Relationship between U-values, energy demand and life cycle costs in office buildings
In: Young cities research briefs 12
284207 Ergebnisse
In: Young cities research briefs 12
Growing evidence in recent years has suggested that a difference exists between the design and the as-built thermal performance of UK dwellings. This difference commonly known as the 'performance gap' may have serious implications on the UK government's emissions reduction targets. Determining the theoretical design thermal performance of whole dwellings (Heat Loss Coefficient, HLC) and building elements (U-value) can be straightforward; however in situ measurements of actual thermal performance can be much more difficult to achieve. Several methods have been developed to measure these properties in situ with the most common usually involve quasi-steady state conditions that necessitate long testing periods. The duration of such tests is deemed impractical from a building access perspective and wider uptake has therefore not been achieved.The QUB/e method, developed by Saint-Gobain, is a dynamic method used to experimentally measure in-situ the thermal performance of a building in order to determine the whole dwelling HLC and U-values. The method is an advancement on the usual quasi-steady methods as it has the benefit of being able to be performed typically in a single night without occupancy. Validity of results has been demonstrated in a climate chamber under controlled conditions in a previous work. In this work, validation of the QUB/e method is performed under actual operating conditions by conducting a series of measurements on a daily basis in a modern well-insulated property located at the University Park Campus, University of Nottingham. Results were compared to those obtained with quasi steady-state measurements; the HLC was compared to that obtained with a coheating test and the U-values with those obtained by means of the procedure as per BS ISO 9869-1:2014 average method. Good agreement was found for both the HLC (7.5% relative difference between the two methods on average) and the U-values (in most cases the relative difference of the quasi-static and dynamic methods was approximately 2% while in ...
Contrastamos empíricamente la hipótesis Boserup para las regiones de la UE. Relacionamos la orientación productiva agraria dominante en cada región (arado, azada y ganadería) con indicadoresde igualdad de género, como la participación femenina en cargos directivos, en estudios primarios, en estudios superiores, en el mercado laboral y el salario medio por hora. Usando un modelo Probitencontramos que, consistentemente con la hipótesis, existe una relación negativa entre los indicadores y la agricultura de arado. Adicionalmente, probamos que las regiones orientadas a la ganadería tambiéngeneran valores de género menos igualitarios que las regiones orientadas a la agricultura de azada. ; We empirically contrast the Boserup hypothesis for the regions of the European Union. We relate the dominant productive orientation in each region (plough, hoe, animal) with indicators of gender equality: female participation in management positions, in primary education, in higher education, in the labor market and the average hourly wage. Using a Probit model we find that, consistently with the hypothesis, there is a negative relationship between indicators and plough agriculture. Additionally, we prove that livestock-oriented regions also generate less egalitarian gender values than hoe-oriented regions.
[EN] We empirically contrast the Boserup hypothesis for the regions of the European Union. We relate the dominant productive orientation in each region (plough, hoe, animal) with indicators of gender equality: female participation in management positions, in primary education, in higher education, in the labor market and the average hourly wage. Using a Probit model we find that, consistently with the hypothesis, there is a negative relationship between indicators and plough agriculture. Additionally, we prove that livestock-oriented regions also generate less egalitarian gender values than hoe-oriented regions. ; [ES] Contrastamos empíricamente la hipótesis Boserup para las regiones de la UE. Relaciona-mos la orientación productiva agraria dominante en cada región (arado, azada y ganadería) con indica-dores de igualdad de género, como la participación femenina en cargos directivos, en estudios primarios, en estudios superiores, en el mercado laboral y el salario medio por hora. Usando un modelo Probit encontramos que, consistentemente con la hipótesis, existe una relación negativa entre los indicadores y la agricultura de arado. Adicionalmente, probamos que las regiones orientadas a la ganadería también generan valores de género menos igualitarios que las regiones orientadas a la agricultura de azada. ; Los autores agradecen los comentarios de los compañeros de trabajo y de los revisores anónimos de la revista. A la acción estratégica en Economía Europea y Recursos Naturales por su financiación 2009/00426/002. ; Quispe Salazar, E.; San Juan Mesonada, C. (2017). Valores de igualdad de género y especialización: diferencias entre las regiones de la UE. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 17(1):59-88. ; SWORD ; 59 ; 88 ; 17 ; 1
