Effective Local Backscattering Estimation for Underwater Image Enhancement
L'H2020 712949 está vinculat amb el programa ACCIO (Agència per a la Competitivitat de la Empresa). Programa ACCIÓ per fomentar la mobilitat d'investigadors amb un enfocament en la recerca aplicada i la transferència de tecnologia ; Due to absorption and scattering effects the under-water scenes are characterized by poor contrast, color shifting, additional noise and hazy appearance. In this paper we introduce a novel solution that estimates locally the backscattered light. While in general the existing solutions estimate a global backscattered light value over the entire scene, our local strategy is able to deal effectively to the more challenging non-uniform illumination generated by multiple light-sources. Our solution computes two complementary estimates of the local backscattered light, covering a large and a small patch size. The optimal local backscattered light is computed as the mean of the outputs processed with the small and the large patches while the transmission map, is estimated based on the dark-channel prior (DCP) [1]. Finally, our restored results are computed by simply inverting the optical model using the transmission and the local backscattered light estimates. The qualitative evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach compared with the recent underwater enhancing techniques ; Part of this work has been funded by the Romanian Government UEFISCDI, project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0940. Part of this work has been funded from the 2020 European Union Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the grant agreement Marie Sklodowska-Curie No 712949 (TECNIOspring PLUS), as well as the Agency for the Competitiveness of the Company of the Generalitat de Catalunya - ACCIO: TECSPR17-1-0054