Urban Communities
In: The American journal of sociology, Band 47, Heft 6, S. 829-840
ISSN: 1537-5390
13352 Ergebnisse
In: The American journal of sociology, Band 47, Heft 6, S. 829-840
ISSN: 1537-5390
In: Community, environment and disaster risk management v. 15
How do urban communities in Asian cities experience the impacts of urbanization and climate change? This book throws light on the ongoing processes of rapid urban transformation in many cities in developing countries, with particular reference to cities such as Chennai in India. Due to increasing demands on infrastructures and urban services, cities in developing countries are often pushed to the edge of collapse even when not in times of disaster. While such cities try to implement measures to safeguard the well-being of their citizens, looming impacts of climate change such as increasingly f
In: Community environment and disaster risk management, volume 15
How do urban communities in Asian cities experience the impacts of urbanisation and climate change? This key issue forms the discussion point for this book. Particular reference is made to cities in India, and the capability of such urban communities of responding to climate-related disasters.
In: Social policy & administration: an international journal of policy and research, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 32-35
ISSN: 0037-7643, 0144-5596
In: Social policy and administration, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 32-35
ISSN: 1467-9515
Die Dissertationsarbeit ist der Erforschung des Phänomens der Transformation der urbanen und lokalen Identität im Rahmen des Migrationsprozesses nach dem Zerfall der UdSSR gewidmet. 1. Einer der wichtigsten Fokusse der Forschung ist die vergleichende Geschichte der Entwicklung der drei Städte - Sankt-Petersburg (Russland), Odessa (Ukraine) und Baku (Aserbaidschan), die als Räume im Kontext urbaner Gesellschaft und Habitus konstruiert wurden. Der wichtigste geschichtliche Zeitraum ist mit der Europäisierung des Russischen Reichs verbunden. Dieser Faktor bestimmt weitgehend die Spezifität des urbanen Habitus (Lebensraum). 2. Der zweite Fokus liegt auf der urbanen Gesellschaft der Bürger*innen Sank-Petersburgs, Odessas und Bakus. Zur Zeit hat die jeweilige Gesellschaft in ihren Heimatstädten, nachdem sie massive Auswanderungen und den Zustrom von Menschen aus anderen Städten oder ruralen Räumen erlebt hat, einen Teil ihres Einflusses sowie ihrer dominanten Position verloren. Aber in diesem Kontext der Verluste, haben die Mitglieder der urbanen Gesellschaft, auch durch die rasante Entwicklung der digitalen Kommunikation die Möglichkeit erhalten, transnationale Netzwerke zu entwickeln. 3. Der dritte wichtige Fokus liegt auf den sozialen Netzwerken der Bürger*innen von St. Petersburg, Odessa und Baku in Deutschland, u.a. in Berlin. Sowie auf der Institution – "Urban Clubs", die von Aktivist*innen der urbanen Gesellschaft im Rahmen der Jüdischen Gemeinde Berlin, Anfang der 2000er gegründet wurden. Die Praxis der Netzwerk- und Vereinsgründung ermöglicht es Migrant*innen, auf symbolische Weise ihre gewohnten Lebensbedingungen zu rekonstruieren und bestimmt so die Besonderheit ihrer Integration in die deutsche Aufnahmegesellschaft. Eine solche Studie erlaubt es, die innere Vielfalt einer sich als "russischsprachige Juden" definierenden Gruppe zu beschreiben. Zusätzlich trägt sie auch dazu bei, die Diskussion über die Prinzipien der Integrationspolitik in Deutschland anzuregen. ; This dissertation is devoted to the study of the transformation of urban local identity in the context of migration processes after the collapse of the USSR. 1. It offers a comparative history of the development of St Petersburg (Russia), Odessa (Ukraine) and Baku (Azerbaijan) as socio-cultural spaces, within which urban communities were created and urban habitus was designed. The most important period in their history is connected with Europeanisation of the Russian Empire. This history largely determines the specificity of the cities' urban habitus, respectively. 2. Research is focused on the urban communities of Petersburgers, Odessites, and Bakuvians, which are presently experiencing mass emigration and an influx of population from other cities or rural areas. These communities remaining in their hometowns have lost some influence and status, but in the context of this loss, and due to the rapid development of digital communications, members of these urban communities have also created transnational networks. The city clubs established in St. Petersburg, Odessa and Baku in 1990-1991 have played a special role in creating such networks. Specifics of the communities and their urban habitus have been studied in parallel with the research concerning urban club activities. 3. Social networking practices of members of these urban communities are studied, with focus on immigrants in Germany, and Berlin in particular. Club creation practices allow migrants to symbolically reconstruct familiar living conditions and define the specifics of their integration into the host community (in Germany). Such research makes it possible to describe the internal diversity of the group defined as Russian-speaking Jews, and contributes to discussion about integration policy principles. ; Диссертация посвящена исследованию феномена трансформации городской локальной идентичности в контексте миграционных процессов, развивавшихся после распада СССР. Исследование проводилось на трех уровнях и четырех городах и странах. 