Dans l'air et dans la boue: mes missions de guerre
In: Mémoires de guerre secrête 3
93 Ergebnisse
In: Mémoires de guerre secrête 3
This work aims to clarify, from the point of view of the analytical theory of law, the question of whether the existence of judicial precedents in a legal system necessarily implies a violation of the internal judicial independence (IJI). To answer the question, we will try to clarify the way in which the IJI is being understood to affirm that it would be affected by the presence of a system of precedents (SP's). It will proceed as follows: First, it will start by making explicit the reasons why it is necessary to deal with this problem. Secondly, it will be specified what it means that there is a binding SP's. Third, it will explain what judicial independence consists of, presenting the reasons that justify the IJI: respect for the will of the legislator and equality in the application of law. Next, I will present three aspects of the IJI that could clash with the presence of an SP's. In the fourth section, it will be argued that an SP's is less injurious to the IJI than attributing to each of the judgesa non-revisable competence to establish how the law should be interpreted and applied. In the conclusions, it is pointed out that although there may be reasons against having a precedent system, the IJI is not one of them. ; Este trabajo pretende aclarar, desde el punto de vista de la teoría analítica del derecho, si la existencia de precedentes judiciales en un ordenamiento jurídico implica necesariamente una violación de la independencia judicial interna (IJI). Para responder a la pregunta, se tratará e esclarecer la manera en la que se está entendiendo la IJI para afirmar quee sta se vería afectada por la presencia de un sistema de precedentes (SP). Se procederá del siguiente modo: en primer lugar, se partirá haciendo explícitas las razones por las que resulta necesario ocuparse de este problema. En segundo lugar, se precisará qué quiere decir que haya un SP vinculantes. En tercer lugar, se explicará en qué consiste la independencia judicial, presentándose las razones que justifican la IJI: respeto a la voluntad del legislador e igualdad en la aplicación de la ley. A continuación, presentaré tres aspectos de la IJI que podrían chocar con la presencia de un SP. En el cuarto apartado, se descartará la idea de que los precedentes judiciales son más lesivos —de las razones que justifican la IJI— que atribuir a cada uno de los jueces una competencia no revisable para establecer cómo se debe interpretar y aplicar el derecho. En las conclusiones, se señala que aunque puede haber razones en contra de tener un sistema de precedentes, la IJI no es una de ellas.
Un abogado litigante en el libre ejercicio profesional, se topa con estos casos, de delitos imprescriptibles como los de Peculado, en la parte más difícil y grave de la carga un juicio de esta naturaleza lleva el cliente, es quien sufre todo el peso y fuerza de la legislación en estos tipos de delitos llamados imprescriptibles como de Peculado, donde una de las partes, cuenta con una fuerza poderoso desproporcionada, ya que en esta calidad de juicios entra a pelear con el Estado – La Fiscalía, con todo el poder coercitivo de la Función Judicial, y sus aliados y fieles servidores del aparataje de represión e investigación de la Policía Nacional, parece que todos coordinan y se ponen de acuerdo para defender los sagrados intereses del Estado ecuatoriano; así no tengan la razón. ; A litigant lawyer in the free professional practice, encounters with these cases, of imprescriptible crimes like those of Peculado, in the most difficult and serious part of the charge a judgment of this nature bears the client, it is who suffers all the weight and strength of the legislation in these types of crimes called imprescriptible as of Peculado, where one of the parties, counts on a powerful force disproportionate, since in this quality of trials enters to fight with the State - The Public Prosecutor, with all the coercive power of the Judicial Function, and its allies and faithful servants of the apparatus of repression and investigation of the National Police, it seems that all coordinate and agree to defend the sacred interests of the Ecuadorian State; so do not be right.
In: Revue historique des armées, Heft 252, S. 3-15
ISSN: 0035-3299
In: Doxa comunicación: revista interdisciplinar de estudios de comunicación y ciencias sociales, S. 139-153
ISSN: 2386-3978
La investigación se focaliza en el miedo a hablar en público, o glosofobia, de los estudiantes de postgrado en España. El objetivo principal es evaluar los niveles de glosofobia de este colectivo, con especial atención en la oratoria on line. La COVID-19 ha obligado a la realización on-line de múltiples actividades académicas, entre ellas las defensas de TFM. El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación mixta (cualitativa-cuantitativa) sobre el colectivo estudiantil realizada en la época de presentación de su TFM. Previamente una quincena de expertos validó el cuestionario. El coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,82. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca la necesidad de introducir una formación específica en oratoria en el currículo de los programas de postgrado con especial énfasis en las interacciones on line. Se ha demostrado que la glosofobia es transversal y afecta a cualquier tipo de estudiantes. Esta propuesta es inexistente en España.
La cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Mushu Runa, debido a su gran apogeo económico en el sector cooperativo, financiero; iniciando en la ciudad de Ambato, y la diseminación de una gran cantidad de sucursales a muchos cantones del Ecuador. Que para cumplir con sus actividades diarias tiene que contratar y despedir personal, para diferentes cargos y funciones, el departamento de RR.HH, debe cumplir un papel hegemónico, ya que de este recurso depende su éxito; pero en este trámite este departamento de RR.HH. no cumple a cabalidad con ciertas disposiciones legales, segregando contra ciertas sectores de la población, en la ocupación de puestos y vacantes. Nuestro objetivo es evidenciar que actos divisorios están en contra de disposiciones legales ecuatorianas; ya que exigen requisitos discriminatorios como el ser bilingüe con dominio del idioma Quechua y el español, la obligatoriedad de usar la vestimenta indígena todos los días de labores, habitar o provenir de comunidades indígenas requisitos; que no son accesibles para la mayoría de la población mestiza, negra o extranjera que se siente desplazada e indiscriminada; lo que le convierte en una institución que práctica y aplica el monopolio en beneficio de su etnia, raza, castas sociales y con prácticas de nepotismo en sus puestos de dirigencia; nuestro objetivo es, que los reclutamiento de personal nuevo, se realice en forma más democrática; de una forma más abierta y transparente hacia todos los ciudadanos ecuatorianos, tengan las mismas oportunidades que el sector indígena, ya que la captación de dinero si es abierto, a todo ámbito de personas. Nuestra investigación se ha basado en entrevistas, encuestas a directivos y empleados de esa cooperativa, aplicando el método del análisis comparativo, inductivo, deductivo, el método de la observación y el crítico. ; The credit union Mushu Runa, due to its great economic growth in the cooperative, financial sector; starting in the city of Ambato, and the dissemination of a large number of branches in many cantons of Ecuador. That in order to carry out his daily activities he has to hire and fire personnel, for different positions and functions, the HR department must fulfill a hegemonic role, and that this resource depends on his success; But at this point this HR department does not comply with the distribution law, segregating against sectors of the population, in the occupation of positions and vacancies. Our objective is to demonstrate divisive acts that are against the Ecuadorian legal dispositions; since they demand discriminatory requirements such as being bilingual with the command of the Quechua language and Spanish, the obligatory nature of wearing the dress, the days of work, the quality of the person and the state; that are not accessible to the majority of the mestizo, black or foreign population that feels displaced and indiscriminate; What he likes in an institution that practices and applies monopoly for the benefit of his ethnicity, race, social castes and practices of nepotism in his leadership states; Our goal is that the recruitment of new personnel is carried out in a more democratic way; in a more open and transparent way towards all Ecuadorian citizens, have the same opportunities as the indigenous sector, that the collection of money is open, a whole range of people. Our research is based on interviews, surveys of managers and employees of that cooperative, applying the method of comparative, inductive, deductive analysis, the method of observation and the critic.
