How education research perceives queer Asian American youths: a literature review
In: Journal of LGBT youth: an international quarterly devoted to research, policy, theory, and practice, S. 1-22
ISSN: 1936-1661
3810 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of LGBT youth: an international quarterly devoted to research, policy, theory, and practice, S. 1-22
ISSN: 1936-1661
In: New directions for youth development: theory, research, and practice, Band 2013, Heft 139, S. 13-26
ISSN: 1537-5781
AbstractGood, high‐quality youth development programs require effective youth organizations. While youth organizations are commonly understood as valuable and supportive of healthy youth development, attention and focus on youth organizations in both scholarship and practice are missing within the youth development field. The authors advocate for a more distinct and clearer focus on youth organizations to foster positive youth development.
In: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung: Discourse : Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research, Band 4, Heft 4, S. 513-524
ISSN: 2193-9713
"Welchen Einfluss nimmt das Internet auf die Kommunikation, Verbreitung und Generierung von Jugendszenen? Erkenntnisse der Szenenforschung zu dieser Frage stehen im Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Literaturberichts. Jugendszenen werden als kommunikative und interaktive Netzwerke verstanden, deren Existenz auf gemeinsamen Interessen ihrer Mitglieder basiert. Das Internet hat sich zweifelsohne zu einem zentralen Kommunikationsraum dieser Gesinnungsgemeinschaften entwickelt. Sie nutzen das Netz zunehmend als Kommunikationsmedium, Präsentationsplattform, Verbreitungsweg und Partizipationsforum. Erste wissenschaftliche Studien deuten darauf hin, dass das Internet auch Potential in sich trägt, Raum für virtuelle Vergemeinschaftung zu bieten und originäre Online-Szenen zu generieren. Der folgende Beitrag führt in die Thematik der Szenenforschung ein und zeigt Probleme wie Potentiale der Selbstrepräsentation von Szenen im Internet auf." (Autorenreferat)
In: Children and youth services review: an international multidisciplinary review of the welfare of young people, Band 83, S. 68-79
ISSN: 0190-7409
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 12, Heft 5, S. 728-748
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: TD: the journal for transdisciplinary research in Southern Africa, Band 14, Heft 1
ISSN: 2415-2005
The ever increasing menace associated with substance or illegal drug consumption among the Nigerian youth is endemic and it has posed as serious challenges and threats toward achieving progressive growth and development on the part of the families, community members, medical practitioners, social workers and other researched area throughout the world. Several publications articulated claim that youths are the future leaders of tomorrow due to their unique characteristics. Unfortunately when denied access to showcase their talents, the situation result to antisocial behaviour (trauma, dependency, larceny,/thefts, poor manpower development among others) that may hampered human and societal development Strain theory, Rational Choice theory and Structural Functionalism were adopted. Content analysis method was adopted in reviewing various publications from Jstor, Scopus, PDF, and Scholarly Google among others. The consequence of increase in security issues can be related to several factors which include illicit drug usage, poor parenting style, peer pressure, poor role modelling. On these grounds, the following recommendations were make- the parent should by all means socialized their children in the way of the Lord so that they will not depart from it, de-associate themselves from negative or bad company as friends or role model, the government at all levels should create recreation, sports centres for the youths to channel their youthful energy, more of public awareness should be carried out in various communities to awake the moral consciousness of the youths concerning negative consequences associated with illicit drug intake
Dieser Hauptbericht zur Studie "Buch 81" fußt in seinen Aussagen auf zwei bereits vorliegenden Kurzberichten. Der in der Untersuchung eingesetzte Belletristik-Fragebogen wurde von 1.159 Schülern, jungen Arbeitnehmern und Studenten beantwortet. Die Aussagen betreffen den Stellenwert des Lesens bei den Jugendlichen sowie die Bedingungen und Determinanten der Literaturnutzung Jugendlicher. Weiterhin geht es um Jugendliche als Buchkäufer und als Bibliotheksbenutzer. Die Ergebnisse belegen, daß das Lesen von Büchern für die meisten Jugendlichen ein stabiles Bedürfnis ist. (psz)
In: Routledge transnational perspectives on American literature 24
"Demands placed on many young Americans as a result of the Cold War give rise to an increasingly age-segregated society. This separation allowed adolescents and young adults to begin to formulate an identity distinct from previous generations, and was a significant factor in their widespread rejection of contemporary American society. This study traces the emergence of a distinctive post-war family dynamic between parent and adolescent or already adult child. In-depth readings of individual writers such as, Arthur Miller, William Styron, J. D. Salinger, Tennessee Williams, Vladimir Nabokov, Jack Kerouac, Flannery O'Connor and Sylvia Plath, situate their work in relation to the Cold War and suggest how the figuring of adolescents and young people reflected and contributed to an empowerment of American youth. This book is a superb research tool for any student or academic with an interest in youth culture, cultural studies, American studies, cold war studies, twentieth-century American literature, history of the family, and age studies."--
In: Problems of communism, Band 8, S. 30-35
ISSN: 0032-941X
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 194, Heft 1, S. 207-216
ISSN: 1552-3349
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, S. 207-216
ISSN: 0002-7162
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 54, S. 86-96
ISSN: 1873-7757
In: Child and youth services 7.1985,1/2
The challenge for contemporary literary scholars comes down to the question of how useful a cultural product is in describing and configuring the contemporary cultural scene, for example, the impact of literature, film, and TV in the globalizing era. Many scholars, in order to capture this diversified post-socialist cultural phenomenon, explore as many genres of art as they can in their research. However, identifying the common feature of post-socialist diversity in China still remains a question without answer. My research focuses on the theme of youth narratives in order to provide a solid and concrete perspective to assess contemporary Chinese culture and society.My research is motivated by a cultural phenomenon that I observe in contemporary China, namely the prevalence of youth narratives in fiction, film, and popular culture. The youth narrative has been frequently intertwined with China's pursuit of modernity and its nation-building projects under different political and cultural ideologies. My research traces the emergence and evolution of youth narratives in modern Chinese literature and then delves into various recurring themes and motifs about youth in literature, film, and TV from the 1990s to 2010, to discuss the cultural, social and political significances of youth narratives in contemporary China in order to capture common and critical features of diverse post-socialist status and engage with the furious debate on post-socialism and globalization in the Chinese context. What is more, my study reveals conflict between elitist state discourse and civil discourse implied by youth narratives from the 1990s to the present. This period provides rich textual and visual materials that showcases the most heatedly-discussed phenomena in China and resonates with classic dilemmas and ambivalences of Chinese modernity. Moreover, each of these phenomena relates to drastic economic change and social transition during the contemporary period. In a nutshell, these texts do not only reflect the moment but are also part of the moment. Hence, my research of contemporary Chinese culture links the past, present, and future; and is located at the intersection of historical and cultural studies, providing both diachronic and synchronic visions of key issues such as modernity, nationalism, and globalization.