"Fußball ist weder Krieg noch ein Allheilmittel für Konflikte. Er ist, was wir aus ihm machen. Fußball kann weltweit quasi als Antibiotikum dienen, das bei bestimmten Symptomen zur Linderung von sozialen Problemen beitragen kann. Er kann politisch funktionalisiert werden, regiert aber auf keinen Fall die Welt." (Autorenreferat)
Geschichtsdidaktik und Völkerverständigung ; I. History Didactics: special conditions in Germany make it a young science: Unlike the situation in Britain or France, history education in Germany faced special tasks after the defeat of Nazism. The aristocracy had lost its special status. The victorious powers were dismantling the country. Religious confessions were intermixed. Social and economic traditions were interrupted. Nation and state were divided into four zones. Berlin was no longer the capital. Prussia was dissolved. New parties were founded. Germany was without allies, and without honor in Europe, and suffering from economic and psychological hopelessness. The democratic traditions in Germany, for example the traditions of 1848, were not properly understood. Historical writing tended to emphasize local and regional history. Still, German historians and educators were drawn into the main stream of international discourse in the west (note the work of Karl-Ernst Jeismann). Thus nationalism and national interests faded in importance. Constitutional developments toward democracy were emphasized in an international context, i.e. 1776 (North America), 1789 (France), 1848 and 1918 (Europe-wide), and Germany following 1949. In this context the idea developed that international understanding, the understanding among peoples, was not merely a lofty goal. It followed more-or-less automatically from the proper ideas of history didactics as a science, because no science can exist without appropriate relationships to ones neighbors. II. The European Context: the activities of the International Society for History didactics: History didactics goes beyond history theory, philosophy and pedagogy of history, and related disciplines. Curriculum, globalization, understanding of women and minorities, and similar questions are part of it. Cooperation among colleagues in Germany and internationally has been essential and productive. The Society was founded in 1980 in Germany, and took part in the World Historians' Congress the same year. It was based on early work in the Council of Europe of P.F.M Fontaine. The international bibliography project was also rooted there. As series of meetings, often in central Europe, took place in which (in spite of some inevitable tensions) much productive work and mutual understanding took place. In the most recent decade the political situation in Europe has changed dramatically. This has provided the context for an even greater opportunity for productive exchanges. German didacticians have a special mission in this new situation, bridging gaps in Europe. Relations with France on the one side and Poland on the other are especially important. The tasks of history didactics are not yet fully accomplished, but the opportunities to do so are greater than ever. Thus I can close with a personal motto: The current situation is sufficient to the task!
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Freiheit und Frieden gehören zusammen Im Norden Frankreichs erinnern Soldatenfriedhöfe bzw. Kriegsgräberstätten in einer fast unvorstellbaren Dichte an den Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg. Es geht nicht mehr um das 'Heldengedenken' früherer Zeiten, sondern Soldatenfriedhöfe sind Orte der Mahnung zum Frieden und zur Aussöhnung zwischen einst verfeindeten Völkern. Meist liegen die Soldaten zwar getrennt nach nationaler … "Soldatenfriedhöfe als Mahnung zur Völkerverständigung" weiterlesen Der Beitrag Soldatenfriedhöfe als Mahnung zur Völkerverständigung erschien zuerst auf Deutschland-geliebte-Bananenrepublik.de.
In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik: ZAR ; Staatsangehörigkeit, Zuwanderung, Asyl und Flüchtlinge, Kultur, Einreise und Aufenthalt, Integration, Arbeit und Soziales, Europa, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 148-152
In: Demokratie und Geschichte: Jahrbuch des Karl-von-Vogelsang-Instituts zur Erforschung der Geschichte der christlichen Demokratie in Österreich, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 13-57