The Urban Sanitation Research Initiative aims to make a substantive contribution to achieving universal urban sanitation coverage in low-income contexts. This will be achieved through a) direct research-into policy impacts in focus countries, b) contribution to research capacity development in focus countries, and c) contribution to global understanding of how to achieve universal urban sanitation.The research will contribute to the evidence base available to in-country actors including national and city governments, and to major international donors and financing institutions. Research will reflect WSUP's core philosophy that at-scale improvement in urban WASH essentially requires two things: market thinking, including the development of dynamic small businesses in the WASH service delivery sector, and institutional change, including substantially increased government investment in WASH services for low-income communities.
Lesotho's Low-cost Urban Sanitation Program started in 1980 as a pilot component of a much larger urban development project. This document details the development of the program from that pilot stage to what is now a national program. The keys to the success of the program have been (1) an affordable and acceptable latrine design; (2) minimal direct grants or subsidies to householders; (3) all latrine construction done by the private sector; (4) a comprehensive program of Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine promotion, health and hygiene education; (5) integration of the project into existing government structures; and (6) strong coordination in policy and planning between different departments promoting improved sanitation. (DÜI-Hff)
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Sanitation challenges will continue to persist in urban centres until there is an expansion in the managerial, financial, and technological capacities of municipalities. ...
This is a conference paper. ; This paper is based on the early stages of a research project funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) on Social Marketing (SM) for latrines in poor urban settlements in Africa. It aims to develop and test a SM approach to latrine promotion. This project considers it likely that a well-designed marketing programme can significantly increase latrine demand and coverage. If successful, it hopes to influence sanitation policy-makers, government bodies, NGOs and international agencies to modify their approach to urban latrine promotion. This paper examines the opportunities and challenges presented by SM theory and practice for sanitation promotion.
This publication summarizes the current status of urban sanitation in Papua New Guinea, highlighting conditions in informal settlements in Port Moresby and peri-urban communities in selected provincial towns. It discusses opportunities to make sanitation more inclusive through the introduction of an operational fecal sludge management framework and offers lessons and practical recommendations for the government and sector stakeholders.
This is a conference paper. ; This report analyses the political challenge of improving access to sanitation in rapidly growing and developing secondary cities. We look at examples throughout history and across the world, and argue that while sanitation problems may appear to be technical in nature, without political incentives to solve them, progress cannot be made. Drawing on lessons from historical progress, we formulate a framework for understanding how improvements in urban sanitation take place. We then apply these principles to current sanitation challenges in two secondary Tanzanian cities, Mwanza and Arusha, to assess what could drive improvements there, and potentially elsewhere.
1. Urban Sanitation Landscape in India: Setting the Context 2. Social Innovation in Urban Sanitation: Experiences from India 3. Organisation Building for Urban Sanitation: Organizing the Unorganised 4. Sustainable Behaviour Change in the Community 5. Sanitation Work and Workers: Prioritising Issues of Rights, Dignity and Safety 6. Innovative Technology in Urban Sanitation: Connecting the Disconnect 7. Multistakeholder Capacity Building for Inclusive Urban Sanitation 8. Urban Sanitation: Policy Research and Advocacy
This article examines Sir John Harington's A New Discourse of a Stale Subject, Called The Metamorphosis of Ajax through the lens of urban environmental history, examining the everyday context of Harington's discourse. It argues that although Harington may have used the work for the political and social commentary discussed by other scholars, he also puts forward a vision of a new physical urban sanitation system to address concerns about disease transmission from exposure to waste. His proposal includes both individually-owned improved flushed privies and government-sponsored sewage systems, a hitherto overlooked element of his program.
This is a conference paper. ; The European Union Water Initiative Research Area Network (EUWI ERA-net, or SPLASH) is a consortium of 16 organizations representing government ministries, funding agencies, national research institutions and technology development authorities from 11 European countries. The main objective of the urban sanitation research programme within SPLASH has been to contribute to the understanding and implementation of at-scale sustainable sanitation service chains in low-income urban areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. The overall findings from the SPLASH sanitation research programme can be viewed through four lenses: the enabling environment, demand creation, vulnerability in the service chain and city wide planning. This paper presents the key findings related to vulnerabilities in the sanitation service chain, which were found to relate to both internal and external vulnerabilities. With greater understanding of these vulnerabilities and how they operate within a particular city context, they can be addressed in a more systematic way as part of city-wide sanitation service improvements.
For many in the Global North, urban life means that your shit is not your problem. We postulate that a possible reason for the global sanitation failure in urban areas is a disconnect between sanitation expectations—what we term the urban sanitation imaginary—and the practices required by proposed sanitation solutions. The case study presented here is based on interviews with residents of Villa Lamadrid, a marginalized neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which faces significant public health impacts from an inadequate sewage management system. We solicited feedback regarding specific sanitation technologies frequently prescribed for poor urban communities—among them a urine diversion dry toilet with dehydration vaults. Even as this system is posited as 'sustainable' for the context of Villa Lamadrid in terms of ecological and economic factors, conversations with residents revealed why this option might not be sustainable in terms of social expectations. On the basis of interviews with community members we have defined four aspects of residents' urban sanitation imaginaries that we consider highly relevant for any consideration of sanitation solutions in this context: (1) an urban citizen does not engage physically or mentally with their shit or its management; (2) an appropriate urban sanitation system requires flushing; (3) systems that require user's engagement with their shit and its management signify rural, underdeveloped, and backward lifestyles; and (4) urban sanitation is a state responsibility, not a local one. Highlighting the urban sanitation imaginary methodologically and analytically goes beyond a discussion of culturally and contextually appropriate technologies. It examines linkages between user expectations and notions of urban citizenship and modernity. Ultimately it also draws attention to the sociopolitical dynamics and environmental justice issues embedded in discussions of sanitation and hygiene. While some of our results are specific to the Villa Lamadrid context, our research more generally suggests the need to consider sanitation imaginaries to reframe the discussion on sanitation interventions, particularly in underserved and impoverished urban areas.
This article examines Sir John Harington's A New Discourse of a Stale Subject, Called The Metamorphosis of Ajax through the lens of urban environmental history, examining the everyday context of Harington's discourse. It argues that although Harington may have used the work for the political and social commentary discussed by other scholars, he also puts forward a vision of a new physical urban sanitation system to address concerns about disease transmission from exposure to waste. His proposal includes both individually-owned improved flushed privies and government-sponsored sewage systems, a hitherto overlooked element of his program. ; Upprättat; 2010; 20160226 (andbra)