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World Affairs Online
The ethics of war and peace: religious and secular perspectives ; [Conference on 'The Ethics of War and Peace' held in January 1993 at the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center]
In: The Ethikon series in comparative ethics
World Affairs Online
War and Peace
This paper develops a simple sequential-move game to characterize the endogeneity of third-party intervention in conflict. We show how a third party's "intervention technology" interacts with the canonical "conflict technologies" of two rival parties in affecting the sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium outcome. From the perspective of deterrence strategy, we find that it is more costly for a third party to support an ally to deter a challenger from attacking (i.e., to maintain peace or acquiescence), as compared to the alternative case when the third party supports the ally to gain a disputed territory by attacking (i.e., to create war), ceteris paribus. However, an optimally intervening third party can be either "peace-making", "peace-breaking", or neither depending on the characteristics of the conflict and the stakes the third party holds with each of the rival parties.
War and Peace
This paper develops a simple sequential-move game to characterize the endogeneity of third-party intervention in conflict. We show how a third party's "intervention technology" interacts with the canonical "conflict technologies" of two rival parties in affecting the sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium outcome. From the perspective of deterrence strategy, we find that it is more costly for a third party to support an ally to deter a challenger from attacking (i.e., to maintain peace or acquiescence), as compared to the alternative case when the third party supports the ally to gain a disputed territory by attacking (i.e., to create war), ceteris paribus. However, an optimally intervening third party can be either "peace-making", "peace-breaking", or neither depending on the characteristics of the conflict and the stakes the third party holds with each of the rival parties.
War and peace
In: Stand up, speak out
"Learn all about peace activism, from anti-war protests to fighting for world peace. Get a global look at the history of the movement, meet the activists involved, and celebrate some of the legal victories! Each chapters end with a call to action, so kids can feel inspired to get involved in their own communities. This high-interest book is written at a lower reading level for struggling readers. Considerate text and engaging art and photographs are sure to grab even the most reluctant readers. Series includes a table of contents, sidebars, bibliography, glossary, index, and author biography"--
War and peace
In: World politics: a quarterly journal of international relations, Band 54, Heft 1, S. 137-166
ISSN: 0043-8871
World Affairs Online
War and Peace
In: The Massachusetts review: MR ; a quarterly of literature, the arts and public affairs, Band 57, Heft 2, S. 298
ISSN: 0025-4878
War and Peace
In: World politics: a quarterly journal of international relations, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 137-166
ISSN: 1086-3338
John Mearsheimer'sTragedy of Great Power Politicserrs in claiming that all national security decisions are rational ones. In contrast, sometimes state ambitions and actions go beyond what "rationality" typically would permit; sometimes states do not assert capabilities which they clearly possess. The explanations for such outcomes reside in realms that Mearsheimer either does not consider or dismisses too readily, such as alignments, democracy, ideology, and economic relationships. He also charts a role for the United States (a state confronting "the stopping power of water" that is too limited given the objectives (a balance of power) which he believes it should seek to create. His theory of war is too restricted and so therefore is his theory of peace. But he has fashioned one of the first new empirical essays in general realist theory in recent years and deserves to be commended. His approach will be the focus of debate and analysis for some time to come.
War and peace
In: Soldier: the British Army magazine, Band 52, Heft 15, S. 24-25
ISSN: 0038-1004