Contrastamos empíricamente la hipótesis Boserup para las regiones de la UE. Relacionamos la orientación productiva agraria dominante en cada región (arado, azada y ganadería) con indicadores de igualdad de género, como la participación femenina en cargos directivos, en estudios primarios, en estudios superiores, en el mercado laboral y el salario medio por hora. Usando un modelo Probit encontramos que, consistentemente con la hipótesis, existe una relación negativa entre los indicadores y la agricultura de arado. Adicionalmente, probamos que las regiones orientadas a la ganadería también generan valores de género menos igualitarios que las regiones orientadas a la agricultura de azada. ; We empirically contrast the Boserup hypothesis for the regions of the European Union. We relate the dominant productive orientation in each region (plough, hoe, animal) with indicators of gender equality: female participation in management positions, in primary education, in higher education, in the labor market and the average hourly wage. Using a Probit model we find that, consistently with the hypothesis, there is a negative relationship between indicators and plough agriculture. Additionally, we prove that livestock-oriented regions also generate less egalitarian gender values than hoe-oriented regions.
In: Journal of economic and social measurement, Band 36, Heft 1-2, S. 1-18
ISSN: 1875-8932
In: Progress in nuclear energy: the international review journal covering all aspects of nuclear energy, Band 41, Heft 1-4, S. 317-359
ISSN: 0149-1970
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 97, S. 104699
ISSN: 0264-8377
U Republici Hrvatskoj kao zemlji koja je u nedavnoj prošlosti imala iskustvo prelaska iz totalitarnoga režima u demokraciju, pretrpjela rat i poraće, privatizaciju, osiromašenje znatnoga udjela svoga stanovništva te ulazak u Europsku uniju pitanje nacionalnih vrednota trebalo bi biti ključno pitanje političkih, ali i intelektualnih elita jer samo čuvajući svoje vrednote hrvatski narod može očuvati svoju prepoznatljivost i identitet. Problem koji se može uočiti na svim razinama u hrvatskome društvu bijeg je od tradicionalnih vrednota koje se sve češće smatraju konzervativnima, pa čak i zaostalima. Iste te vrednote, ponekad i da bismo se više svidjeli drugima, zamjenjujemo modernističkim i postmodernističkim vrednotama koje nam se prikazuju poželjnijima i prihvatljivijima u odnosu na naše tradicionalne vrednote koje se čuvaju naraštajima. Ovaj rad naslanja se na rezultate Europske studije vrednota iz 2008. godine koji pokazuju modernizaciju hrvatskoga društva, ali i važnost tradicionalnih vrednota kao što su brak, obitelj, djeca, religioznost, a prikazani su u knjizi Vrednote u Hrvatskoj i Europi: komparativna analiza. ; In the Republic of Croatia, as a country which in the recent past has had the experience of transitioning from a totalitarian regime to a democracy, suffered through war and its repercussions, undergone privatization along with impoverishment of a significant proportion of its population, and joined the European Union, the issue of national values should be crucial in terms of political, as well as intellectual elite, because only by protecting Croatian values can its people preserve their recognisability and identity. One observable problem at all levels of Croatian society is the escape from traditional values which are often seen as conservative and archaic. That same values are sometimes replaced by more likeable modern or postmodern variants which are presented as more desirable and acceptable in regards to the traditional values nurtured through generations. This article relies on the results of the European Values Study in 2008 which show the modernization of Croatian society, but also the importance of traditional values such as marriage, family, children, religiousness, which are stated in the book Values in Croatia and Europe: A Comparative Analysis.
