735 Ergebnisse
Principles of vegetable oil extraction
This book covers the technology of vegetable oil extraction, including theory, process technologies used for various oilseeds, machinery operation and design aspects. Pertinent topics are covered in two parts: mechanical expression and solvent extraction. The importance of each preparation operation is explained as related to oilseed structure, outlining the differences in the quality of prepared material from various oilseeds. It also covers modern press designs, designs of extractors, desolventisers and distillation line, and support equipment. Effect of each unit operation on final product quality, levels of safety and precautions in plant operation, and plant automation, are discussed. Finally, the book takes a peek at possible novel and green technologies to find solutions to problems faced by the industry. Features: Provides comprehensive coverage of vegetable oil extraction technology as applicable to major and minor oil-bearing materials. Explains the effects of each of the seed preparation steps on cell structure, and how it improves oil extraction. Describes mechanical expression technology in detail, including the design aspects of presses and seed preparation equipment. Explores the design of solvent extraction process equipment, including extractor, desolventiser, distillation and support. Discusses extraction plant safety, plant automation and utilities. This book is aimed at professionals, students and researchers in chemical and food engineering.
Identification of Pressed Vegetable Oils and Extracted Vegetable Oils by Headspace GC-MS
In: HELIYON-D-23-00475
Prices of edible vegetable oils
In: W.I.B. price bulletin no. 15 ... History of prices during the war
The vegetable oil industry in Turkey
In: The Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchangess, of Turkey, Monographs 4
Uso de óleos vegetais puros como combustíveis para motores diesel
In: Revista Desafios, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 240-251
This article aims to review the productive situation of the domestic industry of vegetable oils, point out what the main sources of raw materials and evaluate the use of these oils as a fuel source diesel engines for motor vehicles and generating electricity. Show the importance of these oils as a fuel source, generation of employment and income and especially social development when their use for provision of electricity to isolated communities. It reaffirms the importance of the use of vegetable oils as another renewable fuel source and its relevance with environmental issues.
U. S. Tax Checks Vegetable Oil Imports
In: Far Eastern survey, Band 6, Heft 9, S. 105-105
Information sources on the vegetable oil processing industry
In: UNIDO guides to information sources no. 7
In: [Document] - ID/197 (UNIDO/LIB/ser.D/7/rev. 1)
In: United Nations Publication
Information sources on the vegetable oil processing industry
In: Guides to information sources no. 7
In: United Nations. [Document] UNIDO/LIB/ser.D/7
The hydrogenation of vegetable oils and the production of vegetable ghee
In: United Nations Publication
Modelling consumer intakes of vegetable oils and fats
Vegetable oils and fats make up a significant part of the energy intake in typical European diets. However, their use as ingredients in a diverse range of different foods means that their consumption is often hidden, especially when oils and fats are used for cooking. As a result, there are no reliable estimates of the consumption of different vegetable oils and fats in the diet of European consumers for use in, for example, nutritional assessments or chemical risk assessments. We have developed an innovative model to estimate the consumption of vegetable oils and fats by European Union consumers using the European Union consumption databases and elements of probabilistic modelling. A key feature of the approach is the assessment of uncertainty in the modelling assumptions that can be used to build user confidence and to guide future development.
Waste Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel for Diesel Vehicles
Alternative fuels have become a hot topic in the news as the cost of oil remains volatile. Questions of whether acquiring alternative fuels are worth the cost, logistics, and political implications are being asked. A possible solution may be currently thrown away by Wright Patterson Air Force Base's (WPAFB) dining establishments in the form of Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO). This study researched the benefits and costs of pursuing the installation of a WVO to Straight Vegetable Oil fuel processing center and using the fuel to power some of the base's diesel vehicles. A pilot program was fielded utilizing the Wright Patterson Club for WVO and the Recycling Center for processing and use. From the pilot program, data was extrapolated to determine the total cost and payback period to operate the system. It was determined that a cost benefit would be realized if the entire system was fielded at WPAFB. Emissions and the risk of WVO spills would be significantly decreased. Furthermore, the system could be fielded throughout the Air Force at some southern tier large bases.
Extraction of flavored coriander vegetable oil through extrusion technology
In: 11. International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (RRB-11), York, GBR, 2015-06-03-2015-06-05
In an age where fossil resources are steadily depleting and environmental concerns have become an established subject of public and political discussions, the pursuit of sustainability is deeply entrenched in society. With regard to this and considering the consistently growing demand, the implementation of renewable resources in industrial processes could be a decisive solution. An interesting novel bioresource could be presented by Coriandrum sativum L., an annual herb from the family of Apiaceae and native to the eastern Mediterranean region. The coriander fruits are of particular interest, as they contain two distinct oil fractions. These comprise an essential oil with about 70% linalool and a vegetable oil, characterized by the presence of petroselinic acid, which constitutes over 70% of all fatty acids. Petroselinic acid, or cis-6-octadecenoic acid, presents a rare fatty acid common amongst the vegetable oils from Apiaceae crops. As a positional isomer of the more ubiquitous oleic acid, it may give rise to the synthesis of a series of novel, biobased compounds that could be of great interest to several industries. This renders the vegetable oil from coriander fruits particularly promising and as a consequence, the establishment of an efficient and economically favorable extraction process will constitute a major challenge for future research. Extrusion technology could present an attractive alternative to solvent extraction as it produces high quality vegetable oil that has not come into contact with any chemical substances. Further, the press cakes may find various profitable applications due to their essential oil content and antioxidant activity. Next to this, the extrusion cakes constitute natural biocomposites and could be transformed to value-added agromaterials through thermopressing. These biodegradable polymers could possibly replace less sustainable materials in automobile, building and furniture industries. The major disadvantage of mechanical pressing is considered its relatively low extraction yields and consequently a high residual oil content within the press cakes. A possible solution may lie within the application of seed pretreatments prior to the extrusion process. Therefore, the moisture content of coriander fruits was varied and the effect on the crushing behavior and extraction efficiency through single-screw, as well as twin-screw extrusion was assessed.