1. Один из важнейших фокусов исследования - это сравнительная история развития трех городов: Санкт-Петербург (Россия), Одесса (Украина) и Баку (Азербайджан), как социо-культурных пространств в рамках которых создавались городские сообщества и конструировались городские габитусы. Все три города играли разную, но особенную роль в истории Российской империи, а позже СССР. Данное обстоятельство во многом определяет специфику городских габитусов. 2. Один из основных фокусов исследования был направлен на городские сообщества петербуржцев, одесситов и бакинцев. В настоящий момент пережив массовую эмиграцию и приток населения из других городов или сельской местности, эти сообщества в родных городах утратили определенную часть влияния и доминирующие позиции. Но в этом контексте утрат, а также в связи с быстрым развитием цифровых коммуникаций, члены этих городских сообществ приобрели возможность конструирования транснациональных сетей. Институтами играющими особенную роль в создании таких сетей стали городские клубы, созданные в 1990-1991 годах в Петербурге, Одессе и Баку. 3. Третий основной фокус - социальные сети петербуржцев, одесситов и бакинцев в Германии, и в Берлине в частности. А также институты - "городские клубы", создававшиеся активистами этих городских сообщества в рамках Еврейской общины Берлина. Практики создания сетей и клубов позволяют мигрантам проводить символическую реконструкцию комфортных условий для проживания и определяют специфику процесса их интеграции в принимающее сообщество (в Германии).
In: The China journal: Zhongguo yan jiu, Heft 73, S. 84-107
ISSN: 1324-9347
This article examines the mechanisms of conflict resolution by public deliberation in Chinese urban residential communities. The analysis focuses on the interactions between three key actors of community life: Residents' Committees (as the agent of the state), residents, and their representative organizations. Based on empirical data from three types of urban communities, the article finds that deliberation is more effective in communities where the power of Residents' Committees over residents is weak, and deliberation also works better in communities with strong resident representatives who are able to mobilize information flows and to shape public reasoning. The findings suggest that, on the one hand, the governance structure of Chinese urban residential communities provides space for informal, unstructured public deliberation; on the other hand, deliberation also meets obstacles and dilemmas associated with representation, coordination and fostering understanding across social and economic divisions. (China J/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
In: The China journal: Zhongguo-yanjiu, Band 73, S. 84-107
ISSN: 1835-8535
In: Community development journal, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 242-245
ISSN: 1468-2656
In: Social and economic administration, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 55-66
ISSN: 1467-9515
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 42, S. 355-366
ISSN: 0020-8701
An examination of the nature of the organization of urban communities in Nigeria in the context of the government's interest in mobilizing urban populations for development, identifying three broad historical periods -- precolonial, colonial, & postcolonial -- during which urban organization underwent significant changes. These periods are closely associated with dominant modes of production that define the interactive environment for the urban communities. During the precolonial period, kinship relationships provided the most pervasive mechanisms for economic integration & cities were organized on this basis in neighborhoods or quarters. Kinship relationships also governed access to land, occupational skills, & social status, & restricted geographic mobility. During the colonial regime, capitalist social relations came to dominate the organization of urban communities. Land became a negotiable commodity & the basis for rent-taking in urban centers. Geographic mobility, especially rural-to-urban migrations, became the order of the day encouraging the division of the population into landlords & tenants. In spite of the British indirect rule system & its attempt to perpetuate ethnic divisions of urban communities through deliberate segregational policies, clientele relationships cutting across ethnic, cultural, & class lines came to underpin the social organization of cities. In the postcolonial period, economic polarization & deepening class consciousness have resulted in social alienation & negative attitudes toward a state dominated by a bureaucratic bourgeoisie, causing a crisis in urban management. Mobilizing the urban population through neighborhood councils is offered as a possible strategy of reducing their sense of alienation & engaging them in more development & self-help endeavors. 1 Photographs, 15 References. Modified AA
In: Springer eBook Collection
Preface -- Urban Community Conflict and Dispute Resolution -- Methodology -- Theories of Conflict Resolution and The Model of Conflict Resolution -- History and Development of Dispute Resolution in China -- Case Analysis—Three Cases in Urban Communities in Shanghai -- State-society Cooperation in Urban Community Dispute Resolution -- The Means and Skills of Mediation and Dispute Resolution -- Conclusion: Making Harmonious Community Work -- Appendix -- Epilogue.