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21314 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
In: Southeast Asian affairs, Band 31, S. 257-266
ISSN: 0377-5437
In: Southeast Asian affairs, Band 30, S. 277-290
ISSN: 0377-5437
Cover -- CONTENTS -- CONTEXT: CYCLICAL RECOVERY AMID LONG-TERM CHALLENGES -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, OUTLOOK, AND RISKS -- SUPPORTING DOMESTIC DEMAND AND EXTERNAL REBALANCING -- A. Using Fiscal Space and Reforms to Spur Domestic Demand and Reduce External Imbalance -- B. Steering Inflation Back to Target and Providing Additional Support for External Rebalancing -- C. Preserving Financial Stability -- D. Raising Potential Growth and Strengthening Inclusiveness -- E. Strengthening the Integration of Fund Surveillance and Capacity Development -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOXES -- 1. The Eastern Economic Corridor: Thailand 4.0 in Action -- 2. Inspecting the Strength of Monetary Policy Transmission -- FIGURES -- 1. Recent Real Sector and Price Dynamics -- 2. Macro-Fiscal Developments -- 3. Inflation and Inflation Expectations -- 4. Financial Sector Developments -- 5. Financial Soundness Indicators of Commercial Banks -- 6. External Sector Developments -- 7. Structural Challenges -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Economic Indicators, 2014-19 -- 2. Macroeconomic Framework, 2013-23 -- 3. Balance of Payments, 2013-23 -- 4. Monetary Survey, 2009-17 -- 5. Medium-Term Fiscal Scenario, FY 2013-23 -- 6. Banks' Financial Soundness Indicators, 2009-17 -- APPENDICES -- I. Staff Policy Advice from the 2017 Article IV Consultation -- II. Risk Assessment Matrix -- III. Assessment of Current Account Surplus -- IV. External Assessment -- V. External Debt Sustainability Analysis -- VI. Public Debt Sustainability Analysis -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- BANK-FUND COLLABORATION -- STATISTICAL ISSUES.
Mit dem erzwungenen Abbruch des ASEAN-Gipfels im April 2009 erreichte der politische Machtkampf in Thailand einen neuen Höhepunkt. Trotz des Rückzuges der Aufständischen ist kein Ende des Konflikts abzusehen. Die erhoffte politische Ruhe mit der Wahl Abhisit Vejjajivas zum neuen thailändischen Regierungschef hat sich in dem tief gespaltenen Land nicht eingestellt.