to preserve the unique natural and cultural heritage of the island. In recent years the number of seasonal residents and tourists on the island has been growing substantially, and so, too, have the demands upon facili ties and infrastructures. The number of livestock, primarily goats and sheep, has increased exponentially, enhanced by the agricultu ral policies of the EU. Overgrazing, in combination with the steepness of terrain, has led to severe soil erosion, even within the existing Natura 2000 conserva tion area. Such conditions made it apparent that a new develop ment model was needed, and an initiative was started to create a biosphere reserve. In a transdisciplinary process, the scientists gradually transferred ownership of this vision to local stakeholders. A biophysical and socio-economic assess ment showed that a biosphere reserve would be appropriate and be welcomed by the majority of stakeholders. The community council recently endorsed an application to UNESCO. ; Austrian Academy of Science
It's examined the relationship between, on one side, four emergent processes of development – organized ecological farmers in Costa Rica, Kuna indigens in Panama, Roots Program in Brazil and Equatorian Indigen Movement – and, on the other side, the sustainability of life and of cultures, all of these related with the irruption of a farming that recovers ancestral knowledge and respects the ecological limits of the productive systems: this is the agriculture for life, which is briefly characterized. A common tendency is identified for those four groups: generation of formative and informative processes focused on their problematic which lead to their empowerment and incidence in the economic, politic and sociocultural contexts in which they are immersed. ; Se examina la relación entre, por un lado, cuatro procesos emergentes de desarrollo -agricultores ecológicos organi-zados en Costa Rica, indios kuna en Panamá, Programa Raízes en Brasil y Movimiento Indígena Ecuatoriano- y, por otro lado, la sostenibilidad de la vida y de las culturas, rela-cionando todo ello con la irrupción de una agricultura que rescata los conocimientos ancestrales y respeta los límites ecológicos de los sistemas productivos: ésa es la agricultu-ra para la vida, la cual es caracterizada someramente. Se identifica una tendencia común a aquellos cuatro grupos: generación de procesos formativos e informativos enfo-cados en su problemática que conducen a su empodera-miento e incidencia en los contextos económico, político y sociocultural en que se encuentran inmersos.
L'agricoltura periurbana multifunzionale è considerata una strategia efficace per arginare il dilagare dell'ur- banizzazione nelle aree rurali, contrastare la pressione urbana e al contempo rendere le città più abitabili e vitali. Dalla prospettiva urbana, le aree agricole intercluse sono soggette a maggiori pressioni da parte del mercato immobiliare e sebbene assolvano molteplici funzioni nei riguardi della città, non sempre sono riconosciute come infrastruttura naturale d'interesse pubblico, come bene comune da tutelare in quanto paesaggio agro-urbano e da collegare a sistemi ambientali più ampi. L'articolo esplora il concetto di agricoltura multifunzionale e lo applica ad un sistema di aree che, nonostante la loro iscrizione urbana, testimoniano il residuo paesaggio agricolo produttivo nella Piana dei colli a Palermo. Questo sistema agricolo, che è gravemente minacciato da nuova edificazione, circonda un'area di edilizia pubblica a rischio di esclusione sociale e con elevato deficit di servizi pubblici. La prossimità a un quartiere confinato costituisce motivo di riflessione non solo sulla governance delle aree agricole incluse nella città, ma anche sul ruolo strategico che l'agricoltura urbana multifunziona- le potrebbe assolvere per lo sviluppo economico e sociale, attivando piani e politiche pubbliche integrati. Questo implica l'interazione tra istituzioni e abitanti e di conseguenza richiede un reale spazio politico per pratiche partecipative. ; Multifunctional periurban agriculture is considered an effective strategy to curb the spread of urbanization in rural areas and to counter the urban pressure, while at the same time making towns more liveable and vital. From the urban point of view, agricultural areas included in the city are subject to greater pressure by the real estate market; although they perform multiple functions for the city, they are not always recognized as natural infrastructure of public interest, as a common good that has to be protected as agro-urban landscape and connected with larger environmental systems. The paper explores the concept of multifunctional agriculture and applies it to a system of areas that, despite their urban inscription, represent the residual heritage of the agricultural productive landscape of the Piana dei colli in Palermo. This agricultural system is seriously threatened by new construction and is surrounding an area of public housing at risk of social exclusion and severe lack of public services. The proximity to a segregated neighbourhood is cause of reflection not only on the governance of agricultural areas included in the city, but also on the strategic role that multifunctional urban agricultu- recouldplayforeconomicandsocialdevelopmentbyactivatingintegratedpublicpoliciesand plans.Thisimpliesanin- teraction between institutions and inhabitants and, consequently, requires a real political space for participatory practices.