The purpose of this study was to ascertain multimorbidity patterns using a non-hierarchical cluster analysis in adult primary patients with multimorbidity attended in primary care centers in Catalonia. Methods Cross-sectional study using electronic health records from 523,656 patients, aged 45–64 years in 274 primary health care teams in 2010 in Catalonia, Spain. Data were provided by the Information System for the Development of Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP), a population database. Diagnoses were extracted using 241 blocks of diseases (International Classification of Diseases, version 10). Multimorbidity patterns were identified using two steps: 1) multiple correspondence analysis and 2) k-means clustering. Analysis was stratified by sex. Results The 408,994 patients who met multimorbidity criteria were included in the analysis (mean age, 54.2 years [Standard deviation, SD: 5.8], 53.3% women). Six multimorbidity patterns were obtained for each sex; the three most prevalent included 68% of the women and 66% of the men, respectively. The top cluster included coincident diseases in both men and women: Metabolic disorders, Hypertensive diseases, Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use, Other dorsopathies, and Other soft tissue disorders. Conclusion Non-hierarchical cluster analysis identified multimorbidity patterns consistent with clinical practice, identifying phenotypic subgroups of patients ; The project has been funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain) through the Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Primary Health Care (redIAPP, RD12/0005), by a grant for research projects on health from ISCiii (PI12/00427) and co-financed with European Union ERDF funds). Jose M. Valderas was supported by the National Institute for Health Research Clinician Scientist Award NIHR/CS/010/024
A challenge to solve when analyzing multimorbidity patterns in elderly people is the management of a high number of characteristics associated with each patient. The main variables to study multimorbidity are diseases, however other variables should be considered to better classify the people included in each pattern. Age, sex, social class and medication are frequently used in the typing of each multimorbidity pattern. Subsequently the cardinality of the set of features that characterize a patient is very high and normally, the set is compressed to obtain a patient vector of new variables whose dimension is noticeably smaller than that of the initial set. To minimize the loss of information by compression, traditionally Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based projection techniques have been used, which although they are generally a good option, the projection is linear, which somehow reduces its flexibility and limits the performance. As an alternative to the PCA based techniques, in this paper, it is proposed to use autoencoders, and it is shown the improvement in the obtained multimorbidity patterns from the compressed database, when the registered data on about a million patients (5 years' follow-up) are processed. This work demonstrates that autoencoders retain a larger amount of information in each pattern and results are more consistent with clinical experience than other approaches frequently found in the literature.Clinical relevance- From an epidemiological perspective, the contribution is relevant, since it allows for a more precise analysis of multimorbidity patterns, leading to better approaches to patient health strategies. ; Work supported by Carlos III Institute of Health, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and ERDF (UE) funds under Grant PI16/00639, and in part by Catalan Government funds under Grants 2017 SGR 578 AGAUR and Strategic Plan for Research in Health PERIS grant number SLT002/16/00058 ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (published version)
This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this record ; This study aimed to analyse the trajectories and mortality of multimorbidity patterns in patients aged 65 to 99 years in Catalonia (Spain). Five year (2012–2016) data of 916,619 participants from a primary care, population-based electronic health record database (Information System for Research in Primary Care, SIDIAP) were included in this retrospective cohort study. Individual longitudinal trajectories were modelled with a Hidden Markov Model across multimorbidity patterns. We computed the mortality hazard using Cox regression models to estimate survival in multimorbidity patterns. Ten multimorbidity patterns were originally identified and two more states (death and drop-outs) were subsequently added. At baseline, the most frequent cluster was the Non-Specific Pattern (42%), and the least frequent the Multisystem Pattern (1.6%). Most participants stayed in the same cluster over the 5 year follow-up period, from 92.1% in the Nervous, Musculoskeletal pattern to 59.2% in the Cardio-Circulatory and Renal pattern. The highest mortality rates were observed for patterns that included cardio-circulatory diseases: Cardio-Circulatory and Renal (37.1%); Nervous, Digestive and Circulatory (31.8%); and Cardio-Circulatory, Mental, Respiratory and Genitourinary (28.8%). This study demonstrates the feasibility of characterizing multimorbidity patterns along time. Multimorbidity trajectories were generally stable, although changes in specific multimorbidity patterns were observed. The Hidden Markov Model is useful for modelling transitions across multimorbidity patterns and mortality risk. Our findings suggest that health interventions targeting specific multimorbidity patterns may reduce mortality in patients with multimorbidity. ; Carlos III Institute of Health, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain) ; European Regional Development Fund ; Department of Health of the Catalan Government ; Catalan Government
