Use of Armed Forces in Emergency Situation
Th e relatively predictable nature of international relations has changed, and today's strategic planners must take into consideration a large number of related security issues starting primarily from globalization as the dominant process in the international community. Faced with new challenges and threats, the post-modern society is obliged to make some changes of military missions from classical towards non-traditional missions for preservation and building of peace and its use in its own territory as a complement to civilian resources in cases of various crisis situations. Inevitably the question is what new asymmetric security challenges brought and where they settled Army as a pillar of national internal and external security. Th e new security reality also brings about a higher degree of interdependence between civilian andmilitary actors.Th ese changes result in a phenomenon that might be called a post-modern paradox – connecting and distancing of the armed forces from the society. And as the fi rst is caused by the mixing of internal and external security risks, and by increasing cooperation between military and civilian institutions, the second segment is caused by inevitable professionalization of the army and its transition to international missions. Th e given situation Charles Moskos represents in the following way "the perceptions of threats and opportunities presented in the light of the international situation shaped by military forces, military missions, and the relationship of the military in society."Th e wave of migrants, as a result of the war in the Middle East, has opened the Balkan route as the main entrance of migrants to Western Europe. Large infl ux of migrants, imposed this issue as fi rst-class security problem, which caused strain of all resources of the state at the specifi ed route and the involvement of the army in its peacetime mission assistance to civil authorities in emergencies. Th is fact showed that the army, with its organization, status, reputation, resources represents the pillar of the existence of internal security.Starting with the request that the army should have the ability to ensure compatibility with civil factors within the overall national security forces, modular military structure for missions in emergencies can be an option for adequate response.