Cilj rada jest identificiranje europskih društveno-kulturnih i odgojno-obrazovnih vrijednosti koje, uz političke, društvene, kulturne, tehnološke i druge promjene u Hrvatskoj, dovode do potrebe preispitivanja i promišljanja dugoročnih i kratkoročnih odgojno-obrazovnih vrijednosti i ciljeva te do razumijevanja i interpretacije njihovih značenja. Vrijednosti su kategorizirane u tri skupine: a) metapolitičke vrijednosti, koje služe socijalnoj homogenizaciji, b) vrijednosti koje izražavaju društvene, a istodobno i odgojno-obrazovne ciljeve i c) vrijednosti koje odražavaju svojstva osobnosti ili karaktera. Autorica razmatra neke vrijednosti/ciljeve relevantne za promjene u odgojno‐obrazovnom kontekstu kao što su jednakost, kompetentnost, uspjeh, odgovornost, demokracija, tolerancija, kompromis, njihova značenja i proturječnosti. S obzirom na to da su škole temeljni nositelji promjene i procesa remoralizacije, očekuje se etička refleksija i vizualizacija odgojno-obrazovnih vrijednosti i ciljeva te (re)definiranje hijerarhije vrijednosti i ciljeva na njihovoj razini. ; The aim of this study is to identify European socio-cultural and educational values which, together with political, social, cultural, technical and other changes in Croatia, require reconsideration and deliberation of the long-term and short-term educational values and goals, as well as understanding and interpretation of their meanings. The values are categorized in three groups: a) metapolitical values serving the purpose of social homogenization, b) values expressing social and at the same time educational goals, and c) values representing the characteristics of personality and character. The author examines some of the values/goals relevant for the changes in the educational context, such as equality, competence, success, responsibility, democracy, tolerance, compromise, and their meanings and inconsistencies. Given that schools are the basic bearers of change and of the process of remoralization, the ethical reflection and visualization of educational values and goals and the (re)definition of the hierarchy of values and goals is expected on their level. ; Diese Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, europäische soziale, kulturelle und erzieherische Bildungswerte zu bestimmen, die zusammen mit den politischen, gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen, technologischen und sonstigen Veränderungen in Kroatien ein Umdenken und Hinterfragen von lang- und kurzfristigen Erziehungs- und Bildungswerten bzw. -zielen sowie eine Reinterpretation deren Bedeutung notwendig machten. Die Werte sind in drei Kategorien eingeteilt: a) metapolitische Werte, die der sozialen Homogenisation dienen, b) Werte, die gesellschaftliche, zugleich jedoch auch Erziehungs- und Bildungsziele ausdrücken und c) Werte, die Persönlichkeits- oder Charaktereigenschaften versinnbildlichen. Die Autorin erörtert einige Werte/Ziele, die für Veränderungen im Erziehungs- und Bildungskontext relevant sind, wie z. B. Gleichheit, Kompetenz, Erfolg, Verantwortungsgefühl, Demokratie, Toleranz, Kompromissbereitschaft, und analysiert deren Bedeutung und Widersprüchichkeit. Im Hinblick darauf, dass die Schulen Hauptträger der Veränderungen und des moralischen Erneuerungs-prozesses sind, wird eine ethische Reflexion und Visualisierung von erzieherischen Bildungswerten und -zielen sowie eine Redefinition der Werte- und Zielhierarchie auf dieser Ebene erwartet.
This paper offers a critical review of the domestic legislation regulating the permissible concentrations of hazardous and harmful substances in soil. Legal regulations provide maximum allowed concentrations of harmful elements, mostly heavy metals. These regulations are not satisfactory since they fail to justify their purpose, they are behind the present knowledge of the subject matter and they treat the subject matter in an old-fashioned way. The paper reviews the related legislations from several European countries. ; Granične vrednosti za maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije teških metala u zemljištu predstavljaju značajni oslonac u ocenjivanju zagađenosti zemljišta ovim pretežno toksičnim elementima. U radu je dat kritički osvrt na jugoslovenske pravilnike o maksimalno dozvoljenim količinama štetnih elemenata pretežno teških metala u zemljištu i prikazane su vrednosti koje se koriste u nekim evropskim zemljama.
In: The review of politics, Band 4, S. 257
ISSN: 0034-6705
In: Forum for social economics, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 37-60
ISSN: 1874-6381
In: Forum for social economics, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 37-60
ISSN: 1874-6381