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World Affairs Online
Finance for real estate development
The development process -- The basics of real estate finance -- Land valuation for acquisition -- Task management and budgeting -- Capital markets for real estate -- Obtaining financing for development -- The development entity, joint ventures, and the financing structure -- Managing the entitlement process for financial viability -- Public/private partnerships -- How developers get capital
Access to credit in "distressed" communities : hearing before the Subcommittee on Minority Enterprise, Finance, and Urban Development of the Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, Compton, CA, June 25, 1993
"Serial no. 103-33." ; Shipping list no.: 94-0158-P. ; Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Minority entrepreneurs' quest to obtain financing : hearing before the Subcommittee on Minority Enterprise, Finance, and Urban Development of the Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, Pine Bluff, AR, October 29, 1993
"Serial no. 103-57." ; Shipping list no.: 94-0190-P. ; Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Housing Finance and Urban Infrastructure Finance
In: Urban studies, Band 34, Heft 10, S. 1597-1620
ISSN: 1360-063X
Financing issues received major attention in the discussions of human settlement development policy through the preparatory process for Habitat II and at the Conference itself. This paper presents an overview of the existing knowledge and policy experience in housing finance and urban infrastructure finance taking note of changes in economic environment such as globalisation, financial liberalisation and decentralisation as well as progress made over the past two decades using cases of good practice. Despite the positive developments such as micro-finance and private-public partnerships, the financing challenge of today is no smaller than before. It includes how to tap the enormous wealth generated through continued urbanisation to improve the conditions in housing and basic services of all income groups and how to translate the willingness to pay of citizens into efficient, accountable and responsive service delivery. The solution requires not only financial innovation but also good governance and political commitment.
Finance, Business Property and Urban and Regional Development
In: Regional studies: official journal of the Regional Studies Association, Band 48, Heft 3, S. 421-424
ISSN: 1360-0591
City Cluster Development: Toward an Urban-led Development Strategy for Asia ; Urban Development Series
Planning for development in rapidly urbanizing Asia requires a fresh look. This book analyzes emerging urbanization patterns and explores the potential of city cluster development in Asia. City cluster development takes into account the provision of infrastructure and services in connection with spark potentials of economic growth and dispenses with the urban-rural dichotomy of traditional development planning, recognizing that urban centers are not only hubs for economic growth but also service centers for surrounding areas. Based on the review of how city clusters form and develop, this book explores strategic planning framework for city cluster development and includes some cases of possible city cluster development in India.
City Cluster Development: Toward an Urban-led Development Strategy for Asia ; Urban Development Series
Planning for development in rapidly urbanizing Asia requires a fresh look. This book analyzes emerging urbanization patterns and explores the potential of city cluster development in Asia. City cluster development takes into account the provision of infrastructure and services in connection with spark potentials of economic growth and dispenses with the urban-rural dichotomy of traditional development planning, recognizing that urban centers are not only hubs for economic growth but also service centers for surrounding areas. Based on the review of how city clusters form and develop, this book explores strategic planning framework for city cluster development and includes some cases of possible city cluster development in India.
Inclusive Cities ; Urban Development Series
Slums, informal settlements, and dilapidated inner-city tenements are problems that many cities in Asia and the Pacific struggle with while their economies try to modernize and develop. Their existence puts at risk not only these economies but also poor people occupying vulnerable areas that climate change and natural disasters will only make worse. Slums are being addressed in countries in Asia and the Pacific but not yet at the rate required to create livable cities. ADB's Strategy 2020 aims for "livable cities" and will address the range of problems resulting from rapid urbanization and the limited capacity of basic service delivery associated with present and future urban growth. To accomplish the vision of livable cities, livelihood opportunities and shelter options of incremental land and housing development are important. ADB's developing member countries will look for viable lending opportunities to finance inclusive cities.
Inclusive Cities ; Urban Development Series
Slums, informal settlements, and dilapidated inner-city tenements are problems that many cities in Asia and the Pacific struggle with while their economies try to modernize and develop. Their existence puts at risk not only these economies but also poor people occupying vulnerable areas that climate change and natural disasters will only make worse. Slums are being addressed in countries in Asia and the Pacific but not yet at the rate required to create livable cities. ADB's Strategy 2020 aims for "livable cities" and will address the range of problems resulting from rapid urbanization and the limited capacity of basic service delivery associated with present and future urban growth. To accomplish the vision of livable cities, livelihood opportunities and shelter options of incremental land and housing development are important. ADB's developing member countries will look for viable lending opportunities to finance inclusive cities.
Urban public finance
In: Fundamentals of pure and applied economics 10
In: Regional and urban economics section
Urban public finance
In: Fundamentals of pure and applied economics 10
In: Regional and urban economics section
Impact on urban development and finance, summary and overview
In: [Report] R-1878/1-NSF
In: Municipal service pricing [1]