This study aimed to analyse the trajectories and mortality of multimorbidity patterns in patients aged 65 to 99 years in Catalonia (Spain). Five year (2012–2016) data of 916,619 participants from a primary care, population-based electronic health record database (Information System for Research in Primary Care, SIDIAP) were included in this retrospective cohort study. Individual longitudinal trajectories were modelled with a Hidden Markov Model across multimorbidity patterns. We computed the mortality hazard using Cox regression models to estimate survival in multimorbidity patterns. Ten multimorbidity patterns were originally identified and two more states (death and drop-outs) were subsequently added. At baseline, the most frequent cluster was the Non-Specific Pattern (42%), and the least frequent the Multisystem Pattern (1.6%). Most participants stayed in the same cluster over the 5 year follow-up period, from 92.1% in the Nervous, Musculoskeletal pattern to 59.2% in the Cardio-Circulatory and Renal pattern. The highest mortality rates were observed for patterns that included cardio-circulatory diseases: Cardio-Circulatory and Renal (37.1%); Nervous, Digestive and Circulatory (31.8%); and Cardio-Circulatory, Mental, Respiratory and Genitourinary (28.8%). This study demonstrates the feasibility of characterizing multimorbidity patterns along time. Multimorbidity trajectories were generally stable, although changes in specific multimorbidity patterns were observed. The Hidden Markov Model is useful for modelling transitions across multimorbidity patterns and mortality risk. Our findings suggest that health interventions targeting specific multimorbidity patterns may reduce mortality in patients with multimorbidity. ; This work was supported by a research grant from the Carlos III Institute of Health, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), awarded for the 2016 call under the Health Strategy Action 2013–2016, within the National Research Program oriented to Societal Challenges, within the Technical, Scientifc and Innovation Research National Plan 2013–2016 '[grant number PI16/00639]', co-funded with European Union ERDF funds (European Regional Development Fund) and the Department of Health of the Catalan Government, in the call corresponding to 2017 for the granting of subsidies from the Strategic Plan for Research in Health (Pla Estratègic de Recerca i Innovació en Salut, PERIS) 2016–2020, modality research oriented to Primary care '[grant number SLT002/16/00058]' and by the Catalan Government '[Grant Number AGAUR 2017 SGR 578]. ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (published version)
Altres ajuts: Department of Health of the Catalan Government/SLT002/16/00058 ; The aim of this study was to determine medication-related problems (MRPs) in primary care patients over 65 years of age. Cross-sectional study based on the electronic health records of patients (65-99 years of age) visited in 284 primary health care centers during 2012 in Catalonia. Variables: age, sex, sociodemographic variables, number of drugs, kidney and liver function and MRPs (duplicate therapy, drug-drug interactions, potentially inappropriate medications [PIMs] and drugs contraindicated in chronic kidney disease and in liver diseases). Unconditional logistic regression models were used to identify the factors associated with MRPs in patients with multimorbidity. 916 619 older people were included and 853 085 of them met the criteria for multimorbidity. Median age was 75 years and 57.7% of them were women. High percentages of MRPs were observed: PIMs (62.8%), contraindicated drugs in chronic kidney disease (12.1%), duplicate therapy (11.1%), contraindicated drugs in liver diseases (4.2%), and drug-drug interactions (1.0%). These numbers were higher in the subgroup of patients with ≥10 diseases. The most common PIMs were connected to drugs that increase the risk of fall (66.8%), antiulcer agents without criteria for gastroprotection (40.6%), and the combination of drugs with anticholinergic effects (39.7%). In the multivariate analysis, the variables associated with all MRPs among the patients with multimorbidity were the number of drugs and the number of visits. The coexistence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy is associated with an elevated risk of MRPs in older people. Medication safety for older patients constitutes a pressing concern for health services.
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a series of restrictive measures for human mobility worldwide to contain the spread of the virus, however many of them are unreasonable or disproportionate for the intended purposes of public health or violate human rights provisions. This article deals with the question of how emergency responses to contain a health crisis, by means of measures restricting the entry of foreigners into a country, can violate the human rights of persons in mobility, having as context of analysis the Brazilian case. The article discusses the debate on the securitization of borders in the context of the pandemic. The methodology used consists of the critical analysis of the all ministerial ordinances (administrative ordinances) issued by the federal government in 2020 on temporary restrictions of foreign entry into Brazil during the COVID-pandemic19, criticising its provisions that violate the human rights of people in mobility, who are outside the standards established in health and human rights regulations. ; La pandemia COVID-19 desencadenó una serie de medidas restrictivas para la movilidad humana en todo el mundo con el fin de contener la propagación del virus; sin embargo, muchas de ellas son inapropiadas o desproporcionadas para los fines previstos de salud pública o violan disposiciones de derechos humanos. Este artículo trata la cuestión de cómo algunas respuestas de emergencia para contener una crisis de salud, a través de medidas que restrinjan el ingreso de extranjeros a un país violan los derechos humanos de las personas en situación de movilidad, utilizando el caso brasileño como contexto de análisis. El artículo problematiza el debate sobre la seguridad de fronteras en el contexto de la pandemia. La metodología utilizada consiste en un análisis de todas las ordenanzas ministeriales (administrativas) emitidas por el gobierno federal en 2020 sobre restricciones temporales al ingreso de extranjeros en Brasil durante la pandemia COVID-19, y critica las disposiciones que violan los ...
