Yeni medya üzerine Volume 2
In: Literatürk academia 71$eİnceleme - araştırma
In: Yeni medya üzerine Volume 2
151 Ergebnisse
In: Literatürk academia 71$eİnceleme - araştırma
In: Yeni medya üzerine Volume 2
In: The journal of international social research: Uluslararası sosyal araştirmalar dergisi, Band 13, Heft (74-6), S. 474-483
ISSN: 1307-9581
In: The journal of international social research: Uluslararası sosyal araştirmalar dergisi, Band 9, Heft 45, S. 898-898
ISSN: 1307-9581
In: Literatürk Academia 70
In: İnceleme, araştırma 63
In: Social sciences studies journal: SSS journal, Band 5, Heft 34, S. 2274-2285
ISSN: 2587-1587
In: Social sciences studies journal: SSS journal, Band 108, Heft 108, S. 5475-5481
ISSN: 2587-1587
In: The journal of international social research: Uluslararası sosyal araştirmalar dergisi, Band 12, Heft 63, S. 673-679
ISSN: 1307-9581
Communication is a cyclic process that involves collecting and exchanging of the information within the boundaries of dialogue and mutual understanding. As a rapidly growing field in communication studies; internal communication is vital for organizations to build healthy and sustainable relationships with their publics. Ideal internal communication applies to two-way exchange of knowledge with a proper feedback and helps establishing a democratic, productive and fair environment within the organization. Long, technology converts both the world and the people in the way of living. As a communicative revolution; new media has everlastingly transformed the way the individuals build relationships. These novelties naturally apply to the internal communications of the organizations. Providing necessary information to the publics, it is better for the organizations to benefit from new media in internal communication processes so as to be an open system. As the use of new media uptrends, the organizations have to transform themselves. At this point; new media and its numerous applications become prominent to reach the success for the organizations. In this article; it is aimed to evaluate and examine the internal communication phenomenon with the recent applications of new media in the organizational processes. ; İletişim, anlayış ve diyalog çerçevesinde bilginin toplanması ve değişimini içeren döngüsel bir süreçtir. İletişim çalışmaları kapsamında en hızlı gelişen alanlardan birisi olan örgüt iletişimi, örgütlerin iç ve dış paydaşları ile sağlıklı ve sürdürülebilir ilişkiler kurabilmesi için hayati önem taşımaktadır. İdeal bir örgütsel iletişim; demokratik, verimli ve adil bir ortamın oluşturulabilmesi için gereken bilginin iki yönlü alışverişini ve geri bildirimi sağlamaktadır. Uzun zamandır, teknoloji hem dünyayı hem de bireylerin yaşam biçimini pek çok farklı şekilde dönüştürmektedir. İletişimsel bir devrim olarak yeni medya; bireylerin diğer diğerleri ile olan ilişkilerini ebediyen değiştirmiştir. Bu değişiklikler elbette örgütlerin iletişim biçimlerine de yansımaktadır. Paydaşlara gereken bilgileri sağlamak üzere; örgütler için iletişim süreçlerinde yeni medyadan faydalanmak ve açık sistemler haline gelmek son derece önemlidir. Dolayısıyla her türden örgüt için açık bir sistem haline gelmek, iletişim kanallarının düzgün ve düzenli çalışması ile yaşam şansını arttıran bir özellik haline gelmiştir. Toplumda yeni medyanın kullanımının artmasıyla, örgütler de operasyonlarını ve süreçlerini teknolojik ve toplumsal değişimlere göre düzenlemek durumundadır. Bu noktada, yeni medya ve bu platformda yer alan sayısız uygulama, örgütlerin yaşam döngülerinde başarıya ulaşması için öne çıkan etmenler olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; örgütsel iletişim olgusunun özellikleri, unsurları ve faydaları değerlendirilerek örgütlerin iç iletişim süreçlerinde kullanılan çeşitli yeni medya uygulamaları incelenmektedir.
In: Social sciences studies journal: SSS journal, Band 105, Heft 105, S. 4060-4072
ISSN: 2587-1587
In: International journal of social sciences: IJSS = Uluslararası sosyal bilimler dergisi : USBD, Band 5, Heft 23, S. 187-201
ISSN: 2548-0685
The new media, which is under the traditional media, is rapidly becoming an extremely important channel for political communication. In our digital age, which refers to the electronic revolution shaped by means of communication, before the electronic revolution, which is accepted as a leap in the developmental line of the history of civilization as synonymous with the information and knowledge community, political communication also changes like every other issue. Radio and television have risen to a central position in the political relations of people in the electronic world; In this process, channels, radio and television, which are among the 3 issues in the classification between receivers, transmitters and channels, have made the way of using and benefiting from both transmitters and receivers into a habit, in accordance with their own characteristics. In this process, which took place within the boundaries drawn by television-mediated political communication, each of the parties had to construct roles, wishes, expectations, identity, constitutionalism, reconciliation, activities according to the instrumentality of television. By internalizing the drawn framework and borders more and more every day, it has indexed all kinds of political activities that can be realized through the media in daily life to radio and television, and then to new media tools. Key Words: Technology, Political Communication, New Media.
In: International journal of social sciences: IJSS = Uluslararası sosyal bilimler dergisi : USBD, Band 8, Heft 33, S. 617-628
ISSN: 2548-0685
It has been defined by many people throughout history. Although the diversity varies depending on the implementation phase and time, they generally do not overlap with each other. We can define the transfer of information to the public unconsciously, even though it has continued throughout history, as follows. Ensuring continuity of mutual understanding, acceptance, cooperation and communication between the organization and its target audiences; constantly informs and sensitizes you about marketing regarding sales and management of issues; It is a unique management function that uses research methods and healthy and ethical communication techniques as the main tools, as well as methods of assisting management in changing pace and benefiting from change, by creating an early warning system that helps determine programs. As can be understood from the definition, the most important function with the public is the existence of a positive or negative early stimulation system. All kinds of institutions and systems, pre-application centers or services that appeal to large masses and provide services can also be considered. In another definition, from Public Relations; Public relations is mentioned as a function that helps to ensure and maintain mutual connection, mention, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between the company or organization and the relevant circles. Key Words: Public Relations, Communication Technologies, New Media
In: Social sciences studies journal: SSS journal, Band 8, Heft 94, S. 380-392
ISSN: 2587-1587
In: Social sciences studies journal: SSS journal, Band 3, Heft 8, S. 668-679
ISSN: 2587-1587
In: The journal of international social research: Uluslararası sosyal araştirmalar dergisi, Band 9, Heft 45, S. 877-877
ISSN: 1307-9581