In: Congreso Internacional de Códigos y Desafíos para Enfrentar la Crisis del Agua (La Plata, 2014)
El Valle del Tulum, en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina, es un oasis en medio del desier-to. Sus 120.000 ha de concesiones para riego agrícola forman, sin duda, uno de los regadíos más antiguos del país y la región. Los primeros aprovechamientos hídricos para la agricultu-ra se remontan al siglo XII, luego expandidos por los españoles a partir de 1562. En 1818 se construye el primer canal con toma directa en el río San Juan, dando inicio a la creación de distritos de riego, que más tarde derivaron en los actuales Términos Municipales. La provin-cia se constituye en 1820 y ya en 1825 el gobierno crea la Policía de Aguas. Más tarde, en 1851, se sanciona el Reglamento de Irrigación y Agricultura, primer cuerpo legal del país, conjuntamente con la Inspección General del Agua, dando origen a la administración aún vigente del agua. Hoy en día, en este complejo agro-ecosistema viven 550.000 habitantes y es el corazón de la actividad agrícola, industrial y social de la provincia. En ese contexto, el agua ha sido eje de relaciones tanto cooperativas y asociativas como conflictivas, donde su provisión suficiente es fruto del inevitable trabajo colectivo y mancomunado de todos los actores e instituciones involucrados en cada momento. Domingo F. Sarmiento, gobernador de la provincia y presidente de la nación, sin duda una de las mentes más lúcidas que ha da-do la Argentina, alegaba en 1862 que "el agua es para San Juan lo que la sangre para el cuerpo humano, su principio vital". Por esta condición, desde siempre la temática del rega-dío ha sido parte de la vida de los sanjuaninos. Este trabajo busca acercar a los interesados un recorrido histórico hasta llegar a la institucionalidad actual que ayude a su vez a pensar el futuro. ; The Tulum Valley, in San Juan, is an oasis in the dessert. Its 120.000 ha of irrigation rights have allowed the creation of one of the oldest irrigated areas in Argentina and the region. First hydraulic works for irrigation started back in the XII century by indigenous people and were later expanded by the Spaniards since 1562. The first water intake from the San Juan River and main canal was built in 1818, beginning since then the creation of several irriga-tion districts which eventually became the current political counties. The province was con-stituted in 1820 and early in 1825 the government creates the provincial Water Police. Later in 1851, the Reglamento de Irrigación y Agricultura was sanctioned, together with the crea-tion of the Inspección General del Agua, being the first water statute in the country, and the milestone for the current water administration. Today, 550,000 people live in this complex agro-ecosystem, which is the core of the agricultural, industrial, and social activity of the province. In this context, water has been at the center of many cooperative and associative as well as conflictive relationships, where its sufficient provision is the result of the inevitable collective and united work of all stakeholders at any given time. Domingo F. Sarmiento, governor of the province and president of the Nation, one of the greatest men born in Argentina, alleged in 1862 that "water is for San Juan what blood is for the human body, its vital principle". For this reason, irrigation issues have been part of the sanjuaninos everyday life. By revisiting the historical framework, the goal of this work is bring insight to those inter-ested not only in it but also in thinking the future. ; Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Valle del Tulum, en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina, es un oasis en medio del desier-to. Sus 120.000 ha de concesiones para riego agrícola forman, sin duda, uno de los regadíos más antiguos del país y la región. Los primeros aprovechamientos hídricos para la agricultu-ra se remontan al siglo XII, luego expandidos por los españoles a partir de 1562. En 1818 se construye el primer canal con toma directa en el río San Juan, dando inicio a la creación de distritos de riego, que más tarde derivaron en los actuales Términos Municipales. La provin-cia se constituye en 1820 y ya en 1825 el gobierno crea la Policía de Aguas. Más tarde, en 1851, se sanciona el Reglamento de Irrigación y Agricultura, primer cuerpo legal del país, conjuntamente con la Inspección General del Agua, dando origen a la administración aún vigente del agua. Hoy en día, en este complejo agro-ecosistema viven 550.000 habitantes y es el corazón de la actividad agrícola, industrial y social de la provincia. En ese contexto, el agua ha sido eje de relaciones tanto cooperativas y asociativas como conflictivas, donde su provisión suficiente es fruto del inevitable trabajo colectivo y mancomunado de todos los actores e instituciones involucrados en cada momento. Domingo F. Sarmiento, gobernador de la provincia y presidente de la nación, sin duda una de las mentes más lúcidas que ha da-do la Argentina, alegaba en 1862 que "el agua es para San Juan lo que la sangre para el cuerpo humano, su principio vital". Por esta condición, desde siempre la temática del rega-dío ha sido parte de la vida de los sanjuaninos. Este trabajo busca acercar a los interesados un recorrido histórico hasta llegar a la institucionalidad actual que ayude a su vez a pensar el futuro. ; The Tulum Valley, in San Juan, is an oasis in the dessert. Its 120.000 ha of irrigation rights have allowed the creation of one of the oldest irrigated areas in Argentina and the region. First hydraulic works for irrigation started back in the XII century by indigenous people and were later expanded by the Spaniards since 1562. The first water intake from the San Juan River and main canal was built in 1818, beginning since then the creation of several irriga-tion districts which eventually became the current political counties. The province was con-stituted in 1820 and early in 1825 the government creates the provincial Water Police. Later in 1851, the Reglamento de Irrigación y Agricultura was sanctioned, together with the crea-tion of the Inspección General del Agua, being the first water statute in the country, and the milestone for the current water administration. Today, 550,000 people live in this complex agro-ecosystem, which is the core of the agricultural, industrial, and social activity of the province. In this context, water has been at the center of many cooperative and associative as well as conflictive relationships, where its sufficient provision is the result of the inevitable collective and united work of all stakeholders at any given time. Domingo F. Sarmiento, governor of the province and president of the Nation, one of the greatest men born in Argentina, alleged in 1862 that "water is for San Juan what blood is for the human body, its vital principle". For this reason, irrigation issues have been part of the sanjuaninos everyday life. By revisiting the historical framework, the goal of this work is bring insight to those inter-ested not only in it but also in thinking the future. ; EEA San Juan ; Fil: Gonzalez Aubone, Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan; Argentina ; Fil: Reggio, Lourdes. Programa de Servicios Agrícolas Provinciales; Argentina ; Fil: Graffigna, Luisa. Programa de Servicios Agrícolas Provinciales; Argentina