BACKGROUND: Health surveys (HS) are a well-established methodology for measuring the health status of a population. The relative merit of using information based on HS versus electronic health records (EHR) to measure multimorbidity has not been established. Our study had two objectives: 1) to measure and compare the prevalence and distribution of multimorbidity in HS and EHR data, and 2) to test specific hypotheses about potential differences between HS and EHR reporting of diseases with a symptoms-based diagnosis and those requiring diagnostic testing. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using data from a periodic HS conducted by the Catalan government and from EHR covering 80% of the Catalan population aged 15 years and older. We determined the prevalence of 27 selected health conditions in both data sources, calculated the prevalence and distribution of multimorbidity (defined as the presence of ≥2 of the selected conditions), and determined multimorbidity patterns. We tested two hypotheses: a) health conditions requiring diagnostic tests for their diagnosis and management would be more prevalent in the EHR; and b) symptoms-based health problems would be more prevalent in the HS data. RESULTS: We analysed 15,926 HS interviews and 1,597,258 EHRs. The profile of the EHR sample was 52% women, average age 47 years (standard deviation: 18.8), and 68% having at least one of the selected health conditions, the 3 most prevalent being hypertension (20%), depression or anxiety (16%) and mental disorders (15%). Multimorbidity was higher in HS than in EHR data (60% vs. 43%, respectively, for ages 15-75+, P <0.001, and 91% vs. 83% in participants aged ≥65 years, P <0.001). The most prevalent multimorbidity cluster was cardiovascular. Circulation disorders (other than varicose veins), chronic allergies, neck pain, haemorrhoids, migraine or frequent headaches and chronic constipation were more prevalent in the HS. Most symptomatic conditions (71%) had a higher prevalence in the HS, while less than a third of conditions ...
In: Envio, Band 29, Heft 342, S. 22-34
El empeño tozudo de los migrantes nicaragüenses - y de todos los migrantes -, cruzando fronteras contra viento y marea, nos indica que ni son ni debemos verlos como víctimas. Son pioneros de una nueva forma de desobediencia civil. Ellos saben que violan la legalidad, pero su transgresión, en nombre de la justicia, porque "van buscando vida" anuncia rasgos de otro mundo posible: un mundo más equitativo y más libre. (Envío/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a series of restrictive measures for human mobility worldwide to contain the spread of the virus, however many of them are unreasonable or disproportionate for the intended purposes of public health or violate human rights provisions. This article deals with the question of how emergency responses to contain a health crisis, by means of measures restricting the entry of foreigners into a country, can violate the human rights of persons in mobility, having as context of analysis the Brazilian case. The article discusses the debate on the securitization of borders in the context of the pandemic. The methodology used consists of the critical analysis of the all ministerial ordinances (administrative ordinances) issued by the federal government in 2020 on temporary restrictions of foreign entry into Brazil during the COVID-pandemic19, criticising its provisions that violate the human rights of people in mobility, who are outside the standards established in health and human rights regulations. ; La pandemia COVID-19 desencadenó una serie de medidas restrictivas para la movilidad humana en todo el mundo con el fin de contener la propagación del virus; sin embargo, muchas de ellas son inapropiadas o desproporcionadas para los fines previstos de salud pública o violan disposiciones de derechos humanos. Este artículo trata la cuestión de cómo algunas respuestas de emergencia para contener una crisis de salud, a través de medidas que restrinjan el ingreso de extranjeros a un país violan los derechos humanos de las personas en situación de movilidad, utilizando el caso brasileño como contexto de análisis. El artículo problematiza el debate sobre la seguridad de fronteras en el contexto de la pandemia. La metodología utilizada consiste en un análisis de todas las ordenanzas ministeriales (administrativas) emitidas por el gobierno federal en 2020 sobre restricciones temporales al ingreso de extranjeros en Brasil durante la pandemia COVID-19, y critica las disposiciones que violan los derechos humanos de las personas en situación de movilidad, que se desvían de los estándares establecidos en la normativa en materia de salud y derechos humanos.