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5254 Ergebnisse
Identifying Trade Barriers
In: The Liberation of Maritime Transport Services; Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, S. 41-69
Trade Barriers in Government Procurement
This paper estimates trade barriers in government procurement, a market that accounts for 12 percent of world GDP. Using data from inter-country input-output tables in a gravity model, the paper finds that home bias in government procurement is significantly higher than in trade between firms. However, this difference has been shrinking over time. Results also show that trade agreements with provisions on government procurement increase cross-border flows of services, whereas the effect on goods is small and not different from that in private markets. Provisions containing transparency and procedural requirements drive the liberalizing effect of trade agreements.
Торгові бар'єри ; Trade barriers
У статті розглядаються торгові бар'єри, зокрема проблеми спрощеного порядку митного оформлення, митного оформлення товарів, вироблених в ЄС, мита на товари тимчасового ввезення, декларування товарів поза місцем знаходження суб'єкта зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, експорту товарів для ремонта та пропоновані заходи щодо їх вирішення. ; The article deals with trade barriers, in particular the problem of simplified customs procedures, customs clearance of goods produced in the European Union, taxes on the goods of temporary import, declaration of goods outside the location of the subject of foreign economic activity, exports of goods for repair, opportunities to increase the efficiency of the national customs policy response to external threats and quick counter possible negative consequences of such threats towards strengthening the provision of economic interests and maximum consideration in national customs system of international rules and requirements. Trade barriers can either make trade more difficult and expensive or prevent trade completely. Measures are proposed to solve these problems under conditions of constant growth and expansion of international trade.
Trade barriers in government procurement
This paper estimates trade barriers in government procurement, a market that accounts for 12% of world GDP. Using data from inter-country input-output tables in a gravity model, we find that home bias in government procurement is significantly higher than in trade between firms. However, this difference has been shrinking over time. Results also show that trade agreements with provisions on government procurement increase cross-border flows of services, whereas the effect on goods is small and not different from that in private markets. Provisions containing transparency and procedural requirements drive the liberalizing effect of trade agreements.
Trade barriers in government procurement
This paper estimates trade barriers in government procurement, a market that accounts for 12% of world GDP. Using data from inter-country input-output tables in a gravity model, we find that home bias in government procurement is significantly higher than in trade between firms. However, this difference has been shrinking over time. Results also show that trade agreements with provisions on government procurement increase cross-border flows of services, whereas the effect on goods is small and not different from that in private markets. Provisions containing transparency and procedural requirements drive the liberalizing effect of trade agreements.
Subsidies and Trade Barriers
In: How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place, S. 147-159
Subsidies and trade barriers
In: Global Crises, Global Solutions, S. 541-602
Non-Tariff Trade Barriers
In: Proceedings of the annual meeting / American Society of International Law, Band 63, S. 203-208
ISSN: 2169-1118