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In Senate of the United States ; 28th Congress, Second Session: [No.] 79 [Senate]
U.S. Congressional publication. 23 pp. ; The U.S. Serial set is a specially bound, consecutively numbered version of all House and Senate reports and documents. Many, but not all, of the government documents in the Americas archive come originally from the U.S. Serial set, although were bound together at some later point into the collection that is now represented in this collection.
Message from the President of the United States ; Relations with Texas ; Transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, touching the relations between the United States and the Government of Texas ; 27th Congress, Second Session: Document No. 12. [House of Representatives, Executive]
U.S. Congressional publication. Transmitted by John Tyler, President. Includes correspondence by Daniel Webster, Secretary of State. 2 pp. ; The U.S. Serial set is a specially bound, consecutively numbered version of all House and Senate reports and documents. Many, but not all, of the government documents in the Americas archive come originally from the U.S. Serial set, although were bound together at some later point into the collection that is now represented in this collection.
Foreign relations of the United States. Cuba
Foreign relations of the United States
Foreign relations of the United States
Description based on: 1950, v. 4. ; Document ed. not distributed to depository libraries except as part of United States congressional serial set. (Departmental ed. distributed as Supt. of Docs. class no. S.1.1:) ; Some v. in this ed. are also reprinted (including House document nos.) as part of: Foreign relations of the United States, Departmental ed. ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Vols. for 1932- issued in pts. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States--subcommittees
At head of title: 94th Congress, 2d session. Committee print. ; Mode of access: Internet.